Global Warming Mitigation Proposed Curriculum for New Mexico Middle Schools 6 th through 8 th Marcia Bardy – ST589 Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration
NM State Standards hierarchy: 3 Strands, 3 Standards, Multiple Benchmarks Components to Mitigation: All within the 6 th – 8 th Benchmarks Social Changing Energy Consumption Alternative Energy Sources CO2 Sequestration
Ideas, like science, change over time Technologies Social values Political considerations 2011 Science textbook adoption year NM HB 310 in electronic format begins mathematics NM and English Language Learners All content can be integrated within other curricula
Strand I: Scientific Thinking and Practice Standard I: Understand scientific processes through Inquiry Observing Experimenting Predicting Validating to think critically National Science Education Standards: … assessments need to probe for students' understanding, reasoning, and the utilization of knowledge …
Strand II: Content of Science – Standard I: Physical Science Grades with specific concentrations: 6 th – Geological 7 th – Biological 8 th – Chemistry – Main Concentration Forms and properties of matter and interactions CO2 Sequestration Physical process of energy transfer, change and conservation of energy Changing Energy Consumption Alternative Energy Sources Forces that produce motion in objects CO2 Sequestration Properties, Structure, and Changes of Matter Chemistry of CO2 Sequestration
Interactive Geologic Sequestration Model
Strand II: Content of Science – Standard II: Life Science Grades with specific concentrations: 6 th – Geological 7 th – Biological – Main Concentration 8 th – Chemistry Diverse structures and functions of living things and complex environment interrelationships Changing Energy Consumption How traits are passed and species evolve Alternative Energy Sources Structure of organisms and function of cells in living systems Changing Energy Consumption CO2 Sequestration
NASA Earth Observatory
Strand II: Content of Science Standard III: Earth and Space Science Grades with specific concentrations: 6 th – Geological – Main Concentration 7 th – Biological 8 th – Chemistry Concepts of energy, matter, and force can explain observed behavior of the solar system, the universe, and their structures Changing Energy Consumption Alternative Energy Sources Structure of atmosphere and how energy, matter, and forces shape Earth’s systems Changing Energy Consumption Alternative Energy Sources CO2 Sequestration
United States Geological Survey - Publications
Strand III: Science and Society – Standard I: Understand how these concepts influence and are influenced by individuals and societies Scientific discoveries Inventions Practices Knowledge Grades with specific concentrations: 6 th – Role of science knowledge and decisions, technology and communication 7 th – Health: personal responsibility, community, and medical technology 8 th – Interrelationships of science and technology, scientific information and environmental phenomena, and risk - benefit analysis
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Conclusion: Decisions for Content New Mexico Public Education Department New Mexico State Standards New Mexico Educational Communities Urban or Rural Teacher Education New Mexico Tech University of New Mexico New Mexico State University New Mexico Highlands University Western New Mexico University Eastern New Mexico University