The Human Resources staff seeks to empower employee success. We seek to inform, involve and inspire employees at every level. We support the University in recruiting and retaining the finest faculty and staff possible to carry out its mission as a liberal arts university. Human Resources Mission Statement
Establish expectations and determine fit with job candidates Form the foundation of employee orientation Develop goals Assure consistency with job description Provide employee with opportunity for feedback Identify training needs Identify potential for promotion Appraisal Purpose
Provide opportunity for recognition Provide consistency for potential merit-pay salary system Identify specific corrective discipline Provide documentation for potential separation: no surprises! Appraisal Purpose, cont.
Success Formula: 25% is culture: acceptance of purpose and need. 25% is the tool: consistency and customization 50% is the skill of the supervisor. Training commitment from HR and with supervisors and staff. Performance Management
Large group awareness training Small group pilot testing Refinement Six information sessions last summer Appraisal Year 1, Feedback meeting June 2014 and tool revision Information Sharing
Best practice is to introduce performance appraisal as disconnected in first year from merit. Equity process incomplete. Salary Planning
Step 1 : Manager and employee meet, review Job Description, agree on items for evaluation Step 2 : Employee and manager complete the form. You can do this simultaneously or sequentially. Step 3 : Manager and employee meet again, review the completed tools, listen to one another, and plan for a great year. In a Nutshell…
Needs consistency so we can have cross-division comparisons. Needs to allow some customization for differences in jobs. Needs testing and input from colleagues for best results. The Tool
St. Lawrence University is made up of a diverse group of individual professionals dedicated to our students’ success. All individual University employees are required to improve their knowledge and skills on a continuous basis. EVALUATION ADMINISTRATIVE DETAIL Employee Name: Department: Job Title: Evaluator: Date of Hire (DOH): Position DOH:Review Period:To: Supervisory position? Yes No # Direct Reports: ______ Evaluation Purpose: Completion of Orientation Annual Transfer Other The Tool
360 Review? Yes No If yes, create separate list of those who were contacted. The Tool
UUnsatisfactoryPerformance is consistently below expectations. An action plan is required to address performance deficiencies. Work collaboratively with Human Resources. NDNeeds Development Performance meets some, but not all, expectations. Acceptable performance must be more consistent to be evaluated as “Meets Expectations.” MMeets Expectations Performance consistently meets, and occasionally exceeds, the expectations of the position. EExceeds Expectations Performance consistently exceeds the expectations of the position.. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION RATING SCALE Review the Performance Evaluation Rating Scale so you are competent to complete the evaluation. Any questions should be directed to the Human Resource Department
SECTION I: JOB SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE FACTORS. Include responsibility areas from the employee’s job description, annual goals, and/or specific responsibilities assigned to the position for the evaluation year. Examples must be included for all ratings that are U (unsatisfactory), ND (Needs Development) and E (Exceeds). Assign the appropriate rating based on the comments/examples. (To be completed by both the Manager and Employee) SECTION II: PERFORMANCE BEHAVIORS, WORK CAPACITY AND COMPETENCIES. First review the description section of each category and complete the comments sections. Examples must be included for all ratings that are U (unsatisfactory), ND (Needs Development) and E (Exceeds).Then assign a rating from the Rating Scale. (To be completed by both the Manager and Employee) SECTION III: KEY GOALS, TALENT REVIEW, AND DEVELOPMENT PLANS (To be completed by both the Manager and Employee) SECTION IV: PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SUMMARY. (To be completed by Manager) Instructions
SECTION I: JOB-SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE FACTORS (To be completed by both the Manager and Employee) Job Duty: Comments / Examples: Employee Rating Manager Rating Comments:
COMMUNICATION: Expresses oneself verbally in a clear and concise manner allowing the listener to receive a message in an easy to understand fashion. Writes clear concise thoughts in an organized manner. Effectively listens to others and can follow simple, as well as, complex instructions. Comments required for all but “Meets” ratings. Comments: EmployeeManager Verbal: Written: Listening: SECTION II: PERFORMANCE BEHAVIORS, WORK CAPACITY AND COMPETENCIES (To be completed by both the Manager and Employee)
PREVIOUS GOALS FROM TO (check or fill in date) SPECIFIC GOAL Not Yet Started In Progress Date Completed SECTION III: KEY GOALS, TALENT REVIEW, AND DEVELOPMENT PLANS (To be completed by Employee and Manager).
FUTURE GOALS FROM TO (check or fill in date) SPECIFIC GOAL Section III, Continued
List any barriers to your job that, if eliminated, would increase your effectiveness and/or job satisfaction. Section III, continued BARRIERS TO EFFECTIVE WORK/GOAL ATTAINMENT /JOB SATISFACTION
III. Professional Growth & Development Plans At least annually, we want to address your personal career planning. (We cannot provide a guarantee of advancement or employment). Section III, continued
Section I: Job Specific Performance Factors (Indicate overall rating. “U”, “NI”, “M”, “E”. Some areas may be more important and weighed heavier than others categories) Manager Section II: Performance Behaviors, Work Capacity and Competencies (Indicate overall rating “U”, “NI”, “M”, “E” categories) Manager SECTION IV: PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SUMMARY (To be completed by Manager)
Section IV, cont. Employee Comments: Supervisor Comments:
Employee Signature: Date: Evaluator Signature: Date: A PPROVAL ( S ): Signature / Title: Date: Signature / Title: Date: Employee Acknowledgement In signing below, I acknowledge that I have been given the opportunity to review the contents of this performance evaluation, and \ that my job performance was discussed with me. My signature does not necessarily imply agreement with the contents of the evaluation.
Acknowledge feelings: nervous? Remind about process: homework and preparation Focus on performance not personality. Specific examples: You are late with your reports. NOT: You are lazy. You do not return phone calls and s within 24 hours. NOT: You’re unresponsive. You write clearly, giving priority and specificity. NOT: You’re terrific! Suggestions: Setting the Climate for Success
Give balanced feedback as possible Attend to non-verbal cues Focus on actions, not intent. Strive for consistency. Coach if needed: acquiring skills and knowledge “I’d like you to learn Excel” Counsel if needed: focus on changing behavior “To be responsive, return s and calls within 24 hours.” LISTEN! Suggestions: Setting the Climate for Success
Silence : ask questions Sadness : wait for colleague to become composed, refocus conversation on points of agreement or action, or reschedule. Anger : stay calm, breathe, and refocus the conversation, reschedule if necessary, ask for assistance if necessary Handling Negative Reactions
Focus on learning from experiences, both positive and negative. Using resources: campus and professional training Overcoming obstacles: EAP If needed: performance improvement plan-work with Human Resources on this Analysis for Success
Keep a performance journal or file Document, document, document Involve HR before concerns become issues, or issues become crises. All Year Long