WAYS TO FURTHER ENGAGE OUR CERT VOLUNTEERS Stacy E. Gerlich, M.A. Captain/Paramedic Los Angeles Fire Department Margaret Romiti, Emergency & Volunteer Services Manager Concord Police Department, Office of the Chief
Why People Volunteer Have fun Give back Try new things Make a positive difference Build up their resume’ Learn about different cultures Meet new people Have knowledge and experiences to share Feel needed Because they can
Program is driven by the needs of YOUR community Agency buy in Public Relations Your Citizens serving their community Community Empowerment & involvement in public safety Funding General Fund Non-Profit Policies & Procedures Create or revisit Liability - CIMA or DSWVP Managing Paid staff position vital Vision/Goals Training Tracking Retain Recognize Empower Appreciate Program is driven by the needs of YOUR community
Ways to Further Engage Our CERT Volunteers
“Citizens who are part of the solution” Realizing the police mission, through city, community and citizen partnerships From Recession to Retirements Adding value to your agency Community Policing Realizing the police mission through city, community and citizen partnerships
How do we Keep our CERTs Engaged Drills Community Events ICS Active Shooter Hazardous Materials Fire Extinguishers Triage Head-to-Toe check Search & Rescue CISM Metro Tunnel Fairs School Visits Marathons Boy Scouts American Red Cross Parades Senior presentations DAFN Incorporating CERT volunteers should be done when ever the opportunity exists. All drills should include a volunteer component so we may strengthen the working relationships between paid first responders and volunteer responders (CERT). Having our CERT volunteers exposed
Incorporate CERT into FD Drills Unified Command Hospital Drills How does CERT respond Who should CERT report to How can CERT be utilized as force multipliers Where does CERT fit in the ICS structure HICS Triage Teams Understanding Triage Tags Using CERT as transporters Decontamination concerns Forming relationships with your first responders is a vital component to CERTs success. There is much enfaces placed on the value of CERT but often it is self serving for first responders– LAFD CERT Call-Out for example responds to Wind events, weather, hydration and community events. During those times, CERT is valuable to the organization but when things are normal, CERT is not really valued as it should be. ($$)
Our only limits, are the ones we create… It’s what we do AED Training/Support Services Background Investigator *Business License Project Cadet Program Car Wash Program CERT – Planning, Training, Drills, Exercises *Code Enforcement – Shopping carts, permits Concord Auxiliary Radio Emergency Service Clerical Assistant DV/SUV/ Juvenile Cases/SRO’s *Community Court Admin Records Clerk Committee Member *Community Outreach Group *Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) Crime Scene Investigator Asst. Data Entry/Database Maintenance DUI Checkpoint *Equipment & Alarms Assistant/Fleet *Facility Escorts Financial Crimes Unit – Crime Stat/Detective Mapping/Leads Front Lobby Liaison Grant writing support *Hospitality Crew Instructor / Trainer – DHS/CERT/Patrol Internship Program Librarian Mail run *Neighborhood Patrol - Evening Patrol temp New VIPS Orientation Parking Citation Appeals – Handicap *Parking Service Unit – Handicap Citations Photography Police Chaplain *Pre-school Safety Program Record Clerk – Scanning and purging Search & Rescue/Pilots/Divers *Special Events – Fairs, outreach *Speakers Bureau – Chevron, PG&E, Rotary Tour Guides Tow Hearing Officer – Appeal Traffic Control *Park Stewards Program *Program Leads
Enhancing the Experience After Action Reports (AAR) Incident Action Plans (IAP) Event Action Plans (EAP) Tasking CERT volunteers with creating After Action Reports, Incident Action Plans and Event Action Plans can expand their knowledge with regard to ICS forms and the importance of documentation. Include info from the Sayre fire AAR.
Utilize Social Media to Engage Twitter Facebook Instagram Consider utilizing SM to engage volunteers by having spontaneous messages requesting response. You can meet in a park or any area conducive to performing an inclusive exercise. You can canvas a neighborhood (your own) and discuss utility locations, location of high voltage wires, obvious safety concerns, etc. Use your SM apps to post pictures, information, etc…
Innovation Passion is something that is very necessary for us to continue the momentum and success of CERT. We all have ideas and experiences that help form our vision as it relates to CERT and keeping it fresh and exciting. We should consider forming a “think tank” concept similar to how Google and Apple support group think environments. We are only limited by our imaginations.
Other Programs Formidable Footprint Map Your Neighborhood LA City 5 Step Neighborhood Program Battalion Drills CERT Rodeo’s Include links for these programs Maps
THANKS FOR JOINING US TODAY!! Stacy Gerlich Twitter @StacyGerlich Margaret Romiti 925-671-3184 Margaret.Romiti@cityofconcord.org LUNCHTIME