Measure BB & Bond Oversight Committee Bond Oversight Committee April 30, 2012
1.Measure BB Background & Initial Budget 2.How Bond Financing Works 3.Governance of Bond Oversight Committee (BOC) 4.Creation of BOC 5.Responsibilities of BOC 6.Highlight of Accomplishments To Date 7.Lease / Leaseback Transactions 8.Initial Role of Bernards 9.Current Role of Bernards 10.Bernards Change: Impact on BOC Meeting Agenda April 30, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 2
MBUSD Resolution No Election authorizing issuance of general obligation bonds held November 2, 2008 Passed by the voting residents of Manhattan Beach “shall MBUSD rehabilitate 58-year old Mira Costa High School…by issuing $67,480,000 in bonds at legal rates” (originally built in 1950) “..including replacing deteriorated classrooms with new classrooms and science labs, upgrading technology, replacing deteriorated plumbing / restrooms, and improving safety/energy-efficiency.” Measure BB Background April 30, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 3
“Independent oversight” “Mandatory audits” “No money for administrator salaries” “All funds staying local to improve Manhattan Beach schools.: Measure BB Background April 30, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 4
1.New math/science instructional building (Bldg. A) 2.New academic instructional building (Bldg B) 3.Technology Upgrades 4.Career/technical skills center 5.Arts instructional building 6.Safety 7.Student services 8.High school maintenance building 9.Pay or prepay certain existing long-term debt (See more details on handout) Measure BB & Initial Project List April 30, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 5
Phase I – Math & Science$24,360,000 Phase II – Finger & Admin Buildings 13,983,000 Phase III – Multi-purpose, Etc. 9,420,000 Architect, CM, Attorney 7,012,000 Sub-total Construction 54,775,000 Debt Payments 12,705,000 Total Measure BB$67,480,000 Measure BB & Initial Budget April 30, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 6
1.Organization determines amount of financing need 2.Election held for community agreement 3.Underwriters relay to the county the amount needed to pay principal and interest (typically once per year) 4.County, based on assessed values, determines incremental property tax 5.Example, incremental tax of $35 per $100,000 of assessed value How Bond Financing Works April 30, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 7
California Legislation California Proposition 39 includes various accountability requirements, including audits California Assembly Bill 1908 (“AB 1908”) includes additional requirements related to school district general obligation bond elections AB 1908 established appointment of members to a Citizens Oversight Committee Governance of BOC April 30, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 8
MBUSD School District MBUSD also established Bylaws for the Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee Purpose : Funds used in accordance with the intention of voters Goals : (1) Validate spending (2) Progress reports Mission : Independently review and authenticate planning and execution of Measure BB, and inform the public and Board regarding spending to ensure compliance with invention of voters and state law Governance of BOC April 30, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 9
Committee shall consist of at least 7 members (but may be larger) Serve for a term of two years (MBUSD exception made for a one year term) Serve for no more than two consecutive terms BOC Requirements April 30, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 10
At least one member from each of the following: 1.Active in business organization representing business community within the school district 2.Active in senior citizen’s organization 3.Active in a bona fide taxpayer association 4.Parent or guardian of child enrolled in school district 5.Both a parent (or guardian) of a child in the district and active in a parent-teacher organization BOC Requirements April 30, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 11
1.Actively review and report on the proper expenditure of the taxpayers’ money for school construction 2.Advise the public as to whether the school district is in compliance with the requirements of Article XIIIA, Section 1(b)(3) of the California Constitution 3.Advisory role 4.Proposition 39 requires BOC to issue a report annually 5.MBUSD By-Laws, however, require BOC to issue a report quarterly Responsibilities of BOC April 30, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 12
2008 Measure BB passed in November One BOC meeting held 2009 Focus on planning by architects Harley Ellis Devereaux Several meetings held with teachers, students and community for schematic design Discussed various green initiatives Four BOC meetings held Highlight of Key Measure BB Events April 30, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 13
2010 Bernards retained as construction services management (April) Schematic design approved by BOD (May) Decision to remodel, not demolish, existing “M&O” building (Summer) Bonds issued totaling $9.738,877 (July) BOC review of architect and other contracts Construction documents to DSA (November) First audit report issued (December) Seven BOC meetings held Highlight of Key Measure BB Events April 30, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 14
2011 Lease / Leaseback alternative explored (Spring) Budget revisions made by Bernards based on design changes (March) BOC review of Lease / Leaseback contract Math / Science building construction began (November) Five BOC meetings held Highlight of Key Measure BB Events April 30, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 15
2012 Construction continues on Math & Science Building Both audit reports (financial and performance) finalized and issued on 1/30/12 Third meeting to be held today. Highlight of Key Measure BB Events April 30, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 16
17 Lease Leaseback: In Summary The Builder is selected by qualifications, not low bid. Builder provides a Guaranteed Maximum Price. Traditionally, included a significant financing component. Possible legal challenges (but none in recent years, and none ever upheld.)
History of LLB LLB is authorized under Ed.Code o A long-term, revenue-based financing vehicle for projects. Growing problems with claims and cost overruns on design-bid-build projects led districts to look for alternatives to the low bid model. LLB widely used in recent years due to qualifications- based selection rather than low bid. Legal and legislative challenges to LLB have failed.
19 Structure Basically Is The Same =Owner Team Owner Construction Manager (Opt.) Architect LLB Builder or D-B-B Contractor Subcontractors
Retained by the Board as Construction Manager in April 2010 Oversee the construction of the entire project, working closely with the Architect and all contractors Prepare the detailed project budget by phase Monitor and report on project spending Recommend changes to the budget as necessary Responsible for Quality Assurance Limited Financial Responsibility Initial Role of Bernards April 29, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 20
Lease / Leaseback agreement signed with Bernards on Nov. 22, 2011 Accountable for all costs of the project, not to exceed $48,800,193 (Guaranteed Maximum Price) Fulfill role of the General Contractor Agree to all construction plans No longer Quality Assurance responsibility(transitioned to Steve Romaine) Current Role of Bernards April 30, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 21
Continue to actively review and report on proper expenditures Continue to advise the public regarding the compliance of expenditures Relationship with Bernards is a “fixed fee”; day to day expenses less of a concern Scope of project likely to transition over time, as it has already (“scope creep”) Bernards Change: Impact on BOC April 30, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 22
Questions? April 30, 2012 Measure BB Bond Oversight Committee 23