Departmental report Department of Economics
Academic roadmap Introduction of General 1996 Commencement of ICT in teaching learning 2014 Introduction of Honours 1964
Misson As Economics is the key subject of the group of Social Science, our mission is To spread the knowledge of this subject among all sections of the society through higher enrollment in the Honours and General Courses available in this college To focus on the need of the academically and economically marginalized students.
Faculty Profile Name of FacultyAcademic QualificationsTeahing Experience in YearsSpecialisation Dr.Asok Das M.Phil, PhD, PGD on Human Rights 33Public Economics Dr. Manojit Ghosh M.Phil, PhD, PGD on Human Rights, MBA (Dip) 30Resource Management Dr. Tapasree BanerjeeM.Phil, PhD Post Doctoral Research under CSSSC NRTT 14Energy Economics
Faculty with Teacher-in-charge
Research Orientation Name of FacultyTopic of MRPSanction No.Fund Allocation Dr. Asok Das Resource Mobilisation at Local Level (completed) Dr. Manojit Ghosh 1.Plan of Action for Removal of Poverty among Backward areas of West Bengal 2. Economics of Wetland Management 1. PHW-070/04-05 (Completed) 2. PHW-107/13- 14(ongoing) 70,000 2,35,000 Dr. Tapasree Banerjee1.Choice of Cookin Fuel in an EKC Framework 2.Disaster Management -A Study of Nadia District 1.PHW-081/09- 10(completed) 2.PHW-47/12-134(Final report submitted) ,32,000
Teacher student ratio
e Teacher qualification
e Awards / Recognitions received by faculty Dr. A. K. Das is Governing Body Member of Azad Hind Mahavidyalaya. Dr. M. Ghosh is Governing Body member of Uluberia College. Dr. T. Banerjee received CSSSC-NRTT Post Doctoral Fellowship in 2009.
Academic Contributions of Faculty Some relevant articles by Dr. Asok Das Title of the articleName of the periodicalYear of publication Local level governments and effective decentralisation Calcutta Review2001 On valueadded taxBartaman2005 Local level governments-Fiscal problems and prospects Calcutta Review Impact of inflation on the general massDainik Sambad, Agartala2010 Municipal elections and municipal servicesDainik Sambad, Agartala2010
Contd. Dr. Manojit Das participated in the following seminars as resource person Title of the SeminarVenue Impact of Globalization on Indian economyPrabhujagatbandhu college Ecology, Culture and media in the Age of Globalization Shree Chaitanya College, Habra Environmental EconomicsInstitute of Economic Growth, New Delhi Global Climate change and its ImpactBirla Industrial and Technological Museum Conservation of ResourcesPrabhujagatbandhu college
Contd. Publications of Dr. Tapasree Banerjee Sl. noName of Journal/ Book TitleYear of Publication 1 Economy of –Glimpses of various issues A Study of the Effects of Fuel Consumption in a village of Nadia District Digonto On the Effect of Disaster on Environmental Sustainability:An extension of the EKC Approach DigontoThe Effect of Income and Awareness on Household's Fuel Choice in an EKC framework :A Study of Nadia District 2011
Contd. 4 Disasters in – An Interdisciplinary Study The Effect of Disaster on Environmental Sustainability Business Studies Choice of Cooking Fuel in EKC Framework Artha Beekshan Kuznets Curve to Deforestation and Economic Growth in :An Interstate Analysis Global Energy Transition - Regional and Environmental Perspec tives Artha BeekshanPossibilities of Private Investment in the Power Sector of 1998
Seminar partcipation by Dr. Tapasree Banerjee Presented a paper on Role of Micro Finance Institutions in Rural Credit in a National Seminar organised by Meenakshi University, Chennai on 27 th -29 th December 2013 Presented a paper on Role of Micro Finance Institutions in Rural Credit with reference to Financial Inclusion in Department of Economics, Calcutta University on 27 th - 28 th March 2014
Student Progression
UGC Sponsored Seminar An UGC Sponsored seminar on Technology for Rural India- A Case Study for the State of West Bengal was organised by the in collaboration with the department of Economics on Februrary,2011
Student Enrichment Programme Department organized a seminar on Energy, Ecology and Sustainable Development Date : Resource Persons : 1. Dr. Ratan Khasnobis, Professor, Calcutta University 2. Dr. Tushar Jash. School of Energy Studies,Jadavpur University Students participated in a debate Department conducts regular career counselling of students, thereby orienting them towards empowerment
Departmental programmes
Departmental bookbank The department regularly lends books to the students from the departmental bookbank. The economically and academically marginalised students can take advantage of this. Also the senior faculty members have donated books to the bookbank.
Challenges Ahead Despite our dedicated and academically oriented faculty members the department is plagued with a serious paucity of students, particularly in the Honours courses. Hence our immediate concern is to undertake programmes that will motivate the students of adjoining Higher Secondary schools to get enrolled in the Economics Honours course of the college. Further we wish to undertake awareness campaigns to highlight the prospects of studying Economics in India and abroad.