An Orientation to Health Research Services Faculty of Health Sciences January 30, 2012 Location:HSC 1B7 Phone:Ext
Health Research Services The Health Research Services (HRS) provides advice and administrative support to process operating and personnel grants, manages research resources and administers the ethics review process for medical research involving human and animal subjects.
City-wide research administration McMaster University VP Res & Int’l Affairs Office of Research Services McMaster Industry Liaison Office Major Projects Grants Ethics Industry Liaison/ Tech Transfer Contracts Hamilton Health Sciences Office of Integrated Research Services Clinical Trials And Contracts Joint HHS/FHS Research Ethics Board Research Services And Finance St. Joseph’s Healthcare FSORC Clinical Trials And Contracts SJH Research Ethics Board Research Services And Finance FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES Health Research Services Research Finance Major Projects Grants Ethics Major Projects Research Accounts Agreements
More Specifically… HRS oversees matters relating to research admin. in FHS: – Assists in identifying funding opportunities – Reviews and obtains institutional signatures for all research applications – Ensure applications follow both University & Sponsor guidelines – Assists in determining allowable budgetary items – Reviews requests for research accounts – Support of the ethics review processes – Manages equipment and space (in HSC)
Who Are We? TitleNameExt Associate Dean of ResearchStephen M. Executive Assistant to Associate DeanDarlene Director, Health Research ServicesGreg Manager, Health Research ServicesWendy Senior Grants Advisor, CIHR ProgramsLisa Senior Grants Advisor, Major ProjectsSusan Senior Grants Advisor, Major ProjectsShannon Senior Grants AdvisorSerena Senior Agreements OfficerCaroline Research Information SpecialistMuriel Administrative AssistantRebecca Research Ethics OfficerKaren AREB CoordinatorLisa
Where to find Funding Opportunities Visit the HRS website: Contact HRS directly at Ph:Ext Visit Sponsor websites, e.g. CIHR ( ) HSFC ( Search the Community of Science Database
COS Funding Opportunities Includes lesser-known funding sources, such as new or highly specialized sources, as well a conventional sources Covers all disciplines: humanities and arts as well as the sciences You can send opportunities to colleagues, download your results to review later, and save your searches. Opportunities for many professional levels : faculty, post-docs, graduate students Search tools help you target funding that is relevant to you, filtering out irrelevant records Tools to help you manage your search effort and to communicate valuable information to other COS searchers
How To Get A Grant Application Signed What Does HRS Need? – Please Submit Original + 1 Copy Of Everything – Completed HRS Checklist (with Department Chair’s Signature) – Summary of research proposal or working/draft copy of proposal/copy of application – Budget and budget justification (if applicable) – Ethics/Biohazard approval letters (if applicable) – Grant signature page (signed by P.I. and Department Chair) NOTE: GRANT APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO OUR OFFICE, HSC 1B7, AT LEAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE AGENCY DEADLINE TO OBTAIN THE APPROPRIATE INSTITUTIONAL SIGNATURE(S).
HRS Checklist / Request for a Research Account Internal, dual purpose form required with EVERY Grant Submission
How To Get A Research Account Opened All grants awarded require the following to open a new account: – Completed “HRS Checklist/Request for Research Account” form (signed by Dept Chair) – For NEW account holders, signed “Research Account Holders’ Accountabilities” form – Copy of proposal/copy of application – Budget and budget justification – Current Human or Animal Ethics, Biohazard and Health Physics approval letters (if applicable) – Notification of award (NOA) / funding agreement – For Internally Sponsored Research – we require McMaster Account# funds will come from
Once HRS receives all documents 1.We review to ensure everything is in good order, eg. ethics approvals are current 2.We update our Research Funding database 3.Send the paperwork to FHS Research Finance for Processing 4.Research Finance will PI and Dept. Manager the “NEW RESEARCH ACCOUNT AWARD NOTICE”
Associate Dean, Research Associate Dean (Research) - Dr. Stephen Collins Dr. Collins has the authority to bind the institution in all matters related to research Therefore, in most cases Dr. Collins is the signing authority on grant applications and agreements
INTRODUCTION Lisa Hodge, Sr. Grants Advisor, CIHR ext Highlights of Materials to be presented: Zero Tolerance – eligibility, completeness Research NET e-Approval- on Research NET What do you need to do? -INTERNAL review What HRS needs from applicants
Zero Tolerance Incomplete applications will be withdrawn Eligible institutions—HHSC has no signing authority Eligible Applicants and CO-PI’s-staff/trainees Missing signatures—sig’s still required; not sent in paper form by mail to CIHR—must upload pdf file Updated “validated” Common CV required What we know so far: Call Lisa Hodge ext for clarification
CIHR UPDATES- Administrative Changes ADMIN Changes: ALL Research NET-application are ALL now submitted online Many new programs on e-Approval – Catalyst, POP, PHSI,… Signature pages-eliminated signatures for NPI (electronic signature is your consent) -no institutional signatures for co-app' s -signatures pages no longer sent to CIHR (must be uploaded as pdf to application) NEW 2011! Online Deadline change -ALL Research NET submissions DUE online by 8:00 PM EST
POLICY Changes: Equipment-definition; not funded through Operating Grants Acceptable Attachment Format -dictates format of ALL uploaded pdf documents Research Outputs Policy Open access via Pub Med Canada McMaster repository Neera Bhatnagar, Librarian Grad Pay rates (NEW!) ---no longer max/min amounts for graduate student pay rates on grants Privacy Policy(NEW!) -integrated into new signature pages CIHR UPDATED POLICIES – Since 2008
CIHR Acceptable Attachment Format Attachment format for all pdf files The following apply to all attachments (including those for the Common CV): Indicate your name, the project title and the section title (e.g., Summary of Research Proposal) at the top of each page. Indicate the page number clearly at the bottom of each page. For CV attachments, only your name (i.e., does not have to be nominated principal applicant name) and the section title (e.g., Patents and Intellectual Property Rights) are required in the header. Insert a margin of 2 cm (3/4 inch) - minimum - around the page. Observe page limitations, additional pages may NOT be added unless specified. Use only letter size (21.25 X 27.5 cm / 8.5" X 11") white paper/background for all attachments. Photo-reduce the supporting documents if the originals are larger than (21.25 X 27.5 cm / 8.5" X 11"). Use a font size of 12 point, black type. Six lines per inch. No condensed type or spacing. Attachments must be uploaded in PDF format. The size of the attached document(s) cannot exceed 30 MB per document. For more information about converting documents to PDF, please refer to Help with Accessibility page.Help with Accessibility For all documents that need to be attached, please follow the instructions provided within Research NET on how to upload your document. For further information, please direct your inquiries to or telephone Attachment format for all pdf files The following apply to all attachments (including those for the Common CV): Indicate your name, the project title and the section title (e.g., Summary of Research Proposal) at the top of each page. Indicate the page number clearly at the bottom of each page. For CV attachments, only your name (i.e., does not have to be nominated principal applicant name) and the section title (e.g., Patents and Intellectual Property Rights) are required in the header. Insert a margin of 2 cm (3/4 inch) - minimum - around the page. Observe page limitations, additional pages may NOT be added unless specified. Use only letter size (21.25 X 27.5 cm / 8.5" X 11") white paper/background for all attachments. Photo-reduce the supporting documents if the originals are larger than (21.25 X 27.5 cm / 8.5" X 11"). Use a font size of 12 point, black type. Six lines per inch. No condensed type or spacing. Attachments must be uploaded in PDF format. The size of the attached document(s) cannot exceed 30 MB per document. For more information about converting documents to PDF, please refer to Help with Accessibility page.Help with Accessibility For all documents that need to be attached, please follow the instructions provided within Research NET on how to upload your document. For further information, please direct your inquiries to or telephone
Privacy Policy As of November 17, 2011 Tri-council funding agencies have implemented a privacy policy CRSNG/governance-gouvernance/consent-consentement_eng.pdf CRSNG/governance-gouvernance/consent-consentement_eng.pdf slight change to informed consent and the look of signature pages big change to what it means
e-Approval and Research NET What it is How it works Who you are “submitting” to INTERNAL review deadlines Changes to signature process via HRS What it is How it works Who you are “submitting” to INTERNAL review deadlines Changes to signature process via HRS ALL institutions are on e-Approval since Fall 2009 Operating grants competition
Registration/Application on Research NET starts the e-Approval process Yellow highlighting indicates where action or attention is required
confirmation sent to applicant when they Hit “SUBMIT” online
Registration on Research NET: Research NET requires a CIHR PIN - new applicants must request a PIN For two stage LOI/Registration and Applications submissions: All information provided to CIHR at registration can be revised in the full application Except: Name of Nominated Principal Applicant Project Title Chosen Peer Review Committee Step-by Step e-Approval: Registration to Application stage
NEW! CIHR Deadline time change Effective January 2011 for ALL Research NET submissions 20:00 (8:00) PM EST is the NEW GLOBAL CIHR submission deadline Midnight is NO LONGER the FINAL deadline for CIHR online submissions If you miss the CIHR 8:00 PM EST deadline, your application WILL NOT be submitted to the CIHR competition 16:00 (4:00) PM EST is the HRS deadline time for administrative processing on Feb 21 INTERNAL deadline and March 1 FINAL deadline dates 20:00 (8:00) PM EST is the NEW GLOBAL CIHR submission deadline Midnight is NO LONGER the FINAL deadline for CIHR online submissions If you miss the CIHR 8:00 PM EST deadline, your application WILL NOT be submitted to the CIHR competition 16:00 (4:00) PM EST is the HRS deadline time for administrative processing on Feb 21 INTERNAL deadline and March 1 FINAL deadline dates
INTERNAL Review: Common Issues (to Avoid) Format Budget Eligibility: Common CV descriptions Signature pages-missing signature page Missing the INTERNAL review deadline Format Budget Eligibility: Common CV descriptions Signature pages-missing signature page Missing the INTERNAL review deadline
SAMPLE: Format required for all attachments Header has NPI name, section title, and grant title (yr 1 $ amt is optional) Footer has successive numbering by pdf attachment, starting at 1 and ending at last page of each pdf file
REQUIRED PAPERWORK: What HRS needs from ALL applicants by the INTERNAL DEADLINE Hit “SUBMIT” on Research NET to submit your online application for INTERNAL review (not the same as Mandatory Peer Review-for Operating grants only) AND Paperwork required for HRS institutional sign off: Signed HRS Checklist signed PRF Form (FHS Faculty only) Routing Slip BLANK Institutional Signature page – to be signed by Authorized Official (HRS) --upload blank at INTERNAL review submission deadline Biohazard or any other ethics clearances ready at time of application Once all of these materials are received, e-Approval is possible Hit “SUBMIT” on Research NET to submit your online application for INTERNAL review (not the same as Mandatory Peer Review-for Operating grants only) AND Paperwork required for HRS institutional sign off: Signed HRS Checklist signed PRF Form (FHS Faculty only) Routing Slip BLANK Institutional Signature page – to be signed by Authorized Official (HRS) --upload blank at INTERNAL review submission deadline Biohazard or any other ethics clearances ready at time of application Once all of these materials are received, e-Approval is possible
WHAT Paperwork HRS Needs from FHS Applicants by the INTERNAL deadline
Current funding opportunities CIHR&sort=program&masterList=true&view=currentOppshttp:// CIHR&sort=program&masterList=true&view=currentOpps Grants and Awards Guide For further assistance contact Lisa Hodge at ext. Helpful Links
McMaster University Faculty of Health Sciences Health Research Services
When Do You Need an Agreement? You need an agreement when: When you are engaging an investigator at another institution (includes HHS and St. Joes) to be part of your project. (even if there are no $$ involved) When you are being engaged by an investigator at another institution to work on their project When you receive funds from a granting agency or industry to perform a specific project
How Do I Get an Agreement? Contact the Appropriate Office: Health Research Services McMaster Industry Liaison Office Office of Integrated Research Services – Hamilton Health Sciences Research Administration - St. Joseph’s Healthcare McMaster Office of Research Services McMaster Purchasing
Health Research Services Working Specifically for the Faculty of Health Sciences grant agreements, subgrant agreements Inter-institutional agreements McMaster co-ordinated Clinical Trial agreements, Letters of Intent MOU’s for the Faculty of Health Sciences Amendments to any of these agreements
McMaster Industry Liaison Office (MILO) MILO working for all McMaster Faculties research contracts, industry sponsored agreements, service agreements, confidentiality agreements, non-disclosure agreements, data transfer agreements material transfer agreements intellectual property related issues
McMaster Office of Research Services ORS handles all research agreements for all other McMaster Faculties McMaster Purchasing Purchasing handles any service agreement or contract not related to research that involves the purchase of an item or service from an outside provider.
What are the steps for Mac? 1. If you have been provided a template send it for review to Caroline Woods in Health Research Services or contact Caroline Woods to arrange a draft agreement to send to your party for their review. 2. Health Research Services (HRS) will assist you with negotiation with the other parties to the agreement. 3. After negotiations are complete obtain authorized institutional signatures of McMaster and the other parties through HRS. 4. Complete the signature process before beginning the work. A fully executed original will be kept for HRS’s files.
What am I doing? Ensuring compliance with University / Hospital policy Looking at potential liability and conflict of interest issues Making sure that the agreement accurately reflects the obligations and the intentions of everyone involved in the research
Why? Not all agreements are created equal.
Clauses that determine roles and responsibilities of the Parties to an Agreement
Main Areas You Should be Aware of Confidentiality Publication Indemnity and Insurance Intellectual Property Rights and Ownership Budget Description of Work and Reporting Term and Termination Governing Law
Non-Research related for provision of specific services
What makes an Agreement a Contract? Differences between contracts and collaborative agreements In contracts the study plan is prepared by the sponsor the data and intellectual property is owned by the sponsor Reporting and oversight by the sponsor is extensive Publication may be controlled or restricted by the sponsor All deliverables are transferred to the sponsor Future use of any deliverable by the university is not allowed or restricted to a specific license
Contract and Consulting Policies Research contracts are handled through MILO Non- Research contracts handling is determined by required expertise on a contract by contract basis Handling of consulting agreements is determined by McMaster policies Staff Policy on Consulting and Freelancing Statement on Consulting Policy and Procedures Policy on Payments to Individual versus Employees
How Long Does it Take? Currently, 2-3 weeks on average
Who Can Sign for McMaster? All Agreements are required to be signed by an individual with Institutional Signing Authority as designated in McMaster’s Execution of Instruments Policy: (Associate Dean, Research or Dean and Vice President, Faculty of Health Sciences) Signatures can only be obtained through the Health Research Services Office Agreements are not fully binding until everyone has signed
What if you need to change Something ? Changes to the terms of an agreement are done through amendments Contact your agreements negotiator to prepare and negotiate the amendment Amendments remove clauses from the original agreement and insert new language
Please Don’t Start any work without checking to see if you need an agreement and without the agreement being finalized Transfer any funds to an outside party without an agreement in place Sign an agreement without McMaster Institutional review and approval
McMaster University Faculty of Health Sciences Health Research Services
Health Sciences Finance Financial management of research accounts Ensuring payments to and from accounts match with agreements Ensuring accounts managed in compliance with Sponsors and McMaster policies Each department has an assigned finance accountant in HSF
Accounts with Agreements A fully executed original agreement is needed to open an account An HRS Checklist and ethics is also required Funds are not automatically transferred Cheque requests should refer to the agreement and be in compliance with the terms of the agreement
Thank You ! Should you need any more information or would like to request a presentation for your group or department please contact: Caroline Woods Or Wendy Hollinshead x
Helpful Contacts? Health Research Services – Caroline Woods x 22006, HSC McMaster Industry Liaison Office – ext.28646, McMaster Innovation Park Office of Integrated Research Services – Hamilton Health Sciences –Katie Porter x Research Administration – St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton – Mary Jane Sayles x32993 ROADS Gilmour Hall, 3rd flr., ste. 305 x Purchasing - Administrator Carol Fletcher x
53 The Campaign for McMaster University School of Nursing / Faculty of Health Sciences Research Finance Session Monday, January 30, 2012
54 AGENDA Supporting Documentation Requirements for Expenditures on Research Accounts - Travel and Subsistence Expenses - Computer and Electronic Communications - Hospitality / Meeting Expenses - Services and Miscellaneous Expenses - Equipment and Supplies - Purchasing Web Sites of Interest Research Finance Contacts
55 The Campaign for McMaster University Supporting Documentation Requirements for Expenditures on Research Accounts
56 Travel and Subsistence Expenses ExpenseDocumentation Required Signatures Required – Must be approved by PI or Delegate; for reimbursement to PI, must be approved by Department Chair or Delegate; for Chair, must be approved by VP AirfareOriginal Airline Ticket & Boarding Passes (Economy Fare) Original Receipt showing payment for Ticket Railway/BusOriginal Ticket and Receipt Auto AllowanceCurrently $.40 per km (include mileage calculation; ie. MapQuest/Google) Vehicle RentalOriginal Receipts of rental costs, gas and other related costs (no Auto Allowance claim permitted) TaxiOriginal Receipt ParkingOriginal Receipt AccommodationOriginal Receipt Meals w/ ReceiptOriginal ITEMIZED Receipt Meals w/o ReceiptClaim Per Diem (if Conference includes meals, adjustment must be made) Conference Registration Original Receipt and Program/Agenda of Conference (attendee tags from Conference) MiscellaneousOriginal Receipts
57 Computer and Electronic Communications Eligibility of expenses are determined by: 1) Granting Agency Policy or 2) University Policy Granting Agency Policy supersedes University Original invoices, contracts and receipts Written justification for Personal Digital Assistants (PDA’s), and Cell Phones; must relate to the research
58 Hospitality / Meeting Expenses Original Invoices Names of people attending event Purpose/Date of Event must be specified and relation to the PI’s Research Project must be indicated Copy of Meeting Agenda Eligibility of expenses are determined by Granting Agency and/or University Policy; Granting Agency Policy supersedes University Policy Signatures Required: Refer to University Policy which outlines signature requirements, dependent upon value of purchase Must have Authorization of PI or his/her delegate
59 Services and Miscellaneous Expenses Original Invoices Contracts and Receipts Justification for expenses in terms of their need for the Research Project Eligibility of expenses are determined by Granting Agency and/or University Policy; Granting Agency Policy supersedes University Policy Signatures Required: Refer to University Policy which outlines signature requirements, dependent upon value of purchase Must have Authorization of PI or his/her delegate
60 Equipment and Supplies Original Invoices, contracts and receipts Justification for supplies in terms of their need for the research project Eligibility of expense is determined by the Granting Agency and/or the University Policy; Granting Agency Policy supersedes University Policy Signatures Required: Refer to the University Policy which outlines signature requirements, dependent on the value of purchase Must have authorization of PI or his/her delegate
61 Purchasing The Campaign for McMaster University Items over $2,500 requires purchase requisition Items under $2,500 is reimbursed to purchaser via cheque requisition Requisitions must be signed by PI or delegate Forward to SON Finance Office for approval, then to FHS Finance and Purchasing
62 Web Sites of Interest The Campaign for McMaster University School of Nursing FHS Research Finance Health Research Services Purchasing Policy Travel Policy Travel Fast Facts Human Resources Payroll Information, includes payroll Calendar, Cut off Schedules, Deduction information, etc Business Management Services, Oracle Applications, Purchasing and other forms
63 Questions? Dale Stevens School of Nursing Finance extension Corrina Macdonald FHS Research Finance extension