The expectations and perceived usefulness to a future secure “net-health” portal for patients with chronic diseases Trude Buøy
Introduction Health care is changing Patient as active participant Government focus on technology The patient in the centre
Family/friends User Local authoroties Health services Welfare authorities The ”net-health” portal
Individual centered Bidirectional communication Relevant and accurate information Access for relevant parties
The research study Spring of 2006 Questionnaire Administered at medical offices Mainly chronic patients
Results 1: Demographics MaleFemaleTotal Mean age Gender 28 (27 %)75 (73 %)103 College/University degree 16 (57 %)31 (42 %)47 (46 %) Reviewed parts of their medical records 9 (36 %)24 (33 %)33 (34 %) Chronic illness 20 (71 %)44 (59 %)64 (62 %) Daily use of medicines 17 (63 %)38 (51 %)55 (54 %) Use of medical measuring devices 7 (19 %)17 (22 %)24 (21 %)
Results 2: Use of internet MaleFemaleTotal Chronic illness Internet access at home 23 (82%)63 (85%)86 (84%) 55 (87%) Online health information search 14 (50%)54 (73%)68 (67%) 39 (62%) Online purchases 15 (54%)47 (64%)62 (61%) 35 (56%) NetBank 19 (68%)61 (84%)80 (79%) 50 (81%)
Results 3: Perceived usefulness Usefulness Very usefulNot useful Renew prescriptions 82,3 %9,4 % Get test results 80,3 %12,5 % Order medicines from the pharmacy 78,7 %11,7 % Find previous answers from doctor/nurse 75,5 %13,9 % Information about effect/side effect of your medicines 75,0 %12,5 % Relevant and quality assured information 73,7 %12,6 % Order appointment with doctor 72,4 %13,3 % Access to your patient record 70,2 %12,8 % Accommodated training and directions about treatment 67,4 %15,8 % Ask the doctor/nurse message service 67,3 %14,3 % Overview of medicines 66,7 %16,2 % Decide which health practitioners get access 65,3 %14,8 % Statistics of progress/improvement 61,7 %20,3 % Health and diet tips 59,8 %20,6 % Evaluation of your effects of medicines 55,6 %23,3 % Ask for medical certificate 53,2 %28,7 % Participation applications to relevant conferences 53,2 %19,1 % Health journal (your data) 43,5 %31,6 % Enter data from measuring devices 39,3 %37,2 % Chat with others in your situation 38,7 %26,9 %
Results 4: Expected use Highest scores on perceived usefulness and expected use 1Renew prescriptions 2Find previous answers from doctor/nurse 3Order doctors appointment 4Relevant and quality assured information 5Get test results 6Message service Effects/side effects of medicine Order medicine from the pharmacy Accomodated treatment/training program Correlation between perceived usefulness and expected use Use: most of the services once or twice a year
Results 5: Expected use of the portal
Results 6: When to use the portal
Discussion of the results Participants perceived most of the services to be very important Use of the services should be seen in relation with contact with physician Major part of the respondants would use the solution
Design recommendation Based on the needs and requirements of the users Fundamental services should be available for everybody Additional services can be added based on need
Conclusion Patients want electronic communication with their health care system The patients needs and requests should be considered in the design of solutions The solution should be accessible anywhere anytime