Notes on Animal Farm By: George Orwell
Chapter 1: Setting: Manor Farm (in England) Mr. Jones (farmer) turns in for the night. {Czar Nicholas II} The animals gather in the barn to hear Old Major’s speech about his dream. Old Major –{Lenin} white boar (pig); highly respected by the animals
The Dream – one day all the animals will own the land The Dream – one day all the animals will own the land. Peace and equality will be theirs. Old Major talks about how Man is the enemy. Man does not produce anything and mistreat the animals. Animals are given just enough food to stay alive & work. “Whatever goes on two legs is the enemy.”
Chapter 2: Old Major dies. Jones is drinking more and neglects the farm and the animals. THE REBELLION – animals break into the feed bin and start feeding themselves. Jones and his men run out to see what is going on. Animals chase the humans off the farm.
Pigs Rise to the Occasion: The pigs tell the other animals that they have taught themselves how to read and write. Napoleon & Snowball (pigs) are the two main leaders. Napoleon – {Stalin} is a bully; used to getting his way.
Snowball – {Trotsky} is well spoken and intelligent Manor Farm is renamed: Animal Farm Animalism {Communism} is broken down into 7 Commandments (p. 43) Animals celebrate their freedom then go back to work
At the end of the chapter, pig prove that they are in control of the animals Pigs milk the cows, but do not distribute it to all the animals. Milk goes missing….
Chapter 3: Animals spend summer harvesting the crops – best harvest the farm has ever known Mollie (horse) and the cat are the only animals who constantly get out of working
Boxer {factory workers} – is the hardest working animal Boxer {factory workers} – is the hardest working animal. His motto is: “I will work harder!” Every Sunday – animals gather for the flag raising ceremony; debates, and singing of “Beasts of England” Napoleon & Snowball’s view clash
The Flag – green (for the fields of England) and white (hoof & horn = animals) Snowball organizes a number of committees. Most of them fail, but the one to teach the animals how to read & write has some success
Snowball comes up with the saying: “Four legs good, two legs bad” Napoleon has no interest in the committees N. takes the puppies that were just weaned and makes them his priority to “educate” them.
Animals find out the pigs are taking the milk and apples Squealer {propaganda newspapers} tells them that the pigs need milk & apples for their “brain power.” If they didn’t have it, Jones would come back. Squealer plays on their fears Animals give in to the pigs
Chapter 4 Napoleon & Snowball send out pigeons to spread the word about the rebellion to the animals on the other farms. Other farmers – Mr. Pilkington (Foxwood) & Mr. Frederick (Pinchfield) are worried about their animals rebelling too
October 12th – Jones & men from other farms come onto Animal Farm The animal ambush the men. Boxer knocks a stable-lad out Snowball gets shot at – injures his back Animals are victorious One sheep was killed
Battle becomes known as the “Battle of the Cowshed” Boxer & Snowball get a medal for “Animal Hero, First Class” Mollie ran back into her stall at the 1st gunshot and hid.
Chapter 5 Mollie – runs away for good; animals never mention her again Snowball & Napoleon are in constant disagreement Snowball comes up with the idea to build a windmill which will generate electricity
Napoleon wets on the plans that Snowball has made Snowball presents the idea to the animals. Says it will make their work week only a 3 day one once it is completed. Napoleon argues that animals need food not a windmill Animals are divided- after Snowball’s speech – they get ready to vote
Just when it looks like Snowball will win, Napoleon sends in the attack dogs {secret police} to get Snowball Snowball runs away Animals horrified N. then announces – no more meeting/debates. All decisions will be made by a group of pigs headed by him
Squealer tells the animals that N is making a big sacrifice to be their leader. He also says that Snowball was a criminal/traitor Boxer = “Napoleon is always right” N. says that the windmill was his idea and will be built N keeps control by terrorizing animals w/ the dogs
Chapter 6 Animals work harder than ever to build the windmill Boxer is the hardest working animal Animals suffer no more than when they were w/ Jones They can not produce a number of things – need help
Mr. Whymper (human) is hired by Napoleon to help w/ trade Napoleon states that there was no such law as “no trading with humans” Pigs start living in the farm house – sleeping in the beds Commandment change: “No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets”
Fierce storm comes through and blows down the windmill Napoleon blames Snowball He passes a death sentence on Snowball & offers a reward to anyone who kills him.
Chapter 7 Bitterly cold winter – food is short Some animals don’t believe that Snowball destroyed the windmill Protest – hens don’t want to give up their eggs – Napoleon cuts back on their food; 9 hens die
Squealer continues to spread propaganda about Snowball – (was working with the humans the whole time - the wounds on his back were from Napoleon’s teeth) Bloodshed - the dogs kill any animal that doesn’t agree with Napoleon & sides w/ Snowball “Beasts of England” now banned because it was a song about the rebellion & the rebellion is over
Chapter 8 More commandments are altered Animals continue to work even harder even though there’s more hunger and cold. Napoleon now takes on the title of “Leader” Minimus (pig) – poet – writes about how great Napoleon is
Napoleon wants to sell lumber to Mr Napoleon wants to sell lumber to Mr. Pilkington; then double crosses him and sells it all to Mr. Frederick Frederick gives phony money to Napoleon – Napoleon is furious Windmill is finally complete Mr. Frederick soon attacks the farm (Battle of the Windmill) Men blow up the windmill Many animals are killed
Animals attack – men run off the farm Animals victorious???? Pigs celebrate by getting drunk Napoleon thinks he’s dying, but is only suffering from a hangover. Animals “catch” Squealer w/ white paint (changing the commandments)
Chapter 9 Animals try to rebuild the windmill Boxer is getting weaker and weaker No animal has yet to retire on the farms The pigs continue to benefit – living in comfort & have a lot of food while others go without
April – AF is now a republic w/ Napoleon as the President Squealer tells the animals that Snowball was working w/ the humans the whole time Moses comes back – tell more about Sugarcandy Mountain {heaven}
Boxer collapses – the pigs say they will take him to a “human hospital” They really send him to the “Knacker” (horse slaughterer). Benjamin reads the truck. He & Clover tell Boxer to try and break free. Boxer is too weak
Later Squealer announces that the doctors couldn’t cure Boxer & he died in the hospital Days later the pigs have somehow found “money” to buy a crate of whisky.
Chapter 10 Years have passed; many animals have aged/died Few recall the days before the Rebellion The new windmill is complete BUT is used to mill corn no generate electricity Only the pigs & dogs live comfortablely
One day Squealer take the sheep off to teach them a new chant – “Four legs good, two legs better!” Clover then sees the pigs walking on their hind legs Napoleon is carrying a whip Pigs smoking pipes acting like humans
Only commandment now reads “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Mr. Pilkington has a meeting w/ Napoleon talking about the farm No longer will animals salute their flag or call each other “comrade” Animal Farm goes back to old name – Manor Farm.