shop ( 商店 ) path ( 道路 ) crash ( 相撞 ) dish ( 盘子 ) wish ( 希望 ) thank ( 谢谢 ) thick ( 厚 ) thin ( 瘦 ) bath ( 洗澡 ) class ( 班 ) dash ( 突 ) shed ( 棚 )


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Presentation transcript:

shop ( 商店 ) path ( 道路 ) crash ( 相撞 ) dish ( 盘子 ) wish ( 希望 ) thank ( 谢谢 ) thick ( 厚 ) thin ( 瘦 ) bath ( 洗澡 ) class ( 班 ) dash ( 突 ) shed ( 棚 )

sh + op = shop pa + th = path cra + sh = crash di + sh = dish wi + sh = wish th + ank = thank th + ick = thick th + in = thin ba + th = bath cl + ass = class da + sh = dash sh + ed = shed

Look ( 看 ) into this ant hill ( 蚁丘 ). Many ants live here ( 这儿 ). Look ( 看 ) into this ant hill ( 蚁丘 ). Many ants live here ( 这儿 ). Words to Know: into ( 进入 ) many ( 多 ) live ( 住 ) out ( 外 ) this ( 这个 ) dash ( 突 ) Words to Know: into ( 进入 ) many ( 多 ) live ( 住 ) out ( 外 ) this ( 这个 ) dash ( 突 ) The ants go out ( 出去 ). They ( 它们 ) get ( 拿 ) things ( 东西 ) to eat ( 吃 ). Then ( 然后 ) they dash back ( 回 ) into the hill.

1. Where do the ants live? an anthillb. in an ant housec. in a tree 2. Why do ants go out? sleepb. to readc. to eat 3.Then they ____ back into the ant hill. a. dashb. dishc. dab

1. Where do the ants live? an anthillb. in an ant housec. in a tree 2. Why do ants go out? sleepb. to readc. to eat 3.Then they ____ back into the ant hill. a. dashb. dishc. dab

1. Where do the ants live? an anthillb. in an ant housec. in a tree 2. Why do ants go out? sleepb. to readc. to eat 3.Then they ____ back into the ant hill. a. dashb. dishc. dab

1. Where do the ants live? an anthillb. in an ant housec. in a tree 2. Why do ants go out? sleepb. to readc. to eat 3.Then they ____ back into the ant hill. a. dashb. dishc. dab

What is your favorite animal? What can it do? My favorite animal is the ________. It can ____. For example: My favorite animal is the seal. It can swim. My favorite animal is the dog. It can bark. My favorite animal is the tiger. It can run.

Come ( 来 ) meet ( 认识 ) some prairie dogs ( 土拨鼠 ). See ( 看 ) where ( 那儿 ) they ( 它们 ) live ( 住 ). This ( 这个 ) prairie dog lives with ( 跟 ) many ( 好多 ) prairie dogs.

Come ( 来 ) meet ( 认识 ) some prairie dogs ( 土拨鼠 ). See ( 看 ) where ( 那儿 ) they ( 它们 ) live ( 住 ). You can ( 能 ) see ( 看到 ) some ( 有 些 ) of ( 的 ) a prairie dog's ( 土拨鼠 的 ) home ( 家 ). The rest ( 其它 ) is ( 在 ) under ( 下边 ) the land ( 土地 ). Prairie dogs dig ( 挖 ) with ( 用 ) big claws ( 爪子 ). They ( 它们 ) dig long ( 长 ) paths ( 道 ).

Come into ( 进来 ) a ( 一个 ) prairie dog ( 土拨鼠 ) home ( 家 ). Can you see ( 你能看到 ) where ( 那 儿 ) prairie dogs rest ( 休息 )? Come into ( 进来 ) a ( 一个 ) prairie dog ( 土拨鼠 ) home ( 家 ). Can you see ( 你能看到 ) where ( 那 儿 ) prairie dogs rest ( 休息 )? Can you see where prairie dogs have ( 有 ) things ( 东西 ) to eat ( 吃 )? Can you see them caring ( 管 ) for little ( 小 ) prairie dogs? Can you see where prairie dogs have ( 有 ) things ( 东西 ) to eat ( 吃 )? Can you see them caring ( 管 ) for little ( 小 ) prairie dogs? entrance ( 进口 ) food room ( 食物屋 ) food room ( 食物屋 ) sleeping room ( 睡觉屋 ) sleeping room ( 睡觉屋 ) second entrance ( 第二个进口 ) second entrance ( 第二个进口 ) nursery ( 托儿所 ) nursery ( 托儿所 )

This ( 这个 ) prairie dog lives with ( 跟 ) many ( 好多 ) prairie dogs. Little prairie dogs come out to play. 小土拨鼠出去玩。 They will eat fresh grass. 它们要吃新鲜的草。 One day they will dig new paths for the prairie dog home. 有朝一日它们要给土拨鼠家挖新的道。 Little prairie dogs come out to play. 小土拨鼠出去玩。 They will eat fresh grass. 它们要吃新鲜的草。 One day they will dig new paths for the prairie dog home. 有朝一日它们要给土拨鼠家挖新的道。

1.Most of a prairie dog’s home is _____ the land. a. aboveb. besidec. under 2.Little prairie dogs eat ____ ____. a.fresh grassb. bugsc. hamburgers 3. Prairie dogs dig with their big ____. a. earsb. nosesc. claws 4. Prairie dogs care for little prairie dogs in the _______. a. food roomb. sleeping roomc. nursery

1.Most of a prairie dog’s home is _____ the land. a. aboveb. besidec. under 2.Little prairie dogs eat ____ ____. a.fresh grassb. bugsc. hamburgers 3. Prairie dogs dig with their big ____. a. earsb. nosesc. claws 4. Prairie dogs care for little prairie dogs in the _______. a. food roomb. sleeping roomc. nursery

1.Most of a prairie dog’s home is _____ the land. a. aboveb. besidec. under 2.Little prairie dogs eat ____ ____. a.fresh grassb. bugsc. hamburgers 3. Prairie dogs dig with their big ____. a. earsb. nosesc. claws 4. Prairie dogs care for little prairie dogs in the _______. a. food roomb. sleeping roomc. nursery

1.Most of a prairie dog’s home is _____ the land. a. aboveb. besidec. under 2.Little prairie dogs eat ____ ____. a.fresh grassb. bugsc. hamburgers 3. Prairie dogs dig with their big ____. a. earsb. nosesc. claws 4. Prairie dogs care for little prairie dogs in the _______. a. food roomb. sleeping roomc. nursery

1.Most of a prairie dog’s home is _____ the land. a. aboveb. besidec. under 2.Little prairie dogs eat ____ ____. a.fresh grassb. bugsc. hamburgers 3. Prairie dogs dig with their big ____. a. earsb. nosesc. claws 4. Prairie dogs care for little prairie dogs in the _______. a. food roomb. sleeping roomc. nursery

Where does your favorite animal live? My favorite animal is the ________. It lives in _____. For example: My favorite animal is the seal. It lives in the sea. My favorite animal is the dog. It lives in my home. My favorite animal is the tiger. It lives in the jungle.