University of Houston College of Education Atifa Manzoor CUIN 3111/ Her-story
A:B: New Orleans, Louisiana Oakland, California #1 Amelia Earhart was born in what Location? C:D: Atlanta, GeorgiaAtchison, Kansas
D. Atchison, Kansas
A:B: #2 Harriet Tubman was Born in what year? C:D:
B. 1820
A:B: #3 Rosa Parks’ Boycott lasted for how many days? C:D: 30423
A. 382
A:B: Write a novelStay single #4 Amelia Earhart was the first woman to do what? C:D: Fly alone across the atlantic Fly alone across the states
C. Fly alone across the Atlantic
A:B: ItalyFrance #5 Joan of Arc was of what country? C:D: SpainGermany
B. France
A:B: #6 Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in what year? C:D:
A. 1979
A:B: A nuneducated #7 Joan of Arc was thought to be? C:D: clairvoyantGreek
C. clairvoyant
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