Kara Wada, Director of Graduate Admissions & Records Kate Korgan, Sr. Associate Dean
What is Degree Audit (DA)? ◦ DA, also known as Academic Advisement, gives students, faculty, and staff the ability to track students’ progress through their degree programs via MyUNLV. Building Degree Audit ◦ Two phases ◦ Build finalized and released to students and departments for use by fall 2013
Immediate Impacts ◦ Reformatting and standardization of Graduate Catalog ◦ Transfer all graduate students to fall 2012 Catalog ◦ Elimination of Degree Plan Requirements form ◦ Merger of Degree Program Forms into new DA form ◦ Oral Defense & Final Exam Results forms merging into new culminating experience form ◦ Policy modifications to support DA
Implications for Graduate Departments ◦ Provide quick feedback on new Catalog text ◦ Provide quick response re: Catalog clarifications ◦ Review & respond in timely manner to DA template ◦ Expedite program change forms if necessary
A Free, Value-Added Training Opportunity ◦ Simple application process ◦ Six, free, campus workshops required (flexible) ◦ Culminating research presentation ◦ Available to: Admitted graduate students in good standing Honors students & McNair scholars w/ 90+ credits and a 3.0 minimum GPA Benefits ◦ Certificate, transcript note, and fodder for CV
New GA College Allocations coming soon New Recruitment Awards available for Fall 2013 Admissions New Retention Awards available soon New McNair Scholar Fellowships & STEM Fellowships coming in 2013