Workshop on Protection and Durable Solutions within Mixed Migratory Flows San José, Costa Rica, August, 2008 Tools for Refugee Status Determination in the context of the Mexico Plan of Action
Workshop on Protection and Durable Solutions within Mixed Migratory Flows San José, Costa Rica, August, 2008
Regional overview -Almost all countries in Latin America undertake refugee status determination (RSD) -UNHCR carries out RSD only in one country in the region
Workshop on Protection and Durable Solutions within Mixed Migratory Flows San José, Costa Rica, August, 2008 National Eligibility Mechanisms Multi-member, Inter-ministerial body ArgentinaBolivia BelizeBrazil Chile Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala NicaraguaPanama PerúDominican Republic UruguayVenezuela Single-member mechanism (Migration Directorate) Costa Rica Honduras Ad hoc mechanism Mexico
Workshop on Protection and Durable Solutions within Mixed Migratory Flows San José, Costa Rica, August, 2008 Regional Overview Composition of eligibility commissions: -Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Interior, Justice, Labour, Public Security, etc. -Establishment of Technical Secretariat UNHCR´s role: -Member of the commission (with voice, no vote) -Technical advice and drafting of legal advisories -Country of Origin Information Participation of civil socitiey in eligibility commissions
Workshop on Protection and Durable Solutions within Mixed Migratory Flows San José, Costa Rica, August, 2008 Tools for Refugee Status Determination Interpretation of technical criteria Mexico Plan of Action Procedural Issues Operational capacity Regional cooperation
Workshop on Protection and Durable Solutions within Mixed Migratory Flows San José, Costa Rica, August, 2008 Interpretation of Technical Criteria Compilation of decision on eligibility Use of UNHCR Handbooks and Guidelines on International Protection: -Guidelines on specific topics -Eligibility notes on specific nationalities -Country of Origin Information (
Workshop on Protection and Durable Solutions within Mixed Migratory Flows San José, Costa Rica, August, 2008 Procedural Issues Use of UNHCR Handbooks on Registration and Procedural Standards for refugee status determination: - Confidentiality rules - Filing and registration of applications - File management and processing of claim - ID cards for asylum seekers and refugees - Opening and closing of files
Workshop on Protection and Durable Solutions within Mixed Migratory Flows San José, Costa Rica, August, 2008 Operational Capacity Profesionalization of staff -Specificity of functions -Selection of personnel (good judgment, analytical skills, ethical values, etc.) -Continuity in the job Management of Eligibility activities - Confidentiality of information - Security and well-being of staff - Activities to combat fraud and corruption
Workshop on Protection and Durable Solutions within Mixed Migratory Flows San José, Costa Rica, August, 2008 Operational Capacity Training of Staff: -Exchanges among countries (e.g.: twinning projects) -UNHCR courses at the national and regional levels (e.g.: VI Regional course for Latin America) Operational support - Deployment of UNHCR staff Signing of cooperation agreements - E.g.: Agreement between Migration Directorate of Costa Rica and UNHCR
Workshop on Protection and Durable Solutions within Mixed Migratory Flows San José, Costa Rica, August, 2008 Regional Cooperation Streamlining of communication mechanisms among States - E.g.: In the case of irregular secondary movements of recognized refugees Holding of regional meetings on refugee issues - Comemoration of Cartagena Declaration in RCM Workshop on Protection and Durable solutions in 2008