1 Introduction on Web Accessibility Ms Elke Mak, Systems Manager Office of the Government Chief Information Officer Digital Inclusion Division 27 June 2014
2 HK ICT Infrastructure Broadband Penetration Household broadband penetration rate: 83% Fast connection: Mbps (average) Mbps (peak) Mobile Phone More than 12 million users Mobile penetration rate: 238% (more than 2 mobile phones per person) Wi-fi Free Wi-fi at government facilities > Wi-fi access points Telecommunications charges are among the lowest worldwide
3 Digital 21 Strategy One of the key areas of Digital 21 Strategy ICT as a Tool to Support Underprivileged Groups Expand their social horizons Integrate with the society Enhance their quality of life
4 Digital Inclusion Initiatives Public library computer facilities GovWiFi District Cyber Centres Outreach Programme to institutional- ised/hidden Development of Digital Inclusion Mobile Apps Development of Digital Inclusion Mobile Apps Elderly Portal E123.hk Elderly Portal E123.hk Wi-Fi.HK Smart Elderly Award
5 What is Web Accessibility? Making web Content available for ALL ALL people of the community Including persons with disabilities (361,000 about 5.2% of total population) Video on Introduction of Web Accessibility web_accessibility/recognition_scheme/ 2014/video/wars_video1.mp4
6 Four Major Categories of Disabilities Visual Impairment blind, low vision, colour blindness Physical Impairment missing limbs, reduced control of limbs, suffer from dexterity problems, epilepsy Hearing Impairment completely or partially deaf Cognitive Impairment have difficulties in learning
7 Equal opportunities United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Disability Discrimination Ordinance (Cap 487) has created a legal duty for organisations to ensure their services are available to everyone Why Web Accessibility? Social responsibility Build positive corporate image Contribute to a more caring and inclusive society
8 Search engine friendly Get more prominent ranking in search engine results Why Web Accessibility? Widest possible reach-out Reach out to more online customers Lower costs in the long term Easier to maintain and is compatible with different web browsers and devices, which saves time and money in the long term Avoid unnecessary lawsuits
9 Launched in October 2011 To facilitate access to online information and services for all people of the community including persons with disabilities To promote wider adoption of web accessibility design in both public and private websites Web Accessibility Campaign
10 Web Accessibility Campaign Promulgating Resources Encouraging Adoption Government Leadership Building Expertise Fostering Awareness Multi-pronged Approach
11 Seminars & Workshops Almost 5000 participants Government LeadersFostering Awareness Public-sector organisations Government Websites Government LeadershipFostering Awareness
12 Webforall Portal Promulgating Resources Live-examples of success criteria (WCAG 2.0 Level AA) Presentation slides of seminars / technical workshops Web Designers’ Corner facilitating the sourcing of ICT professional services Legal cases
13 Designed for senior executives and management Introduce WCAG 2.0 and success criteria Web Accessibility Concept How Persons with Disabilities use Websites Illustration of Each Criterion Testing Strategy Useful Reference Web Accessibility Handbook Promulgating Resources
14 Designed for mobile application owners and developers Based on the WCAG 2.0 and feedbacks collected from local disability groups Basic Concept Best Practices Checklist for Developers Testing Strategy Useful Reference Mobile Application Accessibility Handbook Promulgating Resources APPS
15 Free Download web_template.htm Input your contact information and start the download Promulgating Resources Accessible Webpage Templates
16 Sample codes incorporated with essential web accessibility features, e.g. 5. Allow text resize 1. Provide “Skip To Content” 2. Provide meaningful alt text for images 3. Allow to play or pause the auto-scrolling latest news 6. Provide keyboard accessible menu 4. Provide User-initiated background audio 7. Provide transcript for video 8. Provide sufficient colour contrast Promulgating Resources Accessible Webpage Templates
17 Incorporate Web Accessibility into ICT curricula Building Expertise
18 Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme since 2012 Encouraging Adoption Objectives Recognise efforts and achievements in adoption of web accessibility design Raise awareness in the community and encourage wider adoption
19 Adopt web accessibility for websites/mobile apps Ensure colleagues and content providers are aware of the importance and having relevant skills Encourage clients/business partners to do the same Download and use Accessible Webpage Templates Enrol Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2015 Your Support to Web Accessibility Webforall
20 Thank you! Web Accessibility Campaign Programme Office Tel. no. : Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme Web Accessibility Campaign