Faculty Senate Meeting November 20, 2014
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Steven Grant, Secretary II.Approval of October 23, 2014 meeting minutes III.Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Steven Grant, Secretary II.Approval of October 23, 2014 meeting minutes III.Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda III. Campus Reports and Responses A.President’s Report, M. Bohner B. Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report, C. Schrader ii)Provost’s Report, R. Marley C. Staff Council Report, S. Lewis D. Student Council - NO REPORT, R. Jacobsen E. Council of Graduate Students - NO REPORT E. Ronchetto
President’s Report Faculty Senate Meeting November 20, 2014 President's Report5
Colleges CASB Website is up: casb.mst.edu Associate Dean for Research and External Relations (four candidates: Michael Davis, Yinfa Ma, Melanie Mormile, Klaus Woelk). Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (four candidates: Robert Aaronstam, Kate Drowne, Shannon Fogg, Klaus Woelk). CEC Website is up: cec.mst.edu November 20, 2014President's Report6
Title IX FS Officers met with Brett Sokolow, CEO of NCHERM Group, external consultant concerning Title IX. Three problems related to Equity Resolution Panels (concerning students): 1. No faculty on it. 2. Witnesses cannot be forced to speak (“community pressure”). 3. What role do the advisors play in a hearing? November 20, 2014President's Report7
Title IX Complaint made -> 60 days clock starts. 1. Investigation 2. Hearing 3. For Faculty Dismissal for Cause. No Discrimination -> (Severe or Pervasive) + Objectively Offensive -> OO: “Reasonable person” finds it offensive November 20, 2014President's Report8
Title IX Commandments November 20, 2014President's Report9 Investigation ThoroughReliableImpartial Process PromptEffectiveEquitable Remedies End the discriminationPrevent its recurrenceRemedy the effects upon the victim and community
Intercampus Faculty Council Last IFC Meeting was on November 13. Evaluation of Ability to Work. Xx President’s Awards (due Jan 30, 2015). NCTQ lawsuit. November 20, 2014President's Report10
Agenda III. Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report, M. Bohner B. Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report, R. Marley for C. Schrader ii)Provost’s Report, R. Marley C. Staff Council Report - NO REPORT, S. Lewis D. Student Council - NO REPORT, R. Jacobsen E. Council of Graduate Students - NO REPORT E. Ronchetto
FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Bertelsmeyer Hall dedication Geothermal ribbon cutting
Executive Director of Corporate Relations Assistant Vice Chancellor for Global Learning Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Partnership with Phelps County Regional Medical Center GLOBAL AND STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS
STRATEGIC PLANNING Strategic Planning Summit Chancellor’s Challenge Awards Innovation Team awards
STUDENT AFFAIRS Leadership and cultural programs Student Life Testing center
Agenda III. Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report, M. Bohner B. Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report, R. Marley for C. Schrader ii)Provost’s Report, R. Marley C. Staff Council Report - NO REPORT, S. Lewis D. Student Council - NO REPORT, R. Jacobsen E. Council of Graduate Students - NO REPORT E. Ronchetto
PROVOST’S REPORT November 20, 2014
OVERVIEW BIC/Signature Area Status President Wolfe Visit Provost Office Staff Barb Palmer Janelle Goss Committee To Review Dean Hiring Process Division Updates
John McManus was named a Curators’ Professor of History and Political Science Melanie Mormile received funding as part of the EPSCoR research with NASA for her work with extremophiles in Acidic Saline Lakes of Australia CASB submitted 11 proposals to the UM Research Board totaling approximately $400,000 College of Arts, Sciences, and Business Faculty Highlights
College of Arts, Sciences, and Business Miscellaneous College staffing update –Associate Dean of Academic Affairs –Associate Dean of Research and External Relations –Administrative Assistant – Cindy Heck began November 10 –Finance and Budget Officer – Lucretia Eaton began November 18 –Executive Director of Development Humanities Open House was held on November 10 –Premier event –Highlighted research from Arts, Languages, and Philosophy; Economics; English and Technical Communication; History and Political Science and Psychological Science
The college has completed an initial tactical and operational review using a standard SWOT analysis. The following were the top ranked categories: –Strengths - Faculty –Weaknesses - Resources –Opportunities - Building Strong Faculty Teams –Threats - High Enrollment Growth Dr. Francisca E. Oboh-Ikuenobe, professor and head of geology and geophysics has been named interim chair of the geosciences and geological and petroleum engineering department. The appointment takes effect Jan. 1, College of Engineering and Computing
Office of Undergraduate Studies S&Tconnect The 8-week S&Tconnect survey was sent out for all instructors and all course sections on October 16, The total percent of faculty submitting the surveys more than doubled from the 3-week survey to the 8-week survey. Faculty/Staff Experiential Learning Award & Service Learning Award Nominations are due November 21, 2014 The Experiential Learning Award recognizes faculty and staff who require undergraduate students to go beyond mastering basic skills and knowledge in the application of that material to problem solving challenges. These activities involve collaborations and reflective learning and allow students to learn environments that align with their aptitudes. The Service Learning Award recognizes faculty and staff who involve or influence undergraduate students in academic service learning or community service activities outside the classroom.
Office of Undergraduate Studies Assessment Committee The Assessment Committee will be reconvened to continue with and reinvigorate campus efforts focused on HLC accreditation, and overall campus assessment and accreditation initiatives. The next comprehensive accreditation visit coming in Writing Center Total tutoring sessions: ↑ 20% STEM tutoring sessions: ↑ 25% Number of students served: ↑ 38% Number of instructors involved: ↑ 25% *Compared with fall 2013.
Graduate Leadership Development Program (GLDP) final meeting scheduled at S&T on November Includes workshops on project management, tour of solar house and geothermal plant 2 nd Annual Graduate Family Halloween Party –150+ attendees –Table hosts almost doubled from 2013 “Promote U” (power introduction practicing) for Chancellor’s Fellows –Consisted of workshop with COER, editing of speech by Technical Editor, “speed dating” type practice event with OURE students, and recording of perfected power introduction for web use Office of Graduate Studies
Recent recruiting events: –8 different universities –75+ students reached, contact information shared with departments –Inviting students to S&T for a campus visit 86 theses/dissertations turned in for format checking (for FS 14 graduates) –Final copy of theses and dissertations due Nov. 12 th !
Thank you to everyone that contributed to the Open House on November students and their families visited. Commencement December 19 & ,057 candidates, a 15% increase. Chancellor’s Scholarship finalists will be on campus Saturday, December of our most talented applicants for Fall Enrollment Management
Record number of instruction sessions and one-on-one research consultations (more in the first semester of 2014, than in all of FY13/14) Reservations for visualization wall growing step-by-step Curtis Laws Wilson Library Successes
Curtis Laws Wilson Library Challenges Recruiting for two open positions (due to a retirement and a resignation)
Office of Sponsored Programs Summary of FY15 activities and year-over-year comparison through the end of September –Proposals awarded in total dollars: $15.2M (up 28.9%) –Number of proposals awarded and amendments: 84 (down 22.2%) –Proposals submitted in total dollars: $48.2M (up 103.5%) –Number of proposals submitted: 130 (up 7.4%) –Total expenditures: $11.6M (down 15.1%) –Net grant and contract expenditures: $8.4M (down 19.9%) –F&A recovered: $1.9M (down 21.1%) –Number of active awards: 598 (down 3.4%)
Congratulations to … S. Jung and D. Day, “Scaffolds with Trace Elements for Tissue Regeneration in Mammals,” US Patent Number 8,551,513, October 8, Newkirk, J., Liou, F. and Francis, R., “Systems and Methods for Fabricating a Direct Metal Deposition Structure Having Fully Forged Structural Qualities,” US Patent Number 8,617,661, December 31, Dogan, F., “Nanostructured Dielectric Materials for High Energy Density Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors,” US Patent Number 8,644,000, February 4, Dogan, F., “Nanostructured Dielectric Materials for High Energy Density Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors,” US Patent Number 8,675,344, March 18, Brow, R., Reis, S. and Chen, G., “Corrosion-Resistant Glasses for Steel Enamels,” US Patent Number 8,679,389, March 25, Hilmas, G., Fahrenholtz, B., Watts, J. and Brown-Shaklee, H., “Ceramic Welds, and a Method for Producing the Same,” US Patent Number 8,715,803, May 6, 2014.
Agenda III. Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report, M. Bohner B. Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report, C. Schrader ii)Provost’s Report, R. Marley C. Staff Council Report, S. Lewis D. Student Council - NO REPORT, R. Jacobsen E. Council of Graduate Students - NO REPORT E. Ronchetto
November Report
Fall appreciation was a success Tee shirts still available for purchase Collections for Grace for Christmas have begun November Meeting HRSAADI presented information about the new performance appraisal process Sarah Ellis presentation on wellness Open Enrollment had 99% completion rate Flu shots participation is up from last year 244 employees have started health assessment surveys
Agenda III. Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report, M. Bohner B. Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report, C. Schrader ii)Provost’s Report, R. Marley C. Staff Council Report, S. Lewis D. Student Council - NO REPORT, R. Jacobsen E. Council of Graduate Students - NO REPORT E. Ronchetto
Agenda III. Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report, M. Bohner B. Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report, C. Schrader ii)Provost’s Report, R. Marley C. Staff Council Report, S. Lewis D. Student Council - NO REPORT, R. Jacobsen E. Council of Graduate Students - NO REPORT E. Ronchetto
Agenda IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees A.Rules, Procedures, and AgendaM. Fitch B. CurriculaT. Schuman C.ITCCT. Vojta D. PersonnelL. Acar
Parking, Security, & Traffic (3, elected by the Faculty Senate from the list of department nominees) [Still no nominees] Upcoming: change to student academic regulations, grade appeals process. Negotiations underway with Dep’t of Education’s Office of Civil Rights. RP&A Report Nov 20, 2014
Agenda IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees A.Rules, Procedures, and AgendaM. Fitch B. CurriculaT. Schuman C.ITCCT. Vojta D. PersonnelL. Acar
Campus Curricula Committee Report 20 November 2014 l 1 Degree Change (DC) form »File 237 Biomedical Engineering: Biomedical Engineering Minor
Campus Curricula Committee Report 20 November 2014 l 7 Course Change (CC) forms A procedural error was discovered in submitted File #s , 268.7, , & (Chemistry 3420, 3430, 5420, 5430) from the October 6th meeting. The course renumbering changes need to be undone
Campus Curricula Committee Report 20 November 2014 l The Campus Curricula Committee moves for the approval of the CCC report’s CC form actions and return of original course numbering for curricular files , 268.7, , &
Campus Curricula Committee Report 20 November Informational Only - l 4 Experimental Course (EC) forms File #4124Biological Sciences 5001: Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine File #4122Business 5001: Financial Statement Analysis File #4117Math 1001: Success for Calculus File #4131Music 3001: Mechanics of Music
Campus Curricula Committee Report 20 November Informational Only - l Referrals from RP&A: l Consideration and approval of minimum B.S. degree requirements l Consideration and discussion of enforcing the use of course prerequisites during student enrollments »Was an ABET audit critique »Establishing an electronic, automated policy was recommended to RP&A (currently used by other UM campuses) »Registrar is formulating policy to be effective October 2015 for spring 2016 semester enrollments
Agenda IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees A.Rules, Procedures, and AgendaM. Fitch B. CurriculaT. Schuman C. ITCCT. Vojta D. PersonnelL. Acar
Google Services enhancement: unlimited storage on Google Drive coming in near future available now (policy issues: what can be stored on Google) Learning Management System (Blackboard vs Canvas): Columbia campus is finishing their evaluation, decision soon (??), our Canvas pilot is continuing in the spring semester Academic websites IT is looking for input on how to support departmental and other academic websites (talk to your ITCC representative!) Further discussions: updates on Peoplesoft evaluation data center consolidation, Library updates (video wall) ITCC Report to Faculty Senate, November 2014
Agenda IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees A.Rules, Procedures, and AgendaM. Fitch B. CurriculaT. Schuman C.ITCCT. Vojta D. PersonnelL. Acar
Personnel Committee Proposed Changes to CRR
C. Performance of NTT Faculty Unlike tenured and tenure-track faculty, whose performance is evaluated based on their contribution to research, teaching, and service, the performance of NTT faculty should be evaluated on the primary responsibility of the NTT faculty position as well as the professional activities related to that primary responsibility.
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Steven Grant, Secretary II. Approval of October 23, 2014 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV.Reports of Standing and Special Committees V.Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII.Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Steven Grant, Secretary II. Approval of October 23, 2014 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV.Reports of Standing and Special Committees V.Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII.Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Steven Grant, Secretary II. Approval of October 23, 2014 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV.Reports of Standing and Special Committees V.Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII.Adjourn
Agenda Adjourn