Taste & Smell: Chemical senses
McDonald’s Fries –Win best taste competitions –Not the method, potatoes, or machinery –Taste of fried foods determined by cooking oil –McD’s uses 7% cottonseed oil, 93% beef tallow: a fry has more beef fat/ oz than a burger –McD’s world locations
Obviously there was criticism McD’s changed to pure veg. oil 1990 Problem: how to make them taste like beef without using beef? “natural flavor” –Explains why most of our food taste the way it does.
Natural Flavor vs. Artificial Flavor Both are man made 90% of our food $ is for processed food Canning, freezing, & dehydrating destroy flavor Big money in making flavor Name food brands Name the companies that makes flavor
International Flavors & Fragrances (IFF) World’s largest flavor company –Also makes smell of best selling perfume’s, deodorant, and soaps –2005: 1.9 Bil. Givaudan: 2 nd Haarman & Reimer: Largest German Takasago: Largest Japanese
Smell owns taste Aroma can be 90% of a food’s flavor What evolutionary benefit would organisms with a better sense of smell have? –Find food –Distinguish good food from bad Evolution puts pressure on us.
Flavors vs. smells Taste buds can detect ~ 5 basic flavors –Sweet, sour, bitter, salty, astringent, umami –About 4-10K taste buds on tongue, cheek, pharynx, epiglottis –Bumps called papillae Olfactory system can percieve thousands of different chemicals
Mastication releases gases Thin layer of nerve cells called olfactory epithelium receives gases and transduces them into smell signals Brain combines smells signals with simple taste signals and decides if its something you want to eat.
Food preferences & personality form early in life Babies will adjust to hot & spicy, bland health food, or fast food depending on what the people around them eat. Baby eating sushi
We don’t know it all yet Psychosomatic effects happen Color of food can determine perception of its taste People can grow accustomed to bad smells. –Come back from a long vacation and immediately take a good whiff of what your house smells like. Other people smell that whenever they visit you
Aroma & memory Nerve signals for smell go right past parts of our brain associated with memory. –Smelling salts (ammonium carbonate can wake you up by causing an inhalation reflex –Smells can bring back memories –Comfort foods –McD’s makes billions on this (Happy Meals)
Flavor in history Empires built, seas crossed, religions and philosophies changed over taste. Columbus went looking for flavor Salzburg Germany: Founded to protect salt trade Saffron is 12$ a gram
So artificial flavors cropped up from perfume companies after canning started German scientist playing with chemicals: suddenly lab smells like grapes methyl anthranilate grape Kool-Aid purplesaurus rex
1.4 Bil a year ~10K new food products a year ~9/10 fail
Tech Spectrometers Gas chromatographs Vapor detectors Can discern chemicals at 1 ppb Human nose can tell % Dogs better still
Complex flavors Coffee, roast beast, strawberries; thousands of chemicals at once Chemical responsible for flavor of Bell pepper only need 0.02 ppb: a drop could flavor a swimming pool And its cheap: flavor in 12oz of Coke = ½ cent
Often though, 1 chemical provides the over-riding sense of the food. Ethyl-2-methyl butyrate = apple Methyl-2-peridylketone = popcorn Ethyl-3-hydroxybutanoate = marshmallow Hexanal = fresh cut grass 3-methyl butanoic acid = B.O.
So what? So natural flavor means its made using old technology Natural Getting amyl acetate from distilling bananas with a solvent Artificial Getting amyl acetate from mixing vinegar with amyl alcohol, adding H 2 SO 4 as a catalyst Both taste exactly the same, both happen in the same factory, but people want to see natural on their label.
Art or Science? Mouthfeel: Its not just flavor, TA.XT2i Texture analyzer uses 250 probes to create an artificial mouth that senses bounce, creep, crunch, density, chewiness, gumminess, lumpiness, rubberiness, slipperiness, softness, wetness, spread, spring- back, tackiness How do you juggle all of this with subtleties of flavor?
Genetics Dominant gene Phenylthiocarbamide, also known as PTC, or phenylthiourea tastes very bitter or not at all depending on genetics Discovered when a guy at duPont accidently spilled a bunch of crystalline PTC, some complained, some did not May explain why some people are more offended by cig. smoke
Super Taster ~25% of people of European dissent Maybe more fungiform papillae Linked to food preference, body type Coffee, alcohol, may be too intense Olives too salty
Things go horribly awry Ageusia (pronounced ay-GOO-see-uh) Loss of sense of taste –From neural damage anosmia - a loss of the sense of smell. –Cold –Parkinson’s –Alzheimer's