Introduction to National Taiwan University Office of International Affairs
Taihoku Imperial University 1928
National Taiwan University 6 Colleges Liberal Arts Law Science Agriculture Medicine Engineering student number:
11 colleges 2 professional schools 54 departments 103 graduate institutes 66 research centers student number: 33,000 National Taiwan University Today
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Management Public Health Social Sciences Life Science 11 Colleges Liberal Arts Science Medicine Law Bioresources & Agriculture Engineering Academic Programs 2 Professional Schools School of Veterinary Medicine School of Dentistry
National Taiwan University ‧ Islandwide Campuses
Taipei campuses University Hospital 180 ha (450 ac) National Taiwan University ‧ Islandwide Campuses
Chupei Branch Campus Branch Hospital Biotechnology & Extension 25 ha (60 ac) National Taiwan University ‧ Islandwide Campuses
Yunlin Branch Hospital 5 ha (12 ac)
Experimental Forests (School of Forestry and Resource Conservation) Highland Farm (Department of Horticulture) 34,400 ha (85,000 ac) National Taiwan University ‧ Islandwide Campuses
Total NTU land size 35,000 ha (86,000 ac) = 1% of Taiwan (3,500,000 hectares) National Taiwan University ‧ Islandwide Campuses
33,000 students in graduate/undergraduate ratio = 1:1 graduate/undergraduate ratio = 1:1 Student Enrollment [ Student number ] [ Year ]
Dr. Yuan-Tseh Lee Former President of Academia Sinica Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1986) NTU Alumni – Academia
Dr. Chang-Lin Tien Former Chancellor of UC Berkeley Dr. Henry Yang Chancellor of UC Santa Barbara Since 1994 More than 40 university presidents NTU Alumni – Academia
Academicians Academia Sinica, Taiwan 30+ in Humanities and Social Sciences 45+ in Mathematics and Physical Sciences 50+ in Life Sciences National Academy of Sciences, USA NTU Alumni – Academia
Asus Quanta Garmin Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Koos Group VIA Technologies NTU Alumni – Business
NSC: iRiCE (International Research-Intensive Center of Excellence) NSC: iRiCE (International Research-Intensive Center of Excellence) Intel-NTU Center (M2M) with College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Only university outside the US
MD Anderson Cancer Center NSC: iRiCE (International Research-Intensive Center of Excellence) NSC: iRiCE (International Research-Intensive Center of Excellence)
Major Donations NTU Cancer Center Terry Gou USD 500 million
Intelligent robotics lab with France (CNRS, UPMC, and INRIA) NSC: iRiCE (International Research-Intensive Center of Excellence) NSC: iRiCE (International Research-Intensive Center of Excellence)
NSC: iRiCE (International Research-Intensive Center of Excellence) NSC: iRiCE (International Research-Intensive Center of Excellence) Intelligent robotics lab with France (CNRS, UPMC, and INRIA)
International Cutting-edge Research Centers International Cutting-edge Research Centers California NanoSystems Institute
32 centers worldwide European Union Centre in Taiwan International Cutting-edge Research Centers International Cutting-edge Research Centers
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Research Center for Typhoon and Society International Cutting-edge Research Centers International Cutting-edge Research Centers
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology KAUST Solar and Alternative Energy Research Center KAUST elected 7 universities out of 60, incl. Cornell, Oxford NTU is the only Asian university elected NTU New Energy Center International Cutting-edge Research Centers International Cutting-edge Research Centers
National-Level Research Centers Weather Climate and Disaster Earthquake Engineering Nano-Electro-Mechanical-Systems Digital Archives Resource Center 1.9 million digital annotations 8.6 million images 208 million words of original texts including Ming and Qing documents Humanities & Social Science government early warning system
Biology Biodiversity Biotechnology Medicine Genomic Medicine Neurobiology and Cognitive Science Engineering Emerging Material and Advanced Devices Quantum Science and Engineering Innovation and Synergy for Intelligent Home and Living Technology Humanities Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Science © Jean Livet
NTU’s current research Wideband MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
System on a Chip (SoC) NTU’s current research
conceptual model NTU’s current research Renewable and sustainable energy (Kuroshio)
“ARA” (Askaryan Radio Array) Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics Observatory, --Antarctica NTU’s current research
Syntheses, characterizations and applications of molecular metal wires & functional nanomaterials Microbial genomics core Impact of climate change on Taiwan’s overall security Digital Archives Resource Center East Asian Confucianisms
Partnering with the industry
Shanghai Jiao Tong University Global University Rankings 2011 Overall Ranking: Asia: Chinese World: Engineering, Technology, and Computer Science: World: 29 Asia Pacific: 4
Times Reputation Ranking of Worldwide Universities 2012 Ranking: QS World University Rankings 2011 Ranking: Arts & Humanities 43 Natural Sciences 38 Engineering & Technology 53 Social Sciences & Management 47 Life Sciences
study abroad students 954 study abroad students 954 dual degree programs 45 dual degree programs 45 student exchange programs 283 student exchange programs 283 International NTU partner universities partner universities international faculty 137 (7%) 28 international faculty 137 (7%) 28 international students 3, international students 3,156 75
International NTU
Asia-Pacific Association for International Education The largest APAIE conference and exhibition 1000 delegates from 45 countries
NTU Advantages
Teaching Excellence Cutting-edge research Many opportunities for student exchanges A gateway to Greater China
Elite Chinese Language Programs Center for International Education (CIE) Programs International Chinese Language Program (ICLP) Chinese Language Division (CLD) E-learning NTU Chinese
Elite Chinese Language Programs NTU’s Advantages Rich traditions of classical and modern Chinese language education Instruction in both Traditional and Simplified Chinese characters Speaking-oriented training
Looking Ahead Create more incentives for joint programs Encourage faculty contacts and exchanges Promote 2-way summer programs Explore joint or dual degree programs Joining forces