Did you know that...? A church in action against poverty August 2013
Nearly 50% of the country live below “the poverty line” of R515 p/m per capita The top 20% of the country receives 74,7% of all income, The bottom 20% only receives 1,4% of all income
The past year DRC family spent (subsidies included) R800 million on social services in all regions. In the Western Cape Badisa’s budget was R322 million Badisa has more than 150 programmes en annually nearly 1 million beneficiaries
Four big challenges regarding poverty and the churches role 1.Structural – economic and social policies (prophetic) 2. Education 3. Minds of people (Hope vs Victim mentality) 4. Moral regeneration – work ethics, and honesty.
“One of the greatest challenges is not to only give money but to become involved with individuals. That’s tough.” “Each person that we see picking from dustbins should be touching our hearts.”
Early Childhood Development Rural develoment Alcohol- and Drug abuse HIV and aids Job creation Skills development Ecology (yes, it impact poverty!) National welfare policy
“We cannot do big deeds, only small deeds with great love!” Mother Teresa
Contact your the regional office of the CMR, Badisa, or KMD Suzanne Potgieter for regional details at