Your NAME SURNAME Your University logo and name (Short CV) Title of the research activity Photo 7th Summer School on “ADC & DAC Metrology” IMEKO TC-4 Working.


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Presentation transcript:

Your NAME SURNAME Your University logo and name (Short CV) Title of the research activity Photo 7th Summer School on “ADC & DAC Metrology” IMEKO TC-4 Working Group on Analogue-to-Digital & Digital-to-Analogue Converter Metrology IMEKO TC-4 Technical Committee on Measurement of Electrical Quantities

NAME SURNAMEUniversity logo Own research activity (MAXIMUM 3 slides) Short description of state of art, objective and aims, adopted tools, main references (papers, books, …) in the field of interest 7th Summer School on “ADC & DAC Metrology” IMEKO TC-4 Working Group on Analogue-to-Digital & Digital-to-Analogue Converter Metrology IMEKO TC-4 Technical Committee on Measurement of Electrical Quantities

NAME SURNAMEUniversity logo Own research activity Short description of state of art, objective and aims, adopted tools, main references (papers, books, …) in the field of interest 7th Summer School on “ADC & DAC Metrology” IMEKO TC-4 Working Group on Analogue-to-Digital & Digital-to-Analogue Converter Metrology IMEKO TC-4 Technical Committee on Measurement of Electrical Quantities

NAME SURNAMEUniversity logo Own research activity Short description of state of art, objective and aims, adopted tools, main references (papers, books, …) in the field of interest 7th Summer School on “ADC & DAC Metrology” IMEKO TC-4 Working Group on Analogue-to-Digital & Digital-to-Analogue Converter Metrology IMEKO TC-4 Technical Committee on Measurement of Electrical Quantities

NAME SURNAMEUniversity logo Own research activity If present list here your published papers or the results of your research activity 7th Summer School on “ADC & DAC Metrology” IMEKO TC-4 Working Group on Analogue-to-Digital & Digital-to-Analogue Converter Metrology IMEKO TC-4 Technical Committee on Measurement of Electrical Quantities