Department of Humanities and Social Sciences: M.Phil in Planning and Development Presented By Sushil Kumar
Description about HSS The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at IITB has five disciplines, namely, Economics, Sociology, English, Philosophy and Psychology. It plays a unique and distinctive role in an institute where the ethos of science and technology prevails. It offers a vast range of courses at various levels for the students of all departments. The courses at the PG level are advanced and aim at cultivating critical mind and analytical capabilities. The department has excellent opportunities and facilities for the pursuit of research and development in Social Sciences. The Department offers a four semester inter-disciplinary PG course “M.Phil. Programme in Planning and Development” and initiates a theoretical- practical thrust to provide the students with a holistic understanding of social systems
M.Phil in Planning and Development The processes of planning and development are multivalent and complex, and require from the analysts and interventionists a set of skills that are resolutely interdisciplinary in nature. the Department imparts to the students an updated skill-set during the programme. MET MET (M.Phil Entrance Test) is a rigorous written examination followed by extensive interviews that every student has to excel to gain admission. The test assesses the candidate's general quantitative and reasoning abilities and awareness of important concepts and theoretical and practical perspectives on development and planning.
Structure of the Program The program is oriented to disseminate awareness and appreciation of the complexity of socio-economic interdependence and change; increase the understanding of alternative development styles, policies and technologies'; provide various perspectives on micro level planning for balanced development; train personnel for model building, analysis interpretation and formulation of development policies. The major courses offered under this programme are: Development Planning & Policies: Issues & Alternatives, Research Methods in Social Sciences, Computer-Aided Applied Statistics, Science and Technology in Indian Development, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Management of New Ventures, Applied Econometrics, Environmental Planning and Development, Ecology development and society. The students carry on extensive two years research work in their respective areas.
Batch Demographics Prior experiences in their subject areas during internships and project works. Some of the students have worked in the organisations at managerial positions and proved their expertise. The students are highly exposed to different software such as STATA, SPSS, SAS. The projects undertaken by the students are in various areas: Work motivation, Industrial Economics, Rural innovation, Economic and social analysis in MSME sector, anti dumping and industrialisation policy, women representation in banks and their empowerment. Projects with ACC Limited Environmental analysis projects
Batch Interests and Job Profiles Management Trainees Analyst Financial Analysis Researcher in Social and Marketing research sectors Urban and Town Planner Work in leadership role Lead new and existing ventures Teach in colleges in respective subjects or areas CSR Manager
How to Pitch to companies Introduce about the department and professional contribution of the course Skills and expertise of M.Phil students Courses taught Technical/ Statistical knowledge Projects, internships, Dissertations Interests in diverse sectors but one needs to pitch as per requirement