Swedish Research Council Formas The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning Kristina LaurellKTH, March 24.


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Presentation transcript:

Swedish Research Council Formas The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning Kristina LaurellKTH, March 24 th 2014

Swedish Research Council Formas Formas One of three governmental research councils Formas’ mission ” is to promote and support basic research and need- driven research in the areas Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning. The research that is funded should be of the highest scientific quality and relevance to the areas of responsibility of the Council. Formas may also support activities related to development to a limited extent” According to the Government’s instructions Regulation (2009:1024)

Swedish Research Council Formas Formas – the mission - Distribute funds to research within Formas’ areas of responsibility - Support interdisciplinary research - Evaluate research and development - Identify research needs - Initiate and support national and international cooperation - Communicate research and research results - Make research results useful - Promote sustainable development in society According to the Government’s instructions Regulation (2009:1024)

Swedish Research Council Formas Funding of Formas  Total budget ~1.2 billion (1,2 miljarder) SEK per year  Positive trend of Formas’ budget since 2001 Budget from two ministries:  Ministry of the Environment (55%)  Ministry of Rural Affairs (45%)

Swedish Research Council Formas Three research areas  Environment and Nature  Agriculture, Animals and Food  Spatial and urban planning, Building

Swedish Research Council Formas International activity To promote contacts, import new knowledge, new ideas and experiences and to bring about greater Swedish participation in international research collaboration (e.g. ERA-net, ERA-net+, Article 185, TFI and JPI:s)

Swedish Research Council Formas Research Communication To spread and communicate research and research results in the areas of Formas responsibility  Formas fokuserar  EXTRACT  Conferences and Workshops

Swedish Research Council Formas Formas’ different funding instruments  Annual open call ~ 40% (2014) bottom-up (R&D projects, R& D young research leaders, mobility starting grants)  Targeted calls – 31% (2014) programs, strategic, international cooperation – areas with identified research needs  Grants that can be applied for twice a year – 3% (2014) conferences and workshops, information projects  Urgent grants – 2% (2014)  Co-financed research – 7% (2013) (Skogforsk, SLF, JTI, IVL and others)

Swedish Research Council Formas Formas annual open call 2014 Three subcalls  Research & Development projects (2013: 848 applications, 82 granted money (10%))  Research & Development projects for young research leaders (2013: 411 applications, 25 granted money (6%))  Mobility starting grants for young researchers (2013: 89 applications, 14 granted money (14%))

Swedish Research Council Formas Formas annual open call 2014 News this year:  Up to 50% of full time salary in the call for Research and Development grants (per application)  Young research leaders up to 100% of full time salary  PhD-students and postdocs 100% of a full time salary  Maximum 150% total salary costs for the project leaders, co-applicants and other staff (i.e. PhD-students, post-docs, technical staff)

Swedish Research Council Formas Annual open call 2014  Identical applications to several subcalls is NOT allowed  Main applicant one ongoing project grant from any of Formas’ annual open calls (  rejection before evaluation)  A new application may be submitted the year the disbursement for the old project ends  It is the timeframe in the contract deciding when a project is ongoing. Prolongation of a project (förlängd dispositiontid) does not affect the timeframe.

Swedish Research Council Formas Annual open call 2014  Transition rule 2014 A project leader with two project grants from previous annual open calls with one project ending 2014 may submit a new project application. Funds can however only be sought for the years that persists in the other ongoing project grants. Project | | 2014 new application Project | 2016

Swedish Research Council Formas Eligibility criteria and co-applicants  Doctoral degree  Swedish university or research institute  No age limit, must however have a position at a university  International collaboration  Industrial partners

Swedish Research Council Formas Grants for young research leaders  PhD within 2 to 8 years (i.e. 1 January 2006 at the earliest, and 31 December 2012 at the latest)  Three consecutive years  The receiver of the grant must be the project leader  Same criteria and instructions for applications for grants for research projects except for 100% salary

Swedish Research Council Formas Mobility starting grants  PhD max 3 years - January 1st st 2011 at the earliest and October 1 st 2014 at the latest  Home university - employment at a Swedish university/research institute for the full time period  Host university  Grant for months  Visit can be divided into several periods (min length 3 months)  Appendix G: The candidate for the grant must be the main applicant

Swedish Research Council Formas Formas’ Review Process  In the annual open call ~1 300 applications per year  Evaluation in Review panels – ranking of top projects  Scientific quality and Societal value  Final decision is always made by Formas’ Scientific Council

Swedish Research Council Formas Evaluation Panels in the annual open call  Climate change  The natural environment  Use of natural resources  Resource efficient products and processes  Environment pollution  Food and animal welfare  Urban and rural development  The built environment

Swedish Research Council Formas Formas’ Review Panels  members in each panel  Majority of active researchers minimum qualifications equivalent to associate professor  Minority users of the research in society documented research experience  Maximum 4 years  Equal gender distribution

Swedish Research Council Formas What is assessed? Scientific quality  Research question  Method and performance  Scientific competence For Mobility starting grants also strength and competitiveness of the research environments at the host- and home institutions will be assessed. Societal value  Societal value of research question  Communications with stakeholders / end users. Detailed information in Formas Handbook 2014

Swedish Research Council Formas Important dates  Last day for applications: April 2 nd 2014  Decisions are made: 7 th November 2014  Funding starts: January 2015  You should start your granted post during 2015

Swedish Research Council Formas Further information  Formas’ Handbook  Telephone information service: , 28 March - 2 April Any of the research officers at Formas. and telephone numbers on

Swedish Research Council Formas Questions? Good luck with your applications!