TRD DAQ (U) Software Status TIM CERN May.09 Chanhoon Chung, Mark Millinger, Andreas Sabellek IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Univ. of Karlsruhe TIM May09, CERNIEKP,Andreas Sabellek p. 2 TRD(U) DAQ Overview Outline UDR2 / JINFU DSP Software U-Crates SlowControl/HK Data Basic Monitoring Tools Development TRD Offline DAQ Status Gas: Premixed Ar/CO2 (80/20) Readout Electronics: U0: QM U-Crate and UPD U1: QM and FS equipped U-Crate Readout: AMSW/Trigger via EPP-AMSW box; Recording to AMS Block files Trigger: 2kHz recording cosmics since July08
Univ. of Karlsruhe TIM May09, CERNIEKP,Andreas Sabellek p. 3 Data Reduction UDR2 DSP Software current version v9318 (March,24th) based on framework v9310 by A.Kounine -optimized processing time ~240us/single-track-event -unassgined bits used to submit readout chip noise with hit amplitude -added HK data for DAQ status monitoring: UFE hit counter / running mean common noise (e.g. new calibration?) channel hit counter / running mean hit amplitude (e.g. change in gas?) Status: Code in use in TRD Offline DAQ Calibration: - Test of channel quality and setting of channel flags - Calculation of pedestals - Calculation of noise Data Reduction: - Pedestal Substraction - Zero Suppression - Channel Flag handling (e.g. force output of a channel) Framework v9310SubD routines HK data: - hit counter - amplitude averaging
Univ. of Karlsruhe TIM May09, CERNIEKP,Andreas Sabellek p. 4 Slow Control JINFU DSP Software JMDC: Qlist requests status info HK datastream to disk JINF_U0/1: collects and assembles status data from nodes on request UPD S9011AU Controller UPSFE boards UHVG boards AMSwire LeCroy LRDL/ HRDL system parameters: current version v941A (April,26th) based on framework v9310 by A.Kounine 1)initialization/reset of U-Crate HW according configuration file in flash -16 FPGAs and 168 high voltage controllers 2)status readout of U-Crate HW -long status: complete HW configuration readback -short status: JINF compares readback with expected setting and replies discrepancies only 3)init/ramping of high voltage specified in configuration file Status: Code used in TRD Offline DAQ
Univ. of Karlsruhe TIM May09, CERNIEKP,Andreas Sabellek p. 5 Summary: TRD Housekeeping Data UDR2 (status DAQ) –Calibration data (channel pedestal/noise) –Status of data acquisition (channel hit counter/amplitude) JINFU (status SlowControl) –Status from UPD-Box DCDC converters and U-Crate electronics –Status of U-Crate UHVG high voltage channels UGSCM (status Gas via CAN-bus; next presentation) AMSWire sources for TRD DAQ monitoring: Recording HK data with science data in AMS Block File format during last weeks TRD Offline operation for test
Univ. of Karlsruhe TIM May09, CERNIEKP,Andreas Sabellek p. 6TRD-M development by Chanhoon Chung Need a quick and reliable diagnosis tool for monitoring TRD HK data –based on CCEB-Monitor developed by A.Basili/A.Lebedev using xforms-libs and AMSblock decoding following: examples …–M programs known to everyone TRD Housekeeping data in TRD-M
Univ. of Karlsruhe TIM May09, CERNIEKP,Andreas Sabellek p. 7 Example: Strawtube Noise
Univ. of Karlsruhe TIM May09, CERNIEKP,Andreas Sabellek p. 8 Example: JINFU (short)Status U0-Crate: no problems U1-Crate: known reason: missing 2nd QM UPD TRD SlowControl status can be summarized in number of discrepancies from nominal
Univ. of Karlsruhe TIM May09, CERNIEKP,Andreas Sabellek p. 9 TRD Dallas T Sensor Monitor development by Mark Millinger graphics required to identify location implemented on basis of Monitor programs by A.Basili and A.Lebedev
Univ. of Karlsruhe TIM May09, CERNIEKP,Andreas Sabellek p. 10 TRD DTS Monitor TRD DTS Monitor sensor area temperature averaging in different layers
Univ. of Karlsruhe TIM May09, CERNIEKP,Andreas Sabellek p. 11Summary Initialization based on JINF configuration file implemented Development of monitoring tools based on common framework ongoing to be done: “TRD-Control” –Graphical Interface indicating status of system components analyzing HK data –and providing tools to quickly identify problems –Create configuration file TRD DAQ still running next: Francesca Spada, TRD GAS (UG)