1 Project Name Names of Students *Indicate project manager and if anyone has a special role *ESLR each student will talk about
2 Who is your client? What is The San Diego River Park Foundation? What is their mission? What is I Love a Clean San Diego? What is their mission? What is Kid’s EcoClub? What is their mission?
3 Project / Client Connection Purpose of the project. How purpose of project connects to client(s) and their mission(s)? How does this connect to sustainability on a global level?
4 Products Brief explanation of the products (sculpture, artist’s statement, and video essay). Brief explanation of the general steps to create each piece (be sure to mention work from EACH class).
5 Production Process-Student Name Explain what the production process is. Explain artifact and briefly how it was made-pre- production/production/post-production (portion of the video). How, using evidence (1-2 specific pieces), does this artifact SHOW your understanding of the production process? How will you apply this type of thinking in the future? Must include a visual (sentence from artifact, picture of artifact, etc.).
6 Critical Thinking Outcome-Student Name Explain what critical thinking is. Explain artifact and briefly how it was made (portion of the script, research paper, or artist’s statement). How, using evidence (1-2 specific pieces), does this artifact SHOW your critical thinking skills? How will you apply this type of thinking in the future? Must include a visual (sentence from artifact, picture of artifact, etc.).
7 Innovative Thinking Outcome-Student Name Explain what innovative thinking is. Explain artifact (sculpture design, animation, or video symbolism). How, using evidence (1-2 specific examples), does this artifact SHOW your innovative thinking skills? How will you apply this type of thinking in the future? Must include a visual (sentence from artifact, clip of artifact, etc.).
8 Civic Engagement Outcome-Student Name Explain what civic engagement is. Explain how you interacted with the client and community (field trip, interview, clean-ups, Bob’s critique of your sculpture). How will you apply this type of thinking in the future? How did working with this client impact you? Must include a visual (picture from an interview, interaction with client, or clean-up).
9 Group Dynamics How was working in a group different from working individually? What went well (behavior, time management, staying on task, etc.)? What didn’t go well (behavior, time management, staying on task, etc.)?
10 Thank You Slide Thank audience for listening. Open for questions and comments. Do NOT include any funny group photos, big smiley faces, or anything unprofessional.