Unit Information System (UNITIS) Jan Cerny Marc Wrubleski Information System for the collection, management and publication of data related to an organizational unit
Problems we are trying to solve Lack of data standardization Data stored in silos Data not part of daily work flow Lack of meaningful reporting Website content does not have standard look and feel Unit related information not displayed in proper context Alignment with U of C Business Plan
Options Ad Hoc 3 rd party enterprise solutions E.G. Accelums or Literom PeopleTools UNITIS
Concept of UNITIS Empowers stakeholders Integral part of Enterprise solution Data is entered only once at the proper source Data is shared and leveraged by all stakeholders Information System for the collection, management and publication of data related to an organizational unit.
Demo Part 1 Directory, People, Courses, Dynamic Content
Benefits Engage the community Quality information Cost savings/increased efficiency Improved support for decision making
Engage the Community Recruit and retain highly qualified students and faculty Enhance presentation of research, teaching, and other activities to the public Simplification of finding information across various websites
Quality Information Students and researchers have access to quality information Profiles University data in context of the unit Multidisciplinary mapping More usable and familiar web experience Websites and units are always up to date Standardization of website beyond basic template Departmental asset management
Cost savings / increased efficiency Leverages existing systems Data entered once Data managed by stakeholders Multidisciplinary
Improved support for decision making Day to day workflow captured Standardization of information currently held in silos Meaningful comparative reporting Enhance business intelligence
Demo Part 2 Administrative Side, in Depth Drill Down, People, Groups, Mail List Memberships Rooms allocation Phones allocation Education credentials Contact information Office hours Research interests Research publications Research groups CV publication Awards management Student/supervisor relationships Keys allocation and information Emergency contacts Course information sheets management
Future UNITIS Features Events and News management Asset management Publications exporting to Library (dSpace) Research and teaching awards tracking Provide data as a source for Academic Annual Report
Project Scope 150+ data tables 14 implementations, 15 underway Integration with LDAP, CAS, data warehouse, mailman, library Drupal WCMS Hosted by UCIT Open Source, collaboration
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