The Budget Includes Funding That Will Allow Us To Continue to Offer: Advanced Placement Courses; Dual credit courses that lead to college credit through Corning Community College and Alfred University; Career and Technical Education Courses at GST BOCES; Electives in Band, Chorus, Art, Business, Technology, and Spanish with appropriate enrollment; Academic support services as needed; Special education programs and services as required; Access to a social worker, youth counselor and school resource officer on campus; High school summer school opportunities including Driver’s Education; Sports opportunities with appropriate enrollment at the Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Modified levels; Co-curricular opportunities such as Ski Club, Yearbook, Spanish Club, etc, with appropriate enrollment. District Universal Pre-Kindergarten for ALL eligible students; Professional development for our teachers and District staff; The one-to-one iPad initiative that began in 2013 and expand that program to grades 7 and 8.
BUDGET TOTALS $12,072, $12,075, $11,989, $12,128, $12, 463, $13,088,566
STATE REVENUE $3,993, $3,854, $3,702, $3,755, $3,875, $4,151,458
THE THREE PART BUDGET The ADMINISTRATIVE component provides for overall general support and management of the operations of the District and includes: Board of Education costs, Central and school administration, Business Operations, curriculum development, BOCES administrative expenses, and benefits for current and retired persons in this category. The PROGRAM component provides for all expenditures related to the instructional program of the District including special education, support services, co-curricular and athletic programs, counseling and health services, pupil transportation, and benefits for current and retired persons in this category. The CAPITAL component provides for all costs associated with maintaining facilities and grounds as well as building and equipment repairs, maintenance and custodial supplies and materials, utilities, debt service payments, and benefits for current and retired persons in this category.
THREE PART BUDGET Administrative: $1,233,360 $1,272, % Program: $9,409,245 $9,829, % Capital: $1,821,213 $1,985, % Total: $12,463,818$13,088, % 6
CURRENT YEAR VERSUS PROPOSED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Difference Percent of Budget Salaries$5,279,881$5,487,412$207, % Contractual and Supplies$2,817,211$2,899,835$82, % Equipment$152,800$104,800($48,000).80% Benefits$3,364,297$3,591,935$227, % Debt Service$849,629$1,004,584$154, % Total:$12,463,818$13,088,566$624,748100% 7
CURRENT YEAR VERSUS PROPOSED BY TYPE Difference Percent of Budget Instruction$6,251,861$6,462,254$210, % Administration$437,773$447,003$9, % Central Services$996,631$1,001,393$4, % Transportation$563,627$581,397$17, % Debt Service$849,629$1,004,584$154, % Benefits$3,364,297$3,591,935$227, % Total:$12,463,818$13,088,566$624,748100% 8
PROPOSED EXPENDITURE BUDGET Proposed budget of $13,088,566. Budget Increase of $624,748 or 5.01% Largest Budget Increases are in the areas of: Instruction$210,393 Debt Service$154,955 Benefits$227,638 Three Largest Areas: $592,986
PROJECTED REVENUE Projected State Aid Inclusive of Building Aid: $3,875,991 $4,154,075 Reserves/Fund Balance: $450,000 $600,000 Other Revenue $55,000 $118,000 Total $4,380,991 $4,872,075
ESTIMATED LEVY Proposed Budget of $13,088,566 Projected Revenue of $4,872,075 Projected Tax Levy of $8,216,491 or 1.65% increase
HCS TAX CAP CALCULATION Prior Year Tax Levy8,082,827 Tax base growth factorX ,119,200 Prior Year PILOT + 1,213 8,120,413 Prior year exemptions -368,117 prior year local share of capital Adjusted Prior Year Levy7,752,296 Allowable Growth FactorX (2% Language from here) 7,865,479 Coming Year PILOT - 1,238 7,864,241 Available Carryover+ 0 TAX LEVY LIMIT (Reported to Comptroller March 1 Annually) 7,864,241 Coming School Year Exemptions + $353,957 upcoming local share of capital ALLOWABLE TAX LEVY LIMIT$8,218,198 = +1.67% would only require 50% majority
Since , the tax levy has increased by $786,395. That equals a total tax levy increase of 10.58% over a period of seven years. From through the proposal of , the average tax levy increase has been 1.51%.
TAX IMPACT ON A $100,000 HOME (TOWN OF WAYNE, URBANA, TYRONE, OR PULTENEY) Actual Projected Assessed 100% $100,000 STAR Reduction$ 30,000 Net Taxable Value$ 70,000 Tax Rate$ 9.70 $ 9.86 Total Tax$679.00$ Difference + $
PROJECTED TAX RATES Town ($9.78) Projected $ Change in Rate Percent Of Tax Base Bath$20.64$21.44$ 0.80<1% Pulteney$9.70$9.86$ % Tyrone$9.70$9.86$ 0.164% Urbana$9.70$9.86$ % Wayne$9.70$9.86$ % Wheeler$9.70$10.17$ 0.47<1% 19
HOW WILL WE BALANCE OUR BUDGET THIS YEAR? Use of Fund Balance $350,000 Reserves $250,000 Reduction of Staff NONE Elimination of Programs NONE Tax Levy Increase 1.65%
PROPOSITION #2 BOARD OF EDUCATION CANDIDATE One five year term will be available 22 One slot is available and is a five-year term.
PROPOSITION #3 AUTHORIZATION TO CREATE AND FUND A CAPITAL RESERVE Shall the Board of Education of the Hammondsport Central School District be authorized and directed to establish a new Building Capital Reserve Fund with the purpose of such fund being to finance replacement of the District’s 1954 boilers, continued asbestos removal, and necessary new construction, reconstruction, renovation and equipping of the school building and facilities? The term of such reserve would be fifteen (15) years with the ultimate amount of $3,000,000 moving through said fund over that time.
Shall the Board of Education of the Hammondsport Central School District be authorized to purchase one (1) sixty six (66) passenger bus and one (1) seventy one (71) passenger bus for an estimated aggregate sum not to exceed $216,720, less any trade in value, and to expend from the Capital Reserve for Transportation $116,720 towards said purchase of District buses with the remaining funds coming from the General Fund Balance? There is no current or future tax impact should this proposition be approved.
VOTE Tuesday, May 20 th, 2014 12 Noon to 8 PM Main Street School Lobby 25