Video Unit History,Production Process,Cameras &Styles
Film History & Theory Ricciotto Camudo Eisenstein Kuleshov Ricciotto Camudo Eisenstein Kuleshov
Camudo Italian-first to detail thoughts on film theory The Birth of the Sixth Art, published as early as 1911, Argued that the cinema synthetized the spatial arts (architecture, sculpture and painting) with the temporal arts (music and dance).cinemaarchitecturesculpturepaintingmusicdance Italian-first to detail thoughts on film theory The Birth of the Sixth Art, published as early as 1911, Argued that the cinema synthetized the spatial arts (architecture, sculpture and painting) with the temporal arts (music and dance).cinemaarchitecturesculpturepaintingmusicdance
Einsenstein known for his creative use of Montages Famous film “The BattleShip Potemkin” Soviet Montage style and theory was founded by him known for his creative use of Montages Famous film “The BattleShip Potemkin” Soviet Montage style and theory was founded by him
Eisenstein Montage Theory Style of editing offers discontinuity in graphic qualities, violations of the 180 degree rule, and the creation of impossible spatial matches. Style of editing offers discontinuity in graphic qualities, violations of the 180 degree rule, and the creation of impossible spatial matches.
Eisenstein Montage Theory 180 degree rule film editing guideline that states that two characters (or other elements) in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each editing 180 degree rule film editing guideline that states that two characters (or other elements) in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each editing
Eisenstein Montage Theory 180 degree rule Example of an action scene, such as a car chase, if a vehicle leaves the right side of the frame in one shot, it should enter from the left side of the frame in the next chase 180 degree rule Example of an action scene, such as a car chase, if a vehicle leaves the right side of the frame in one shot, it should enter from the left side of the frame in the next chase
180 Degree Rule
Einsenstein Methods of Montage 1.Metric 2.Rhythmic 3.Tonal 4.Overtonal 5.Intellectual montage 1.Metric 2.Rhythmic 3.Tonal 4.Overtonal 5.Intellectual montage
Einsenstein Methods of Montage Metric - where the editing follows a specific number of frames, cutting to the next shot no matter what is happening within the image. This montage is used to elicit the most basal and emotional of reactions in the audience. ・ Metric montage example from Eisenstein's October. ・ Metric montage example Metric - where the editing follows a specific number of frames, cutting to the next shot no matter what is happening within the image. This montage is used to elicit the most basal and emotional of reactions in the audience. ・ Metric montage example from Eisenstein's October. ・ Metric montage example
Einsenstein Methods of Montage October -
Einsenstein Methods of Montage Rhythmic: includes cutting based on time, but using the visual composition of the shots along with a change in the speed of the metric cuts to induce more complex meanings than what is possible with metric montage. Once sound was introduced, rhythmic montage also included audial elements (music, dialogue, sounds)
Einsenstein Methods of Montage Example of Rhythmic montage:
Einsenstein Methods of Montage Rhythmic : where there is three way dual : director Sergio Leone Movie the good the bad and the uglythe
Einsenstein Methods of Montage Exercise: 1. In groups of 3 or 4 create a story board using the Einsenstein Methods of Montage. You must use themes that are line with the Catholic Values. For example good vs evil. 2. The Story Board must have a min. of 15 frames. Totaling 30 seconds. 3. The story Board must have sound and video sections clearly labeled. (refer to chapter 4 in digital overdrive) 4. This will be collected.