“Hot issues” in validation of non- formal and informal learning ECOTEC Research and Consulting 22nd January 2005
ECOTEC Research and Consulting Research and consultancy company, providing services mainly to the public sector in the areas of: –Social Policy –Planning and Economics –Economic development and innovation
Experience Our experience in the area of validation/ informal learning encompasses, amongst others: –A European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning –The Mid-Evaluation of the former “EUROPASS Training” –Management of part of the UK Leonardo National Agency –UK and Spanish national projects for the Department for Education
European Inventory: Background and project aim: –Interconnection of social changes and changes in the meaning of learning –Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality (2001), emphasised the importance of systematic exchange of experiences and the creation of an inventory of methodologies for the validation of informal and non-formal learning –The main aim of the inventory is to support and stimulate the development of high quality validation methodologies and standards
Project Objectives Firstly, provide a methodology for the collection and updating of information on validation of non-formal and informal learning. Secondly, provide an up to date overview of: –European methodologies validation of non-formal and informal learning by: public authorities; industry; and Third sector organisations. –Research activities in this field –who is working in this area? Thirdly, develop an electronically accessible format for presentation and dissemination of the information collected.
Other features The European inventory as an on-going activity where feedback and exchange of good practice are key It is a process as much as an output Challenging task (methodologically and in practice –wide remit)
Methodology Three key characteristics: –Participatory –Comprehensive –Multidimensional Work with national experts Telephone interviews with public sector, private sector and voluntary sector representatives In-depth case studies Use of the project website and Virtual Communities as quality check and feedback mechanisms
Hot issues in validation Four areas: –Getting validation initiatives running –Making validation initiatives attractive to their potential users –“Crossing-bridges” and reaching users –Ensuring social equality
Hot issues Responsibilities and resources for recognition: –There are examples of Youth organisations that have drawn up proposals for validation models. The public sector has also made proposals that can be used in the Youth sector –Yet most Youth Organisations consider non-formal education and informal learning to be extremely important but have no methods for validating learning and skills –How can responsibilities and resources be allocated so that this situation is changed? –How should the distribution of responsibilities vary depending on the context?
Hot issues in validation Responsibilities and resources for recognition –“The best way to give political recognition to non-formal education and training is providing it with sufficient funding” –Yet with public funding, often monitoring and regulation follow, something which, in turn, is feared by Youth organisations –How can accountability be ensured, without imposing too much of a burden on Youth organisations? –What sources other than public funds could be attracted to validation initiatives in the Youth field?
Hot issues in validation Social recognition of Youth Work: –Social recognition “is extremely important; it will not be achieved unless there is more formality in what we do” – currently seen as “romantic”. –Yet formality is sometimes seen with reluctance from the Youth sector –What “formal elements” will the Youth sector benefit more from borrowing to increase its social recognition? –What degree of adaptation would these elements need to work in the Youth sector? –How can the “outside world” know what is Youth work so that it starts to value it? –If you would not like more formality: What are the alternatives?
Hot issues in validation Transferability of initiatives across countries and organisations –Benchmarking is important and not only at national level: there are examples of good practice in validation in youth sector organisations; but are they sufficiently shared? –European Common Principles, The European Inventory, Virtual Communities, Conferences –To what extent is this information valuable and used? –How can organisations that do not know about these initiatives be reached? –What other initiatives can facilitate transferability of initiatives from one country/organisation to another?
Hot issues in validation Transferability of initiatives across sectors –Two valid reasons for getting learning acquired through Youth activities validated are to improve individual employability and to gain access to further (formal) education. –How could skills provided by Youth work be best presented so as to build bridges with other sectors? (employers, schools, universities) “Still many employers look negatively at scouting experience put on a CV. More networks should be build up with employers to show them the added value of volunteer experiences” –The Youth sector is not uniform. How does this complicate or facilitate things? –What are the problems ahead, and how can those be dealt with?
Hot issues in validation Recognition and Equality –But the danger is that the less educated, who could benefit greatly from validation initiatives are excluded. –Two arguments against that situation: social justice and economic performance –How can we ensure that the interests and the particular needs of those groups are respected in the design and implementation of validation initiatives? –Are, for instance, some methodologies better suited than others to stimulate participation by groups which have had bad experiences in the formal education system and should therefore serve as a starting point for validation discussions?
Aim of the Group Discussions –The idea of the “hot issues” groups is of course to stimulate discussion –The emphasis is in constructive discussion and learning from others but also in finding grounds and it would be of particular interest to find that groups emerge with concrete points for action or requests to policy-makers. –But discussion is not all…