SJTU Zhou Lingling1 Introduction to Electronics Zhou Lingling
SJTU Zhou Lingling2 Outline Organization of this textbook Objective of this course Basic concepts Signals Amplifier
SJTU Zhou Lingling3 Organization of This Textbook Part --- Devices and Basic Circuits Part --- Analogy and Digital ICs Part --- Selected Topics Appendix
SJTU Zhou Lingling4 Part --- Devices and Basic Circuits Diodes MOS Field-Effect Transistors Bipolar Junction Transistors
SJTU Zhou Lingling5 Part --- Analogy and Digital ICs Single-Stage IC Amplifiers Differential and Multistage Amplifiers Feedback Operational-Amplifier
SJTU Zhou Lingling6 Part --- Selected Topics Filters and Tuned Amplifiers Signal Generators and Waveform-Shaping Circuits Out-put Stages and Power Amplifiers
SJTU Zhou Lingling7 Appendix VLSI Fabrication Technology Two-Port Network Parameters Some Useful Network Theorems Single-Time-Constant Circuits S-domain Analysis: Poles, Zeros, and Bode Plots
SJTU Zhou Lingling8 Objective of This Course To develop the ability to analyze and design electronic circuits,both analog and digital, discrete and integrated. Emphases is placed on transistor circuits design. As the fundamental of the IC design.
SJTU Zhou Lingling9 Basic concepts Signals Amplifier
SJTU Zhou Lingling10 Signals Signal source Transducers are the devices which can convert the non-electric signal to electric signal, or vice versa. Signal source is the transducer witch can produce electric signal. Representation of the signal source Thévenin form Norton form
SJTU Zhou Lingling11 Representation of the Signal Source Two alternative representations of a signal source: (a) the Thévenin form (b) the Norton form
SJTU Zhou Lingling12 Time-Domain Representation of Signal An arbitrary voltage signal v s (t).
SJTU Zhou Lingling13 Time-Domain Representation of Signal Sine-wave voltage signal of amplitude V a and frequency f = 1/T Hz. The angular frequency ω = 2 π f rad/s.
SJTU Zhou Lingling14 Time-Domain Representation of Signal A symmetrical square-wave signal of amplitude V.
SJTU Zhou Lingling15 Frequency-Domain Representation of Signal The frequency spectrum of an arbitrary waveform is continuous function of frequency. It means the spectrum contains all possible frequencies.
SJTU Zhou Lingling16 Frequency-Domain Representation of Signal The frequency spectrum of the periodic square wave consists of discrete frequencies.
SJTU Zhou Lingling17 Analog and Digital Signals Analog signal The magnitude of analog signal can take on any value and exhibits a continuous variation over its range of activity. Digital signal The representation of digital signal is that of a sequence of numbers, each number representing the signal magnitude at an instant of time. Sampling ADC and DAC
SJTU Zhou Lingling18 Sampling Sampling the continuous-time analog signal in (a) Results in the discrete-time signal in (b).
SJTU Zhou Lingling19 ADC and DAC Block-diagram representation of the analog-to-digital converter (ADC).
SJTU Zhou Lingling20 Amplifier A voltage amplifier fed with a signal v I (t) and connected to a load resistance R L.
SJTU Zhou Lingling21 Amplifier Transfer characteristic of a linear voltage amplifier with voltage gain A v. The straight line means the amplifier is a linear amplifier.
SJTU Zhou Lingling22 Amplifier An amplifier transfer characteristic that is linear except for output saturation. Output waveform is clipped off. Nonlinear distortion exists.
SJTU Zhou Lingling23 Amplifier An amplifier transfer characteristic that shows considerable nonlinearity. Nonlinear distortion
SJTU Zhou Lingling24 Amplifier To obtain linear operation the amplifier is biased as shown 。 The signal amplitude is kept small. This amplifier is operated from a single power supply, V DD.