School Year Proposed Budget 2015/16 Proposed Budget1
Board Members & Administration Dr. Terran Brown, Board PresidentMr. Jignesh Shah, Board Vice-President Mrs. Laura Bond, Board MemberMrs. Peggy Hallion, Board Member Mrs. Andrea Katz, Board Member Mr. Scott Heino, Superintendent Mr. John Snuffin, Business Administrator/Board Secretary 2015/16 Proposed Budget2
Enrollment Growth 2015/16 Proposed Budget3
Enrollment Projections 2015/16 Proposed Budget4
Challenges of our Increasing Enrollment Need for additional classroom teachers Need for additional specialists Need for additional support staff Maintaining class size Maintaining services/programs Expanding services/programs Additional professional development to support current teachers and to support new teachers More students = additional concerns (i.e. discipline, space, arrival/dismissal procedures, etc.) Developing a budget to address the needs of the school but not placing additional burden on the tax payer. 2015/16 Proposed Budget5
Budget Highlights Maintain All Current Programs F/T Classroom Teacher F/T Special Education Teacher P/T Special Education Teacher Increased Staffing within the BSI Program Increased School Psychologist from P/T to F/T 3 Additional Lunch/Recess Aides (2 hrs./day) Upgrade to our Wireless Infrastructure 1 Mobile Lab ( 25 Chromebooks/lab) 18 Passenger Wheel Chair Accessible School Bus 2015/16 Proposed Budget6
Average Class Size GradeSectionsNumber of Students Average Class Size K592*19* * Kindergarten numbers are based on current registration information. 2015/16 Proposed Budget7
Per Pupil Spending In Burlington County, Chesterfield is the second lowest per pupil spending district at $15,974. Here is how we compare to the districts in our peer group: DistrictPer Pupil Spending Mahwah Twp., Bergen$21,090 Cherry Hill Twp., Camden$17,071 Clinton Twp., Hunterdon$20,733 Princeton Regional, Mercer$24,614 Howell Twp., Monmouth$19,386 State Average$19, /16 Proposed Budget8
Revenue & Savings Investigated the benefits of starting our own before and after care program Renegotiated agreement with Champions before and after care program Continue to investigate opportunities to rent classrooms/space to other institutions Continue to investigate opportunities to cut costs on services such as transportation In the process of refinancing bonds Investigated alternatives with health benefit plans Investigated alternate funding opportunities such as e-rate and SEMI (Special Education Medicare Initiative) Established shared services with other districts (i.e. specialists, transportation, technology support, etc.) Sold old school Insurance settlement for damages as a result of the school fire 2015/16 Proposed Budget9
Total Operating Budget $8,005, $8,575, $8,814, /16 Proposed Budget10
/16 Proposed Budget11
2015 – 2016 Revenue 2015/16 Proposed Budget12
Revenue Fund Balance$ 89,962 Local Tax Levy$ 8,152,813 Interest & Misc Revenue$ 132,125 State Aid$ 437,538 Federal Aid$ 2,561 Total Operating Budget $ 8,814,999 Grants$ 154,341 Debt Service $ 2,444,825 Total Budget$11,414, /16 Proposed Budget13
Tax Points & Assessed Values Tax point 2014 $72,437 Chesterfield Tax point 2015 $73,092 Chesterfield Average assessed value of home in Chesterfield 2014 $392,304 Average assessed value of home in Chesterfield 2015 $391, /16 Proposed Budget14
Average Home Assessed Value is $391,716 A home assessed at $391,716 will see an $ tax increase for the operating budget $ Debt service (Already approved) $ Total 2015/16 Proposed Budget15
Adjustments To Tax Impact From Unexpended Bond Proceeds The Board adopted a resolution to pay $400,000, principal payment of Debt Service. $100,000 of this is from the new school unexpended bond proceeds. The remaining $300,000 is from the sale of the old school. 2015/16 Proposed Budget16
Taxpayers Guide to Education Spending – Sending Districts Chester field MansfieldNorth Hanover Spring field State Average Total Spending $15,974$16,607$19,738$23,408$17,587 Budgetary Cost $10,879$12,970$15,409$19,342$13,961 Total Admin $1,292$1,434$1,627$1,885$1, /16 Proposed Budget17
Budget Adopted by BOE After Adoption of Resolution Budget Total Operating Budget $ 8,814,999 Total Grants & Entitlements $ 154,341 Total Repayments of Debt $ 2,444,825 Totals $ 11,414,165 Local Tax Levy $ 8,152,813 n/a $ 1,675,997 $ 9,828, /16 Proposed Budget18
THANK YOU! 2015/16 Proposed Budget19