Public Hearing School Budget March 19, 2008 Public Hearing School Budget March 19, 2008 Deerfield Board of Education
Budget Development Early to Mid-November - Teachers discuss needs with building principal and superintendent. December-January - Teachers and other personnel submit requests for funds and programs to the principal/Superintendent. Budgets are reviewed by the Superintendent.
Budget Development December/January-Preliminary figures were released along with the new funding formula January/February – Superintendent and Business Administrator review district needs and budget priorities February - Board of Education reviews budget and approves preliminary budget on February 27, 2008 February 26, Governor’s address on status of the state budget February 28, Debt Service State Aid figures are released and the budget is revised based on these numbers
Budget Development March 6, Deadline to submit the budget to the Cumberland County Office of Education for review March 19, Public Hearing. The Budget is finalized for submission to the voters April 15, School Election
The Budget includes: No staffing or program cuts (accounts for 2 retirements) – Ability to continue the expansion of the K-2 math series into grade 3 2 additional out of district student placements from Additional professional development for Board of Education, as required by law New funding formula State aid = 2.9% over figures
Anticipated Revenues Tax Levy-Current 2,119, % State Aid 2,381, % Restricted State Aid 95,8541.8% Tax Levy-Debt 281,0105.3% Debt Service Aid 182,1903.4% Federal Programs155,3952.9% Fund Balance 79,4241.5% Miscellaneous21,0000.4% Total 5,315,981100%
Anticipated Revenues
Anticipated Expenditures Instructional /Reg. Ed Tuition1,648, % Debt Service 467,1078.8% Employee Benefits709, % Student Support Services 294,6545.5% Special Education836, % Operations & Maintenance500,4009.4% Administrative Costs 367,0496.9% Transportation324,2146.1% Business/Support Services141,5762.7% Capital Outlay25,8120.5% Total 5,315, %
Anticipated Expenditures
ANALYSIS OF TAXES Current Tax Levy $1,743,257 $1,933,6902,084,2722,119,361 Debt Service Tax Levy 278,868262,080261,859281,010 Total Tax Levy 2,022,1252,195,7702,346,1312,400,371 Ratables 171,360,347175,514,121181,724,786181,672,700 Tax Rate $1.18$1.25$1.29$1.31 Total Tax Increase $0.082$0.071$0.040$0.023
Average Home Assessment for Deerfield Township Value=$128,000$130,100$132,800$133,000 Taxes= $1513$1628$1714$1,748 Increase from ‘07-’08 to ‘08 - ‘09 on the average assessed value =____$34.00________
APRIL 15, :00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE