Consider ways to use social software in your professional learning and school.
Web 1.0 was the internet as a library where you went to look up information Web 2.0 is about collaboration, connecting and learning from each other. Information as conversation.
1. The Read/Write Web: In which the Web is seen as a 2-way medium, where people are both readers and writers. The main catalyst for this is social software, allowing communication and collaboration between two or more people. Web 2.0 is characterized by
2. The Web as a Platform: In which the Web is seen as a programming platform upon which developers create software applications and web services Web 2.0 is characterized by
Web 2.0 It has three characteristics: 1. Content is conversation 2. Content is organised by readers 3. People connect through their content David Warlick
Examples of Social Software Explore some of the following links…
What is a wiki? A free online encyclopedia Read/write - allows open editing Links Wikipedia’s description
What is a blog (web log)? Online journal that combines text, images Links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. Links Wikipedia’s description of blog Supporting students with learning disabilities Edublog awards for best educational blogs
What is An online bookmarking service Social bookmarking Able to read and subscribe to others’ Links An example of a account Bookmark links on ‘social software’
What is Flickr? A free online application that stores, searches, sorts and shares your photos Public and private sharing. Links Share photos with family and friends Organise your photos
What is Skype? Connect with friends in NZ and overseas Phone-calls via computers Free software download Best with fast Internet access Purchase headset with microphone
What is Frappr? Connects friends and colleagues by placing their location on a map Choice of group or friend map Can join Frappr communities by tagging key words (Cybersafety issues) Links Room 5’s Podcast uses ClustrmapsRoom 5’s Podcast uses Clustrmaps
What is Podcasting? The method of distributing multimedia files, such as audio programs or music videos, over the Internet using either the RSS or Atom syndication formats, for playback on mobile devices and personal computers. Links Definition of podcasting on Wikipedia Room 208 Room 5 (NZ)Room 5
Pandora Creates personalised radio stations Feedback about each song refines selection Based on feedback and selections from others
What is RSS? RSS: Really Simple Syndication RSS is a family of web feed formats, specified in XML and used for Web syndication. RSS is used by (among other things) news websites, weblogs and podcasting. Web feeds allow a website's frequent readers to track updates on the site using an aggregator. Link Definition of RSS in Wikipedia