Social Dialogue In Brief: (1) When interests of different parties of society do not coincide, it is generally accepted that people affected by decisions should be able to express their views and needs in order to participate in the decision making process and influence the final decisions so that a proper balance of interests is struck by government and other decision-makers. This basic social principle applies to the broad political institution of democracy and to the world of work. This is, in a simple way, what social dialogue means.
Social Dialogue In Brief :(2) In today’s world, social dialogue is considered as the most effective and efficient approach to build lasting peace, ensure justice and sustainable development both at the national and international levels. It is the mechanism to resolve important economic and social issues, encourage good governance, support economic and social progress and safeguard democracy. Economic and Social councils proved to be valuable institutions for social dialogue as they provide forums for citizen’s to participate in governance, provide trust in and legitimacy to national policies, and mitigate conflicts.
Inclusive and Efficient Dialogue Requires: Competent and independent partners including democratically elected representatives of governments, trade unions, employers and civic society organizations. Political well of concerned parties A culture of respect for human rights including the fundamental principles and rights at work Efficient level of negotiation skills for collective bargaining and conflict resolutions Appropriate institutions and frameworks
Why Social Dialogue is Becoming Important More Than Ever for Arab Countries? (1) Social dialogue becomes of special importance in the Arab world as several countries are going through serious political, economic and social changes. A number of Arab countries witnessed revolutions or severe social unrests (Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya and Syria) while some other countries are undergoing serious reforms (Morocco, Jordan…etc,) In most cases, the above changes did not meet the expectations of the general public especially the youth. As a result, people are becoming more pessimistic and are facing added frustrations, anger and disagreement on future options.
Why Social Dialogue is Becoming Important More Than Ever for Arab Countries? (2) As it is the case in Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Yemen, Jordan and Lebanon, Algeria, the unemployment rates among youth become alarming specially in the absence of efficient social protection systems or unemployment benefits. Several countries, especially those witnessed revolutions, are facing severe economic set backs which result in the increase of poverty and vulnerability rates. Also, these countries are facing strong political disputes concerning the way forward after decades of undemocratic regimes.
Why Social Dialogue is Becoming Important More Than Ever for Arab Countries? (3) The emerging of many workers’ and employers’ organizations following a long period of imposed restrictions and limitations on freedom of association and the right to organize. This become an inevitable challenge for the weak labour market institutions and the weak social partners as well, not to forget the expected resistance of the old forces to accept change
The Role of the ILO: (1) Since the ILO’s creation in 1919, social dialogue has been one of founding principles of the organization. Indeed the distinctive tripartite structure (ILC, GB and Secretariat) are built on social dialogue and constitutes the ILO’s governance paradigm for promoting social justice, fair industrial relations, sustainable development, and social and political stability. Social dialogue is embedded, practically, in all ILO conventions and recommendations and in the Decent Work Agenda. Promoting social dialogue is one of the ILO Four strategic objectives, and become the tool/approach for the development of Decent Work Country Programmes.
The Role of the ILO (2) ILO provides support for the actors of social dialogue to increase constituent awareness of the social dialogue as a governance tool and to enhance their capacities in social dialogue and policy-making. Also, this support internal capacity building to improve their internal structures, capacity for collective bargaining and labour law compliance with International Labour standards. Support the establishment of economic and Social councils as platforms for social dialogue at the national levels. Efforts to induce and mainstream the social dialogue model in the work of the other international organizations especially the UN and it is specialized agencies.
Examples on Facilitating and Convening Social Dialogue in North Africa ILO is executing a social dialogue project in Egypt “This project has been working for the last three years to raise awareness on the value and importance of social dialogue as a mechanism for compliance with international labour standards. It also work with workers and employers organizations to improve their capacities to take part effectively in the social dialogue process. The project also is providing technical assistance to create conducive environment for social dialogue by reviewing existing labour legislation.
Examples on Facilitating And Convening Social Dialogue in North Africa: (1) The ILO is implementing a project in Tunisia for the promotion of social dialogue. This project, which started right after the Tunisian revolution, aims at improving social dialogue, revising national labour code to comply with international labour standards, and strengthening the capacities of the labour administration and the social partners. One of the main achievement of the above project, so far, is the adoption of a national social contract which sets the framework for the national agenda for development, industrial relations, and the way forward to achieve the objectives of the revolution.
Examples on Facilitating and Convening Social Dialogue in North Africa: (2) ILO is in the process of launching a technical cooperation project in Morocco to promote good labour market governance and fundamental rights at work. This project aims at enhancing social dialogue in the agriculture sector to realize the fundamental rights to support decent work and enhance productivity in this sector. The tripartite constituency will benefit from the services of this project. ILO is facilitating the development of a national employment strategy in Morocco through the involvement and active participation of all stakeholders including concerned government institutions, workers and employers representatives, NGOs and national experts.
Examples on Strengthening Labour Governance in Support of Social Dialogue ILO is assisting in the drafting of new Trade Union law in Egypt in respect of the right to organize, freedom of Association and related ILO conventions especially C. 87 and C.98. The drafting of the law is done by a tripartite committee where the government and almost all existing federations of trade unions and employers are well represented. The ILO is in the process of assisting Egypt in the establishment of an economic and social council as stipulated in the new constitution. ILO organized a training workshop for labour inspectors of Tunisia to discuss their role in promoting the new Tunisian Social Contract.
Examples on Strengthening Labour Governance in Support of Social Dialogue ILO is running a workers’ education programme for the newly established trade unions. This include training on socio-economic and legal rights, how to organize, internal management skills, international Labour Standards, negotiation skills, and the role of workers in reforming the national labour market, wages and other matters of current concerns related to the labour market in Egypt.