Jace Dyckman RiverStone Health JEOPARDY!
Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy JEOPARDY! HIV/AIDS STD’s Hepatitis C HIV Testing Reality check
$100 Question from HIV/AIDS What system in the human body does the HIV virus attack?
$100 Answer from HIV/AIDS Immune System
$200 Question from HIV/AIDS What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
$200 Answer from HIV /AIDS HIV = A virus that attacks the body’s cells used to Fight off diseases. AIDS= The most advanced stage of HIV. The body has only a very small number of cells left to fight off Diseases.
$300 Question from HIV/AIDS What is the average amount of time it takes for a person infected with HIV to develop AIDS?
$300 Answer from HIV/AIDS 2 to 10 years
$400 Question from HIV/AIDS What are the 4 bodily fluids that transmit HIV?
$400 Answer from HIV/AIDS Blood Semen Vaginal Secretions Breast Milk
$500 Question from HIV/AIDS Daily Double!!! What gender and Age group are the largest growing population that are newly infected with HIV?
$500 Answer from HIV/AIDS Heterosexual females 18 to 24
$100 Question from STD’s This STD is large enough to be visible, and leave little bluish marks where they bite …
$100 Answer from STD’s Crabs
$200 Question from STD’s These two STD’s may, in men, cause a yellow or white drip from the penis…
$200 Answer from STD’s Chlamydia and Gonorrhea 70 % of people experience NO symptoms. This STD can cause permanent damage to the sex organs and can make men and women unable to have children. Most common STD in Nation and MT!
$300 Question from STD’s This type of STD can cause small bumpy spots on the sex organs within 1 to 8 months of infection…
$300 Answer from STD’s Genital Warts
$400 Question from STD’s This type of STD can cause painful blisters on the sex organs within 1 to 30 days of infection…
$400 Answer from STD’s HERPES
$500 Question from STD’s This STD can cause Heart disease, brain damage, Blindness, and possible death if Left untreated….
$500 Answer from STD’s Syphilis
$100 Question from Hep C Hepatitis is the disease of the…
$100 Answer from Hep C Liver
$200 Question from Hep C What bodily fluid transmits the Hepatits C virus?
$200 Answer from Hep C Blood
$300 Question from Hep C What is the average length of time The Hep-C virus can live outside the body? Daily Double!!!
$300 Answer from Hep C 14 hours to 6 days
$400 Question from Hep C What household product can be Used to clean needles to prevent the spread Of HIV and Hep-C?
$400 Answer from Hep C Bleach
$500 Question from Hep C Which types of Hepatitis have vaccines available to prevent you from getting them?
$500 Answer from Hep C Hep A – B shots
$100 Question from HIV test When someone is given an HIV test, what is the test looking for?
$100 Answer from HIV test Antibodies
$200 Question from HIV test After exposure how long does it take your body to make enough antibodies for the test to Detect?
$200 Answer from HIV test 3 months
$300 Question from HIV test Do people under 18years old need parental permission to be tested AND treated for HIV and STD?
$300 Answer from HIV test Anyone 12 years of age and older DO NOT need permissions for testing and treatment.
$400 Question from HIV test Name at least two places in Billings someone can have an HIV test done…
$400 Answer from HIV test Riverstone health Clinic YAP Yellowstone Aids Project Planned Parenthood This test is either offered free and/or based on a person’s income.
$500 Question from HIV test How long will it take to get the results back from the HIV test?
$500 Answer from HIV test 20 minutes!!!!
$100 Question from Reality √ What is the most common method used to test for STD’s? Blood draw Urine specimen Throat culture Swab sample
$100 Answer from Reality √ urine sample
$200 Question from Reality √ What is the current lifetime cost of medical care for 1 person with HIV?
$200 Answer from Reality √ $1,000,000.00
$300 Question from Reality √ What is the estimated percent of people that don’t know they are infected with HIV?
$300 Answer from Reality √ About 25% of people who are infected with HIV don’t know they have it. These 25% are responsible for 54% of new infections every year!
$400 Question from Reality √ What age group account for 75% of all Chlamydia cases in in Billings MT?
$400 Answer from Reality √ Young Females 14-24
$500 Question from Reality √ Once a person is exposed to and develops herpes/warts; what medicine is used to cure it?
$500 Answer from Reality √ There is NO Cure!!!!
Final Jeopardy Why would you worry or even care whether someone you don’t know and doesn’t hang out with your crowd and lives on the other side of town...is infected with HIV?
Final Jeopardy Answer