Graduate Thesis Seminar Week 1: Latex and HTML Jonas Braasch
You need 1.A latex distribution (e.g., Miktex) 2.A post script viewer (e.g., Ghostview) 3.A Latex editor (e.g., LatexEditor) Install everything in this order, follow default instructions
Miktex Miktex (etc 2.4) e.g., basic-miktex exe (~ 32 MB).basic-miktex exe
Latex Editor E.g., the MeWa Latex Editor E.g., version /latexeditor/LaTeXEditorSetup.exe
MeWa Updates MiKTex Path: –C:\Program Files\MiKTex 2.7\miktex\bin Ps2pdf –"C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.61\bin\gswin32c.exe" - dCompatibilityLevel=1.3 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress - dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite - sOutputFile="$(FileTitle).pdf" "$(FileTitle).ps“ Pdf view –"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" "$(FilePath)$(FileTitle).pdf"
Typical path settings C:\texmf\miktex\bin C:\gstools\gsview\gsview32.exe
Ghostview Install Ghostscript first: –e.g ver gs853w32.exe ongs853w32.exe – tmhttp:// tm Then install Ghostview: –E.g. 4.7 gsv47w32.exe on –
Mac OS tex/default9.htmlhttp:// tex/default9.html texshop.html MacGSView 2.0b3
Hello World Example
Basic Template
Postscript of Basic Template
IEEE Template
Changes to the layout Please note that you can make many changes to the general layout. We will not get into that because we could easily spend the next two hours on it.
In Windows, you can view the dvi file with the program yap, which is distributed with the MikTex package.
Using Bibtex
Bibtex turns.bib in.bbl file
References with alpha style
References with plain style
… Have a good day
HTML Basic Definitions HTML –HyperText Markup Language. HTML Document –A document written in HyperText Markup Language. HTTP –The abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, HTTP is used to link and transfer hypertext documents.
Tags HTML is a mark up language like LaTeX. Tags are being used to enter and leave a new environment:... In LaTex one would either use the \begin{tag} …. \end{tag} coding or its abbreviated version (e.g., {\bf blaba} for boldface font).
Examples for Tags = Begin of an HTML Document = Begin of non-visible header Banner for title bar Document Title =close head =start body, this text will be displayed =end body =end of the HTML document
Comments Comments are set in HTML like this Recall, in LaTex we had the ‘%’ sign instead.
Headings most import, largest Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5 Heading 6 least important, smallest This equivalent to the \chapter and \section headings in LaTex
Paragraphs For the line break, you would use. Linebreak … a rare case with only one tag! While for the block quotation one would write:..quotation...
Lists Apples Bananas Apples Bananas Unordered List Apples Bananas Ordered List 1.Apples 2.Bananas
Font Styles Boldface –Everything between and is boldfaced. Italics –Everything between and is italicized. Underline –Everything between and is underlined. Typewriter Text –Everything between and is in typewriter text style
Anchor RPI Web server Sets a link to RPI. HREF stands for "Hypertext REFerence“, basically the link you can load.
Images Here is the flower:
Images Two types of images are mainly used: Jpeg: Joint Photographic Experts Group –Lossy compression –good for photos with many colors GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) –Lossless compression –Only 256 colors –Allows dynamic graphs->