Behaviorism: Its all in the action Created by: Jen, Linda, Melissa, Moriah, Pam
Participant Directions In order to learn about the behaviorist theory you will follow this PowerPoint presentation, answering the questions with 100% accuracy. Answer the questions as you go,and take the quiz at the end.
Behaviorist Theory Definition Scientists who studied the behaviorist theory Key concepts Classroom examples Advantages/disadvantages
Advantages and Disadvantages of the behaviorist theory Shapes behavior quickly (example 1A) The learner adapts to the environment ( example 2A) Behavior can be measured (example 3A) Disadvantages Internalized reasoning may not be an outcome(example 1D) The learner adapts to a poor environment (example 2D) Behavior measured may not be a true picture of understanding(example 3D)
Example of Advantage and Disadvantage 1 Shapes behavior quickly: Every time a student would arrive to class on time the teacher would give the student (on time points.) These points could be used to purchase a watch from the school store. Behavior is not internalized: A student may act respectful but not feel respect towards a teacher.
Example of Advantage and Disadvantage 2 The learner adapts to the environment The class has been trained to write a half page every day. They are reinforced with a smiley sticker The learner adapts to a poor environment A student adapts to a classroom where the other students’ behaviors are negative and destructive to the learning environment.
Example Advantage and Disadvantage 3 Behavior can be measured Students can take tests to measure whether they can answer the questions correctly. Behavior measured may not be a true picture of understanding Taking a true or false test with the assurance of retaking it until the student gets it right can lead to guessing for the correct answers.
Quiz Advantages/Disadvantages A disadvantage to the behaviorist theory is that students can learn behaviors quickly. True / False An advantage to the behaviorist theory is: All students learn the best using this theory.
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Who are the Behaviorists? Click on picture Ivan Pavlov John Watson B.F. Skinner
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Who are these Behaviorists? Ivan Pavlov 1849-1936 Pavlov wanted to see if external stimuli could affect the salivation process he rang a bell at the same time he gave the experimental dogs food. After a while, the dogs -- which before only salivated when they saw and ate their food -- would begin to salivate when the bell rang, even if no food were present. In 1903 he published his results calling this a "conditioned reflex,"different from an innate reflex, such as yanking a hand back from a flame, in that it had to be learned. Pavlov called this learning process “conditioning” He thought that conditioned reflexes could explain the behavior of people. Back to Behaviorists Quiz yourself
Who are these Behaviorists? John Watson 1878 - 1958 Watson was inspired by Pavlov He studied the behavior of children and concluded that humans were simply more complicated than animals but operated on the same principles. All animals, he believed, were extremely complex machines that responded to situations according to their "wiring," or nerve pathways that were conditioned by experience. In 1913, he published an article outlining his ideas disagreed with Freud dismissed heredity as a significant factor in shaping human behavior. Back to Behaviorists Quiz yourself
Who are these Behaviorists? He used operant conditioning the rewarding of a partial behavior or a random act that approaches the desired behavior. Skinner believed other all complicated tasks could be broken down and taught. He developed machines so students could learn bit by bit, uncovering answers for an immediate "reward." B.F. Skinner 1904 - 1990 Skinner developed behavioral studies of rats that automatically reward behavior. He wrote The Behavior of Organisms and began his novel Walden II, about a commune where behaviorist principles created a new kind of utopia. Back to Behaviorists Quiz yourself
Quiz Yourself on the Behaviorists! 1. Pavlov began his studies by a. Seeing if children liked cookies b. Teaching dogs to salivate at the ring of a bell c. Developing a theory on behaviorism Back to Behaviorists
Quiz Yourself on the Behaviorists! 2. Watson felt that a. Heredity was important in shaping human behavior. b. Animals responded to situations according to their conditioned experience. c. That Freud had all the answers Back to Behaviorists
Quiz Yourself on the Behaviorists! 1. Skinner used _____ to teach a behavior a. stimulous b. pidgeons c. operant conditioning Back to Behaviorists
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Key Concepts Classical Conditioning Stimulus-Response Action causes response The bell rings to start class and all students quiet down and focus attention on the teacher.
Key Concepts cont. Operant Conditioning Stimulus-Response-Reinforcer : Specific action causes a desired response when reinforced Students work very hard on mastering their times tables and teacher gives free pass to skip the math homework for that night.
Quiz Time! Pick the best answer to that describes each term: Mrs. Smith flashes the lights to get her students attention. The students immediately stop what they are doing and look her way A. Operant Conditioning B. Classical Conditioning
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QUIZ TIME! Mr. Lee gives his students a free choice of how they will complete their reading assignment after they have completed the read-aloud portion as a whole class and behaved very well. Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning
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Behavior what? Think back to your Language Arts days--what is the main word here in behaviorism?
Choose the base word: havior behavior ism be
Great! You chose the part of the word of behaviorism That sums up its definition. The concept of behaviorism Is identifying, encouraging, and measuring behavior’s Exhibited by a person or animal. Want to see a More detailed definition? example
“ism” This is not the part of the word you Need to concentrate on. Choose again.
“be” This part of the word behaviorism doesn’t quite get to the Core of the word. Please choose again.
“Havior” This is not what you want to focus on. Choose again!
Internet Web Sites: Click here if you like to take quizzes To learn definitions. Click here to read information about John Watson, Who is believed to be the “Father of Behaviorism” Click here to read a detailed definition of Behaviorism from the Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy.
Behavior Modification Here is a series of steps that a “behaviorist” might Use to get a person to change their behavior. 1. Choose a behavior goal for a particular person. 2. Determine what motivates this particular person. 3. Break the behavior down into several small steps. 4. Implement these steps and record the results. 5. Evaluate the progress and revise the steps as needed.
Congratulations! You now have a preliminary Understanding of what “behaviorism” means. Please click here to read about key Concepts of Behaviorism. Please click here to learn about the people who Promoted behaviorism. Please click here to see examples of Behaviorism used in a school classroom setting. Please click here to read advantages and Disadvantages of the behaviorist approach.
Examples of Behaviorism in the Classroom The Computer Lab Reading Math Final Quiz
The Computer Lab Memorization of computer terms and parts Use of computer programs with automated positive/negative feedback
Math Recall facts for immediate reward (drill) Memorization by repetition
Reading Using flash cards to memorize sight words Writing spelling words repeatedly
Which of the following is NOT an example of Behaviorism in the classroom? Use of computer programs with automated positive/negative feedback Using phonics to sound out words Writing spelling words repeatedly Recall facts for immediate reward (drill)
You're right! Using phonics to sound out words is an application of prior knowledge to decode new material. This is not a conditioned response.
Try again! Remember... Behaviorism often incorporates conditioned responses, which may be learned through memorization, repetition, or automatic feedback.