2 Local culture provides a sense of identity for all communities and residents. This identity facilitates common understandings, traditions, and values that are all central to the identification of plans of action to improve mental health well-being. It is important to provide a local linkage and cultural basis for mental health care. Cultural and linguistic competency serves to promote the local identity, regional languages, and minority cultures. Why look at cultural and linguistic competency locally?
3 Biggest barrier? Our biggest barrier was getting the buy-in from our own governance committee and private providers.
4 What was done and how did it make a difference? Established a policy and adopted the “Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services” (CLAS) using it’s six domains Provided training assistance to mental health care providers Provided bilingual/bicultural literature, assistance, and respecting families as the primary source for defining needs and priorities.
5 Individual Level Acknowledged cultural differences Understood your own culture Engaged in self-assessment Acquired cultural knowledge & skills Viewed behavior within a cultural context (Cross, Bazron, Dennis and Isaacs, 1989) Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence,2007 Five Elements of Cultural Competence
6 Organizational Level Valued diversity Adapted to diversity - policies - structures - values- services Conducted cultural self-assessment Managed the dynamics of difference Institutionalized cultural knowledge (Cross, Bazron, Dennis and Isaacs, 1989) Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence,2007 Five Elements of Cultural Competence
7 How we Incorporated Cultural Competency Standards into Practice Used open-ended questions to identify each person’s unique cultural outlook. Re-evaluated intake and assessment documentation, as well as policies and procedures, to be more inclusive. Employed qualified mental health workers who are fluent in the languages of the groups being served. Understood the cultural biases of staff and provide training to address educational needs.
8 How we Incorporated Cultural Competency Standards into Practice Cont. Understood the cultural biases in program design. Identified resources, such as natural supports, within the community that will help an individual recover. Designed and implemented culturally sensitive treatment plans. Evaluated procedures and programs for cultural sensitivity and effectiveness.
9 Biggest success? Many community agencies participated in the training offered and implemented our recommendations within their practice.
10 Suggestions for other communities? Our suggestions are to start within your own organizations with a self and organizational level assessment. Use the technical support offered by the grantor. Start disseminating cultural and linguistic literature and material early within the community and agencies.