WHAT IS JOURNALISM? The main aspect of journalism is knowing how to construct information. Journalists use components such as organizing, gathering, and synthesizing, to present information through stories, interviews, and more. The job of a journalist is to add value to raw information so that the reader will be capable of understanding it. They do this by making the information more accessible, memorable, putting it into context, and overall increasing the quality of it.
ASPECTS OF JOURNALISM Journalism is the process of reporting events, information, and stories through a various amount of mediums that can include: newspapers, magazines, books, radio, television, blogs, and social media. Journalists must provide accurate information, which is what makes data so important in journalism. Obtaining reliable information is more important than speed when it comes to releasing a piece. There is a lot of research that comes with the job of being a journalist- this research can be retrieved in ways including: background digging, interviews, and even observation.
TRANSFORMATION OF JOURNALISM No longer do people solely rely on newspaper for their information, or wait days to receive it. As events are occurring, they are being updated from multiple sources through a large network of social connections. “The language of this network is data: little points of information that are often not relevant in a single instance, but massively important when viewed from the right angle”
SOCIAL MEDIA In our modern society people want their information instantaneously. With this aspect being crucial, it is influencing journalism as we know it. The internet and medium of social media are now beneficial tools that journalists for: reporting stories, newsgathering, as well as feedback.
SOCIAL MEDIA This demand for instant news has challenged the objective of journalists. This use of social media has often forced journalists to compete with the average citizen when it comes to releasing information to the public. Journalists need to verify the information before they release it, which is something a common “tweeter” does not have to do.
Is social media and new technology taking over journalism and the news industry?
Even though it is convenient to have news immediately, there are many downfalls to social media being a news medium. About 50% of news consumers report receiving “breaking news” from a social media site only to learn the information was false. Another downfall is that amateur reporters could potentially put themselves in harm’s way just to get the scoop.
DATA Using data the right way can change the focus of a journalist. Providing deeper meaning of the information is significantly more important than being the first one to report it. The real opportunity is to transform the information. Journalists can make a compelling story when transforming data into something the readers can understand.
DATA JOURNALISM Data journalists often use digital information to develop intriguing stories. There are many career opportunities for data journalists. The media and newsrooms are popular places for careers in journalism; however, there are many more positions. “Companies and institutions around the world are looking for “sensemakers” and professionals, who know how to dig through data and transform it into something tangible” Information rules the world- and to be able to write about it effectively, and transform it into something that makes sense, is an appealing skill.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliography Diakopoulos, N. (2012, January 2). Journalism as Information Science. Retrieved May 5, 2014, from Musings on Media: Lorenz, M. (n.d.). Why Journalists Should Use Data. Retrieved May 5, 2014, from Data Journalism Handbook: Mashable. (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2014, from How Social Media is Taking Over the News Industry: Social Media's Impact on Journalism. (n.d.). Retrieved 05 14, 2014, from Social Media Frontiers: