Part 2 Principles of Flight & Navigation Chap. 7- Basic Aeronautics & Aerodynamics Chap. 8- Aircraft in Motion Chap. 9- Flight Navigation
7 Basic Aeronautics & Aerodynamics Airfoil Design (Sub-sonic) Lift & Angle of Attack Daniel Bernoulli Dutch physicist, 1738 Discovered relationship between the pressure and speed of fluid in motion Bernoulli’s Principle: “As the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure decreases” 4 Forces of Flight Aircraft Lift Induced Lift (“Bernoulli” lift) Dynamic Lift (relative wind strikes the wing underside, further increasing pressure, at increasing angles of attack - “Newtonian” lift)
7 Basic Aeronautics & Aerodynamics Drag (the “Killer”) Wingtip Vortices Stall Drag (parasitic and induced) limits ability to go forward. Vortices create drag and wake turbulence. Separation occurs at high angle of attack and eliminates lift. Supersonic flow different than sub-sonic flow (air ahead is warned by compressed air at leading edge).
8 Aircraft in Motion The Axes of An Aircraft Lateral Axis Longitudinal Axis Vertical Axis
8 Aircraft in Motion Engines Reciprocating Fuel converted to energy in cylinder Rocket Fuel + Oxygen Turbine Turbojet Turbofan Turboprop Turboshaft
8 Aircraft in Motion Parts of a Reciprocating Engine Propeller Cross-Section Airfoil designed to yield constant force. Propeller tip speeds approach Mach 1.
8 Aircraft in Motion Fuel System Gravity Fed System Force Fed System
8 Aircraft in Motion Aircraft Instruments Performance - How aircraft responds to commands Control - Current state of aircraft devices Instrument Types Engine Flight Navigational Tachometer Oil Pressure Oil Temperature Manifold Pressure Carburetor Temp. Exhaust Gas Temp. Airspeed Indicator Altimeter Turn/slip Indicator Vertical Speed Ind. Attitude Indicator (Artificial Horizon) Mag. Compass Heading Ind. VOR Indicator Loran GPS
9 Flight Navigation Global Coordinate System Greenwich, England Flat maps of a round object Prime Meridian (0° longitude) defined to pass through Greenwich, England International Date Line (180° longitude) on opposite side and defines the start of a new day.
9 Flight Navigation Basic Navigation Techniques Sectional Charts Pilotage - Reference to visible landmarks Dead Reckoning - Systematic consideration of all factors that could affect the flight Sectional Charts Relief - Elevations Hydrographic - Bodies of water Cultural - Cities, towns Airports - Civil & Military Airspace & Airways - Navigation
9 Flight Navigation Electronic Navigation Aids VOR’s and similar beacons Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) Electronic Landing Aids Instrument Landing Systems Microwave Landing Systems Differential GPS Landing Systems