Valuing Nature Campaigns
Communicating the benefits of Mexico’s protected areas Studied the goods and services provided by the country’s protected areas including: tourism, carbon sequestration, water provision services, watershed protection, disaster mitigation and fisheries Results: PA’s receive 14 million national and international visits per year PA’s store an equivalent of 5.6 years of Mexico’s CO2 emissions (at the 2004 rate)
Protected areas contribution to Peru’s economy Better position protected areas on the political agenda and integrate them into national development plans Review possible new financial resources Look specifically at contribution of protected areas to sustainable tourism Review options regarding payment for environmental services schemes Develop alliances with the private sector Run joint projects with local and regional governments
Findings: For every $ invested in tourism in PA’s the return was US$46 Around 2.7 million people use water originating from 16 PA’s (value of approx. US$81 million) 60% of the hydro-electricity comes from rivers in PA’s In total: current and potential benefits of PA’s contribute over US$1 billion per year to the national economy ValueIndicator Human water consumptionNational market prices Hydro energy productionNational market prices of energy transmission IrrigationNational market prices of agricultural products Tourism collectionNational market Prices Tourism economy effectAverage expenditure of tourist and national tourism studies Non-timber forest productsInternational market prices Erosion protectionAvoid cost Carbon storageCarbon international price
What can we learn from these experience? TNC Valuing Nature Campaigns aims to identify, assess and disseminate information about the environmental, social and economic benefits provided by protected areas in order to: –generate political will –create public awareness –mobilise and increase funding for protected areas
Develop a coordination team and build coalitions - Carry out a situation analysis - Develop objectives Identify your audience Identify and prioritize values - Define the scope of the study - Select methods - Carry out a situation analysis - Develop objectives Identify your audience Identify and prioritize values - Define the scope of the study - Select methods - Develop an implementation plan - Agree indicators to assess the project’s success - Carry out a literature review, data collection and analysis - Write the research report - Develop an implementation plan - Agree indicators to assess the project’s success - Carry out a literature review, data collection and analysis - Write the research report Design the communication strategy Implement the communication strategy Planning and Implementing the campaign
Develop a coordination team and build coalitions Teams and coalitions: National government; environment and development groups; researchers; communication specialists; local stakeholders etc Initial aims: Coordinate the coalition’s work; identify target audience (s) and overall political objectives of the campaign; agree stakeholder engagement at strategic points in the process
Situational analysis: Assessing the context Urgency and need for action now? Consequences of not acting Impacts of the campaign: on PA objectives/on local communities Are there other alternative actions that could achieve these objectives? Availability of technical capacity Assessing the political environment – who and how to influence
Develop objectives Specific objectives/outcomes Showcase the contribution of protected areas to the national and local economy and to the country’s development process Support the creation and consolidation of a PES related to water services to be directed to the conservation of protected areas Create an environmental fee targeted at cruise ships - for conservation of mangroves and coral reefs Creation of X number of MPAs
Identify your audience Highlight values that are relevant to the specific audience in order to be effective Who will be using the information in the decision-making process Individuals or groups who have the ability to influence the policy or public funding outcomes you aim to achieve
Prioritise values What values (benefits and services) have a major potential for being successfully communicated to target audiences? Is data available on the values selected? Have studies been carried out? Economic arguments alone are not always sufficient - cultural and social arguments are very important for most societies
Agree the methodology Decide how you communicate the benefits of the values the protected areas conserve Mexico: Studied the goods and services provided by the country’s protected areas including tourism, carbon sequestration, water provision services, watershed protection, disaster mitigation and fisheries Peru: Human water consumption = National market prices; Hydro energy production = National market prices of energy transmission; Irrigation = National market prices of agricultural products, etc
Scope of Work Identification of: Financial resources available Time lines Geographical areas Type and intensity of consultation processes and participation
List of main values, methodology and indicators Agree indicators of success (output and outcome measures) Literature review: Report on available data and information Comprehensive report on protected areas values, benefits and services including scenario analysis and alternatives Executive summary Communication materials designed and launched Implementation plan
Communication strategy Set clear goals for communications that relate directly to the campaign objectives Identify target audiences for communications during the planning stages of the project Develop key messages based on the findings that present a compelling argument for target audience Identify the most effective communications channels to reach target audiences and deliver key messages (media, launch events, workshops, print materials or paid advertisements) Identify key spokespersons based on relevance to target audience Have a communications strategy budget
Lesson’s learned from the implementation of pilots in TNC Clear objectives, timing, budgets Hire the right consultants Involve communications from the beginning Simple but good implementation plan to guide you Peer-reviewed secondary information and studies Do not get overwhelmed with data Include cultural values Short reports that people can understand An academic study will not fulfill the purpose