Vidalia Indians Class of 2011 Things for families to know VHS Guidance Office
Preparing to Succeed Academically
Promotion We do not PLACE at VHS Students must EARN credit toward graduation To earn credit, students must PASS classes STUDENTS DETERMINE IF THEY WILL GRADUATE OR NOT BY PASSING REQUIRED COURSES
Semester System True semester system Must earn each academic class for each required semester Can make up unearned course work in summer school
Diplomas 1. College Prep 2. Tech/Career (Program Challenge is a “track” not a Diploma type) Georgia state law has two types of high school diplomas:
College Prep required courses to graduate 4 years (8 semesters) of English 4 years of Math 3 years of Science 3 years of Social Studies 2 years of Foreign Language I year of Computer Tech Electives Totaling 22 units (a unit is one year of any class)
Tech/Career required courses to graduate 4 years of English 3 years of Math 3 years of Science 3 years of Social Studies 5 full year’s worth of Tech/Career elective classes Totaling 22 units (a unit is one year of any class)
Four Year Plan Technology/Career Prep NINTH GRADETENTH GRADE English English Pre-Algebra Applied Problem Solving Physical Science Biology 4.Explorations in Technology World History 5.Health/Personal Fitness5. Elective 6.Elective6. Elective 7.Elective 7. Elective ELEVENTH GRADETWELTH GRADE English English Applied Algebra Government/Economics Anatomy/Envir. Science Money Mgmt. (optional) U.S. History 4. Elective 5.Elective5. Elective 6.Elective6. Elective 7.Elective7. Elective
Four Year Plan College Prep NINTH GRADETENTH GRADE English English Algebra Geometry Physical Science Biology World History World History 2 5.Health/Personal Fitness5. Computer Tech 6.Foreign Language or Elective6. Foreign Language 7.Computer Tech. 1 or Elective 7. Elective ELEVENTH GRADETWELTH GRADE English English Algebra Adv. Algebra/Trig or Alg Chemistry Government/Economics U.S. History Physics (optional) 5.Elective5. Elective 6.Elective6. Elective 7.Elective7. Elective
Four Year Plan Program Challenge NINTH GRADETENTH GRADE English English Geometry Algebra Biology Chemistry World History World History 2 5.Health/Personal Fitness5. Computer Tech 6.Foreign Language or Elective6. Foreign Language 7.Computer Tech. 1 or Elective 7. Elective ELEVENTH GRADETWELTH GRADE English AP English Literature Adv. Algebra/Trig AP Calculus Physics Government/Economics AP U.S. History Adv Bio/Chem 2 (optional) 5.Elective AP Physics (optional) 6.Elective AP Chemistry (optional) 7.Elective7. Elective
Tech/Career Clusters Exploration in Technology – required course for all Tech/Career 9th graders FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCE Foundations of Family and Consumer Science I Early Childhood Education Foundations of Family and Consumer Science IIFamily & Consumer Science Issues Nutrition and WellnessFood Science Advanced Nutrition & WellnessOrientation to Life Skills Consumer Economics BUSINESS EDUCATION CLUSTER Computer Tech I A/BCoordinated Business Ed. I & II Computer Tech IIBusiness Co-Op Word ProcessingAccounting I Accounting II TRADE AND INDUSTRIAL Marketing PrinciplesAutomotive Technology Advanced MarketingElectromechanics Technology Sports/Entertainment MarketingConstruction Technology Marketing Co-OpDiversified Cooperative Training I Marketing ApprenticeshipTrade & Industrial Co-Op CVAE IHealth Occupations CVAE II Certified Nurse Aide
Other “Elective” classes Band Chorus/Show Choir Weight Training Advanced Physical Education Driver’s Education Art I & II Spanish 3 & 4 Journalism Speech Comparative Religions
DISCIPLINE REFERRALS 1. TARDIES 2. DRESS CODE VIOLATIONS 3. REFUSAL TO COMPLY (not prepared for class, mostly.) The Top Three: 99% of referrals which result in detention, ISS, and OSS are due to these three reasons:
What is the VHS daily schedule like? 7-period day Each class period is 50 minutes long 4 minutes between classes Students may visit locker between any class
Hope for college The Georgia Student Finance Commission administers the HOPE program. Students determine their eligibility for the Hope Scholarship for college with their grade point average in high school academic core classes. This fall your student’s grades will start counting toward determining Hope eligibility for college. (University System colleges require a “B” average in core subjects for Hope eligibility, technical colleges do not require a “B” average for Hope eligibility.)
Eligibility under Georgia High School Association (Sports and Literary) Students must be on track for graduation (on grade level) Students have to pass 5 of 7 classes in the semester prior to your sport If either one of the two above are not met at any given time, a student is not eligible to participate.
Benefits to attending VHS: A first class education. Great preparation for college and the workforce. Excellent facilities. A highly educated and enthusiastic faculty. Fully staffed school with all available services. Loads of clubs, sports, guest speakers, activities, etc.
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