Why Learn OJT On-the-Job (OJT) training is the most common method for teaching people to perform a new job –Unfortunately, the process is often an unstructured time spent with someone –Often a trainer’s only preparation is they work in a similar job or have worked with the company for some time –Much of the training is trial and error It’s the error part that should concern you
OJT Team A work team in the OJT Trainer Program consists of: 1.The supervisor that oversees the training 2.The trainer who conducts the training 3.The trainee
The Supervisor 1.Determines or assists in determining the job 2.Pairs trainee with appropriate trainer 3.Provides time for preparation, training, and on-going support 4.Evaluates training proficiency and “signs- off” when training is complete 5.Initiates follow up for each trainee.
The Trainer 1.Conducts a Pre-Assessment 2.Develops performance objectives 3.Interacts one-on-one with trainees 4.Provides information at a pace that’s best for the trainee 5.Answers questions 6.Evaluates training as it is conducted
Trainee The trainee should: 1.Be an active participant 2.Practice all skills 3.Ask questions
OJT Training Design The majority of OJT training follows a simple formula: I: will show you what to do and tell you why I am doing it You: will observe and ask questions You: will show me what to do and tell what and why you are doing it I: will observe and make corrections and suggestions (Some successful programs ask the trainee to “teach the trainer” as a practice.)
Trainee Evaluation Trainee should be asking questions Trainee should be asking questions at the right time Content of their questions should show understanding Body language, eye contact, looking in the right place Correct answers to your questions Proper demonstrations
Teaching Preparation Instructions: Teach a co-worker how to discharge a fire extinguisher on a fire 1.Divide class into teams 2.Analyze/”Brainstorm” the job 3.Develop a job step listing 3.Determine why the job steps are important 4.Determine how to evaluate performance 5.Determine pre-requisites
Practice Training Activity Each team member will arrange the job steps on the worksheet in a logical sequence Each team member will teach another person to use the fire extinguisher based on their worksheet Other teams members will observe the teaching session Each trainer will discuss their own teaching session and tell the group what went right and what could be improved
Job Training Analysis (JTA) A workshop process that utilizes representatives of persons impacted by a job Usually includes persons new and experienced in the job, maintenance personnel, safety, supervisory, and equipment manufacturer representatives The workshop process quickly produces the most thorough job analysis available The resulting worksheet becomes a valuable and easy to use tool for conducting high quality OJT training
JTA ACCESS The JTA process is available on the Mine safety and Health Administration home page ( –Look on the right side of the opening page and click on Interactive Training –Scroll down on the next page and click on Task Training –This site also includes a growing list of already developed JTA’s
JTA Worksheet A JTA worksheet can serve as a multipurpose OJT training instrument for the instructor –used as a preparation or refresher tool –teaching outline –evaluation guide and record
Columns labeled Job Steps, Importance Narrative, Importance Ranking, Student Evaluation, and Notes/Comments provide: –All of the job steps that need to be taught. –The importance narrative gives important clues as to what to discuss with the trainee. People learn easier and retain the knowledge longer if they see and agree with the need for the training. These discussions should include production, equipment maintenance, and safety implications. –The importance ranking will lead to the emphasis and amount of practice the trainee may need. JTA Columns
Importance Ranking The importance ranking indicates to you –the emphasis you need to place on teaching that step, and –the amount of practice the trainee needs to perfect that skill
Evaluation Column During training a column is provided for you to indicate job steps where the trainee needs additional work Since the goal is flawless performance during training you will need to conduct additional discussion and practice on those job steps that need additional work We suggest that you retrain the job step that needs work as soon as feasible
Notes/Comment Column If the job step is complex or of critical importance, we suggest that you add the procedure, risk resolution, or other important considerations in the column provided on the right Can also be used to add notes to yourself
Preparing to Teach To prepare yourself to teach, review the complete JTA Worksheet to –refresh your memory, or –to discover particular job aspects where you may need refresher work or additional information.
JTA Exercise Break into teams of 2-4 persons Take the example JTA worksheet and through discussion, complete the remaining columns Use additional sheets if you need more room
JTA Exercise Class will reconvene and briefly discuss what the teams chose to place in the columns and how the information could be used in a training session
Closing Discussion Discussion topics –Class follow-up plans –Trainer's needs –Who to go to when you need help ?