TITLE OF PRESENTATION Your Name (Image Recommended)
Products List the products that currently employ this material in your chosen industry and in other industries Consider providing information on the following questions: What products fill a similar need? What are the strengths and weakness of products that fill a similar need? Why did the engineers that built these products design them the way they did? Use bullet points Image Suggested
Properties List and explain the properties of the material that make it so useful in the industry you have chosen. Consider providing information on the following questions: How does ___________work? What are the different parts of a _______________? What are the important characteristics of a ____________? Use bullet points Image Suggested
Natural Resources/Processes List the natural resources/basic elements are required to make this material. Explain the processes that are required to synthesize and shape this material. Consider providing information on the following questions: _________ is made from or using _______________because? Which of earth’s resources are needed to make ____________? Use bullet points Image Suggested
Impact Explain the impact on society and/or the natural environment of the manufacture and use of this material. Use bullet points Image Suggested
Human Need Explain the human need that is filled by this material/product. Consider providing information on the following questions: What do users of your product need and does this material meet that need? Is it an improved version (more speed, lower cost, less weight, etc.) of a product that already exists? Or is it a product with an entirely new combination of features never before seen? Use bullet points Image Suggested
New Product Design Explain the new product you designed using this material to fill a human need. Use bullet points Image Suggested
Improved Properties Explain how the properties of your designed product improve the characteristics of existing material and/or products already used for the same purpose. Include information on 3 of the following categories: Physical characteristics: density, melting point, elasticity, ductility, viscosity, magnetic Performance characteristics: Strength, Friction, Adhesion Flammability, Insulation value Inputs: energy consumption, fuel consumption, labor Outputs: power, pollution undesirable side effects Manufacturing consideration: difficulty of making Environmental requirements: water resistance, corrosion resistance, operating temperature range, storage temperature range, ability to withstand radiation User requirements: ease of learning and use How does it hold up: ease of repair, lifespan, disposability Use bullet points Image Suggested
Analysis/Evaluation Explain how you will evaluate the Final Version of Your Design. Consider providing information on the following: Did I analyze my design in terms of the 3 criteria I listed in Research Plan Outline Step 6? How can I measure my design’s improvement over existing designs? Include a summarized experimental plan explaining how you will test that your product is better than the original. Did I redesign my product at least once before I submitted the final version for my Power Point Presentation? (Attach Drafts to your Rubric),Listing Inv. Question, M.V., R.V. and 3 C.V.’s plus summary of procedure Use bullet points Image Suggested
Bibliography List your sources below. You must use at least three resources. One source must be a book, a science journal, or a trade magazine. Your sources must be listed in MLA format.