Sustainable Building and Construction within the European Union
DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMICS Drivers for SBC within EU Integration of social and environmental protection into EU policies is mandatory Effects on employment Europe’s largest employer Multiplier effect One job 2 jobs in economy as a whole
DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMICS Process vDevelopment of Action Plan Tripartite EC, Member States, Construction industry Focus priority actions for improving competitiveness of the construction industry Agreed to May 1999
DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMICS Structure Goal: create an “Agenda for Sustainable Construction in Europe” promote European agenda minimize disparate, un-coordinated development plans Objective: develop a strategy for the use and promotion of: environmentally friendly construction materials energy efficiency in buildings construction and demolition waste management
DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMICS Strategy vImplementing two-pronged approach to ensure: highly competitive construction industry environmentally focused strategies for sector Understanding complex relationship between: construction activities built environment sustainable development vEnsuring multi-stakeholder involvement Acknowledging importance of social aspects
DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMICS Key Directives promoting SBC vEvEnergy Performance of Buildings DDrivers: MMeet EU obligation under Kyoto Protocol IImprove long-term energy supply security AApplicable to new and existing buildings RRequirements: ddevelopment of building energy performance methodology aapplication of minimal energy performance requirements iimplementation of certification and inspections
Key Directives promoting SBC vConstruction Products Driver: Need to harmonize standards at EU level for construction products Applicable to over 300 products from not less than 45 families of products Requirements: Products and result of application of products are assessed according to: building safety, health, durability, energy economy, protection of environment, economic considerations
DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMICS Key Directives promoting SBC vEC Landfill Drivers: Reduction of available and appropriate land Increased cost of disposal Outlines operational and technical requirements on waste and landfill
DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMICS Other EU Initiatives vExpert Group of the Urban Environment Working Groups: sustainable construction methods and techniques sustainable urban transport urban management and sustainable construction vDevelopment of agenda for sustainable construction
DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMICS Other EU Initiatives vE-CORE: European Construction Research Network: "umbrella network" to specifically address environmental and sustainability issues vExamples of established networks: ETN - The use of recycled materials as aggregates in the construction industry PRESCO - practical recommendations for sustainable construction
DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMICS E-CORE contd. DURANET - supports the development and application of performance based durability design and assessment of concrete structures TENSINET - upgrading the built environment in Europe through tensile structures ENERBUILD - energy in the built environment. CRISP - construction and city related sustainability indicators
DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMICS E-CORE contd. vProposed networks: PeBBu: performance based building LIFETIME: lifetime engineering of buildings and civil infrastructures
DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMICS Other European Initiatives v“Rethinking Construction” UK government initiative composed of industry, government, clients Focus - improving UK construction performance Showcases innovations in products and performance Highlights best practices
DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMICS Other European Initiatives v“Environmental Technology in Construction” Finnish government initiative composed of Finnish enterprises, institutions, and research institutes Focus - ecologically sustainable construction via development of construction methods and techniques, products and services Key area: environmental assessment to verify sustainability Next step: construction and facility management sector to jointly defined environmental goals and indicators
DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRY AND ECONOMICS Other European Initiatives vEU “Environmental Technology Action Plan” The stimulation of and development of new technologies for the building and construction sectors is a priority area. vEU Sixth Framework and Asia Pro Eco Programmes Sustainable Building and Construction is an area for receipt funding and prioritization
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