1/2002JNM Edit, Assemble, Link & Debug
1/2002JNM Files Created
1/2002JNM Files Created (Verbose) Source File (.asm) – an ASCII file Object File (.obj) – a machine-translation of the program Listing File (.lst) – a copy of the program’s source code, suitable for printing, with line numbers, offset addresses, translated machine code, and a symbol table.
1/2002JNM Files Created (Verbose – cont) Program Database File (.pdf) – updated during the link step if –Zi option is used with ML.
1/2002JNM Files Created (Verbose –cont) Map File (.map) – a text file containing information about the segments contacined in a program being linked. - EXE module name -timestamp from the program file header -List of segment groups in the program – with each group’s start address, length, group name, and class. -List of public symbols, with each address, symbol name, flat address and module where defined. -Address of the program’s entry point.
1/2002JNM EDIT – available with DOS Notepad – Text editor PWB Editor– Programmer’s Workbench – MASM’s management tools for assembly code PFE – Used in lab Ultraedit, etc… - available free on internet Editors
1/2002JNM Assemblers MASM – Microsoft Assembler TASM – Borland’s Turbo Assembler
1/2002JNM Debuggers Debug Debug32 – Included with Uffenbeck book Codeview – symbolic debugger (source code can be viewed while debugging)
1/2002JNM Codeview Screen
1/2002JNM Codeview Windows Source Window –Use options button to toggle between options Memory Window –Can change size to increase amount of memory seen Register Window Command Window Output Window(F4) – full screen Debugging – –F8 – trace – T - (with procedures) –F10 – step - P - (without procedures) –Breakpoints(Data – Set Breakpoint – Break at Location)
1/2002JNM Source Code Template
1/2002JNM How Do you Assemble your Code Assuming you have created a source file using an editor, you must now assemble it. You could type in –MASM /z/zi filename –LINK /co filename MASM contains ML executable program –ML /Zi /Zm /Fm /Fl filename.asm /link /co c:\irvine\irvine
1/2002JNM Better Ways to Assemble and Link Files Run make16.bat (or make32.bat) Run make16 from the directory where your source file is located Set path to find masm615 –C:>path = c:\masm615 –C:>make16 filename –C:> cv filename