Honours Project Proposal Developing Country E-Commerce Portal Konstantin MasalovShiraaz Moollatjie Supervisors: Prof. Ken MacGregor Tiro Sethate
1.Problem statement 2.Objectives 3.System description 4.Research and scope 5.Key features 6.Risks 7.Project plan Presentation structure Kosta Masalov Shiraaz Moollatjie } }
Problem Statement Botswana is a developing African nation with a growing wireless communication infrastructure However, IT and mobile communications literacy in the country is quite low The country’s merchants are limited to selling their wares within the city and the country There is a lot of economic potential which can be realised through this project
Objectives To create an online e-commerce portal through which Botwana’s merchants can sell their wares to the whole world and make more profit To improve the IT and mobile communication literacy in Botswana To create a generic design or template for other e- commerce portals in developing countries
System Description E-commerce website Online transaction security system Product, customer and merchant database Content management system (CMS) Data security system
System Description
E-commerce Website Will provide online shoppers with prices, stock availability and descriptions of goods that can be purchased on the website. Will communicate securely with the CMS and with the internet. Will allow shoppers to purchase online using their credit card. Will allow shoppers to search for items of interest using a search engine.
Online Transaction Security System Gives online shoppers a secure medium through which to make online purchases. Allows only registered shoppers to make online purchases of goods. Ensures that any transactional information is communicated to the internet or to the CMS in a secure manner.
Product, Merchant and Customer Database The database stores information about: Products that are sold on the website: prices, product descriptions, photos of products. Merchants that sell goods on the website: banking details, contact details. Customers that purchase goods on the website: credit card information, contact details, shipping address.
Content Management System Manages the customer, merchant and product information database. Processes merchants’ SMS/MMS requests and adds, removes or updates products from the website. Handles any changes made to the database as a result of transactions on the e-commerce website.
Data Security System Allows data to be securely transmitted between various components of the e-commerce portal. This includes transmission of product, merchant and customer information from the content management system to the website. The transmission of transaction data from the website to the content management system.
Research The following topics will make up the research component of the project: -Mobile phone coverage and SMS/MMS service availability in Botswana -HCI principles for designing cell phone and website interfaces for developing countries (Dr. Marsden’s speciality) -Commonly-used security systems in e-commerce websites and Content Management Systems -Design principles of e-commerce websites and commercial databases
Scope of Project The e-commerce website will not handle shipping or tracking of ordered products. The implementation of this project will be limited to Botswana.
Key Features An online shop that will allow online shoppers to buy goods from Botswana’s formal and informal merchants. A search engine on the website to allow customers to find specific types of merchandise A secure online transaction system that will allow shoppers to purchase goods safely using their credit cards.
Key Features A database of merchandise with photos, product descriptions and stock information A content management system that will process SMS and MMS commands sent by merchants A data security system that will ensure that all data that is transmitted between various system components is secure.
Risks Hardware failure leads to loss of code and documentation -Keep multiple backups of the work. Team member falls ill and cannot work -Keep each other up to date so one may temporarily take over the other’s work. Risk Mitigation Strategy -Regular meetings between team members to resolve issues that might cause delays in the project. Prevention is the best solution!
Project Plan The project is expected to run for approximately six months. -Doing research and literature reviews -Planning, designing, developing and testing all the e-commerce portal components -Writing report -Creating posters and the project website
Workload division amongst team members Konstantin Masalov -E-commerce website -Online transaction security system -Product, merchant and customer database -Project website Shiraaz Moollatjie -Content Management System -Data security system -Project poster
Project Milestones 1.Completion of designs and planning for the e-commerce portal. 2.Completion of CMS and data security components. 3.Completion of the e-commerce website and online transaction security components. 4.Completion of the product, merchant and customer database. 5.Successful integration and testing of all the system’s components. 6.Demonstration of the final e-commerce portal. 7.Final project presentation and the end of the project.
Project Schedule
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