Online Resources From Oxford University Press
This presentation gives a brief description of University Press Scholarship Online It tells you what University Press Scholarship Online is how it can help you how to look for information in it The presentation will take about 4 minutes
Research that previously would have required a user to jump between a variety of books and disconnected websites can now be concentrated through the UPSO search engine. University Press Scholarship Online brings together the best scholarly publishing from around the world. Aggregating scholarly content from leading university presses, UPSO offers an unparalleled research tool, making disparately published scholarship easily accessible, highly discoverable, and fully cross- searchable via a single online platform. At June 2015, the platform has 28 subject modules and more than 18,000 books written by thousands of authors from over 50 countries worldwide.
UPSO is actively bringing on board new partner presses that have robust and diverse publishing programmes. Click on the partner presses to go to their portal.
Select the Subject to browse all the titles available in that field.
Note that you can refine the search by university press… …and by availability according to your subscriptions and purchases. If you choose to view all here, you will still be able to see the abstracts of the books you do not have full access to.
You can also download the complete list of books in this subject as a pdf or a spreadsheet,… …and you can subscribe to the rss feed to keep up to date with additions to the site.
When browsing the books in a subject, in this case Physics, you can choose to sort the books by publishing date.
Note that you can also refine by sub- topics.
Abstracts and Digital Object Identifiers are available at book and chapter level.
You can download a pdf copy of chapters,… …copy and paste the citation, or use citation export software,… …share a link on social media, or send it by ,… …and even save the page to your personal My Work area.
You can navigate within the book by using the search box and table of contents in the left column,… …or by using the line above the chapter title. Each block corresponds a part of the book.
Bibliographies can be linked up to your library catalogue via OpenURL linking.
Search across the whole platform by using the search box at the top right. “universal grammar”
This gives results from book and chapter headings, author names, keywords and abstracts. To search the full text of the books, use the dropdown at the top left and select ‘chapters’ instead of ‘books’.
You can also extend your search to look at everything published by Oxford University Press by using the Oxford Index underbar.
The xml platform allows deep level searching of content. Go to the Advanced Search to see the full extent of this.
“sustainable development”
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If you want to find out more, you can: read the latest news about UPSO view the online tutorial look for a live online demo us at Further help
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