Performance Appraisal 2013 Guidelines – April 2013
- page Performance Appraisal Guidelines 2. Self-Appraisal Guidelines 3. Access to « My Way » Appendix : Performance Ratings Agenda
- page Performance Appraisal Guidelines 5 performance ratings to : ‐Clarify job’s expectations ‐Measure how everyone holds his job ‐Make a factual assess based on elements and results ‐Confront the points of view ‐Stress the key points to improve ‐Communicate your decision and convictions as manager ‐Set the course and the goals ‐Be demanding
- page Performance Appraisal Guidelines 5 performance ratings to rise the expectation level : 5 – Outstanding Performance 4 – Significant Performance 3 – Good Performance 2 – Average Performance 1 – Poor Performance
- page 5 - 2 main steps : ‐Self appraisal by the employee and sharing with manager (APRIL) Take stock of the past year, give its own assessment of its performance and mastery of post out daily to reflect on their skills ‐Appraisal Performance Interview (MID OF JUNE TO JULY) Compare points of view, the manager highlights key areas for improvement and communicates his convictions, sets the direction and goals for the coming year 1. Performance Appraisal Guidelines
- page 6 - Self Appraisal in 4 points : 2. Self Appraisal 1 Missions Achievements 2 Implemented behaviours 3 Success Highlights 4 Areas for improvement
- page 7 - Self Appraisal in 4 points : #1. My missions and achievements of the year : - Highlights of the year in light of the main tasks of my job, the projects I've done this year, targets - For each, indicate concretely my results, identifying the means - Indicate if necessary, new goals have appeared during the year 2. Self Appraisal
- page 8 - Self Appraisal in 4 points : #2. My implemented behaviors : - Identifying critical situations in my post: they met regularly, those representing an issue, those that are critical - Describe factually my behavior in these situations - Assess the adequacy between my attitude and what I wanted to do 2. Self Appraisal
- page 9 - Self Appraisal in 4 points : #3. My success and highlights of the year - For each mission and objectives identified, list my success in all sincerity (which I am proud achievements, strengths, highlighting where I grew) - Identify activities newly supported this year - Resume areas for improvement from my last interview and measure my results for each 2. Self Appraisal
- page 10 - Self Appraisal in 4 points : #4. My areas of improvement : - Indicate the objectives, tasks and skills that I have difficulty - Describe the situations that illustrate my difficulties - Formalize the job requirements not met - Evaluate the progress that I have implemented and how I think doing 2. Self Appraisal
- page 11 - In summary, the self-assessment allows me to: - Enhance my success, - Measure my progress, - Identify my areas for improvement, - And define the actions that I incur as a priority. THIS IS THE BEST WAY TO PREPARE MY APPRAISAL PERFORMANCE INTERVIEW AND TO BE THE MAIN ACTOR OF MY OWN PROGRESS 2. Self Appraisal
- page 12 - Connection and Access 3. Discovery of my tool « My Way » Connection with a web link Process management tool SAAS application (tool hosted outside where we share the application code with the companies using this solution) SSO access
- page 13 - Browsing 3. Discovery of my tool « My Way »
- page 14 - Rating 5 : Out Standing Performance He/she demonstrates particularly excellent performance that is of such high quality that organizational goals have been achieved that would not have been otherwise. Results are exceptional. Exceeds all requirements He/she demonstrates mastery of technical skills and a thorough understanding of the mission of the organization. Exceeds most of or all objectives He/she plans for the unexpected and uses alternate ways of reaching goals. He/she exerts a major positive influence on management practices, operating procedures and/or program implementation, which contributes substantially to organizational growth and recognition. Considers as a model He/she produces an exceptional quantity of work, often ahead of established schedules and with little or without supervision. Complicated or controversial subjects are presented or explained effectively to a variety of audiences so that desired outcomes are achieved. He/she improves cooperation among participants in the workplace and prevents misunderstandings. He/she can train others. Appendix: Performance Ratings Definition
- page 15 - Rating 4 : Significant Performance He/she demonstrates unusually good performance that exceeds expectations in critical areas and exhibits a sustained support of organizational goals. Exceeds most requirements He/she develops and/or implements workable and new approaches to meet organizational goals. He/she demonstrates an ability to get the job done well in more than one way while handling difficult and unpredicted issues. Achieves all goals. Looks for new goals He/she produces a high quantity of work with strong and major contribution to organizational goals. He/she works effectively with others to accomplish the main goals. Leads & stimulates others He/she produces work, often ahead of established schedules with less than normal supervision. He/she has ability to lead significant projects. He/she argues on main topics and proposes solutions. He/she adapts to the new situation. Appendix: Performance Ratings Definition
- page 16 - Rating 3 : Good Performance He/she demonstrates good, sound performance that meets organizational goals. Meets all requirements All critical activities are generally completed in a timely manner and supervisor is kept informed of work issues, alterations and status. He/she clearly requires duties and responsibilities of the job. Deadlines are always respected. Achieves all goals. Results are good Right contribution to organizational goals. He/she fully satisfies the main goals and rarely has any deficiencies. Adequate behavior for the position All assignments are completed with an acceptable supervision and without major corrections. He/she establishes clear priorities and makes sensible recommendations. He/she can show signs of leadership potential. Appendix: Performance Ratings Definition
- page 17 - Rating 2 : Average Performance The employee’s performance shows deficiencies that requires correction. Action plan is necessary to improve his level of performance on the next 6 months. Meets some requirements Incomplete understanding of one or more important areas of the field of work. On one or more occasions, important work requires unusually close supervision to meet organizational goals or needs so much revision that deadlines were missed or imperiled. Achieves some goals. Results are too shorts The employee’s work frequently needs revision or adjustments to meet a minimally successful level. Organizational goals and objectives are met only as a result of close supervision. Unreliable methods for completing assignments. Needs stimulation All assignments are completed, but often require assistance from supervisor and/or peers. He/she shows a lack of awareness of policy implications or assignments. Failure to promote team spirit. Reluctance to accept responsibility. He needs stimulation from management. He needs to work on a few critical skills necessary for the job. Appendix: Performance Ratings Definition
- page 18 - Rating 1 : Unsatisfactory Performance The quality and quantity of the employee’s work are not appropriate for the job. Performance is poor. Failure of last action plans to improve quality of work. Does not meet requirements Work products do not meet the minimum requirements expected. Quality of work / adherence to deadlines is unsatisfactory. He/she has strong deficiencies on core skills of the position. Skills can't match with the job anymore. Does not achieve goals Failure to meet work goals. Results are poor. Incomplete work products. Miss the point He/she requires supervision and frequent monitoring. His/her behavior is not appropriate for any position in the company. He can't improve and develop his/her skills. Appendix: Performance Ratings Definition
- page 19 - Appendix: Performance Ratings Definition