HISTORY The history of coins extends from ancient times to the present, and is related to economic history, the history of minting technologies, the history shown by the images on coins, and the history of coin collecting. Coins are still widely used for monetary and other purposes. Historically, a great quantity of coinage metals and other materials have been used to produce coins for circulation, collection, and metal investment.
COINS MINTING PROCESS The Transformation of the properties during the time from the crude materials until the final product represent the manufacturing path of any production. Time is important for the production because it affects on the costs. Coins manufacturing doesn’t take a lot of time but it require different characteristic passages. DISCRETE CASE: the manufacture of coins is an example of discrete case of production. Exactly it’s possible to count the number of passages during the production.
MACRO GEOMETRY(shape and dimension) BLANKING PRESS: Sheets metals, coming from the casting and rolling processes, are wrapped around a lathe. Blanking machine press stamps blank coins. The excess silver goes in the casting process to be reused. ANNEALING FURNANCE - QUENCH TANK: In this process coins are made brilliant and brilliant. After the quench tank, containing abrasive agents, reduces its temperature. WASHER – DRYER: These process are strictly related. The surface and the coins begin to assume its real aspect. The mechanical characteristics like stiffness, ductility and state are completed.
MICRO GEOMETRY(surface finishing) UPSETTING MILL: In this process a spinning wheel presses a rise edge or rim on each coins. DESIGN AND STEMPING: With software programs designers project the design of the final coin. To make “heads and the tails” they create at first a big positive plastic model, after they produce its negative. The next step is the reduction until the required stamp dimension of the coins. All is ready for the stamping press. Hundreds of coins are produced for hours.
MICRO GEOMETRY(surface finishing) EVALUATION – PACKAGING - CURRENCY: One by one an inspector evaluates each coin until its perfection. It will be the last step before the counting and packaging machine after which coins are transferred to the banks taking its real value.
COIN MINTING PROCESS SILVER MANIFACTURING Click on the Video Reference to open it Differently opening directly from the link
To understand better the process… Manufacturing Controls Coins Mechanism Metals Controls : Human task is controlling the production in it different steps; specialized worker evaluate each coin before it goes out of the mint. Mechanism: Low temperature during the production because there aren’t big changes in the materials used. IDEF 0 representation
What’s coins future? Coins have long time of life! We don’t know exactly. Probably coins and bills will disappear and the currency will be represented by the “Credit Card World”