Raising aspirations of primary pupils The impact of sports-based reward schemes, leadership opportunities and sporting role models in raising self-esteem and the aspirations of primary pupils.
Foxdell Junior School Neal Banner – Kieron Leech – Raising Aspirations of Primary Pupils
Foxdell Junior School 1 of 5 Primary schools - 4 year PE Pilot Specialism Very diverse school – EAL In Dallow Ward 2007 – SATS – English 76% L4+ - Maths 74% L4+ - Science 87% L – SATS – English 93% L4+ - Maths 94% L4+ - Science 93% L4+ Used sport to turn around the ethos of the school, both with children and staff.
An overview of what we’ve achieved VIDEO
Attendance Reward of using MUGA Extra PE lesson a week Attendance Mentor Attendance – Over 96%
Behaviour Children targeted – high energy PE session at lunch time Intervention - Taken out of lessons to burn off energy – became a reward Cross curricular work – intervention groups Targeted children for certain clubs Table tennis Whole school exercises after lunch
Visits Wembley MK Lions Northampton Saints Targeted children – Reward
Sport and PE across the curriculum Physical movement in lessons Sport as an inspiration Result = enjoyment in lessons
Sport and PE across the curriculum
Children take ownership Something for everyone Driving class competition and whole school competition Reward/intervention in afternoons for hard work during lessons Challenge reward – Olympic Stadium Link to Charity
Basketball Child identified Worked with our PE instructor Child becomes the leader – teaches other children and presents their certificates in assembly. Exercises
Play leaders Bullets Trained up to lead play Lead a range of sporting activities for children at play time.
House Captains Revival of the house system Past 4 years – tried to improve / drive the house system.Past 4 years – tried to improve / drive the house system. Lunchtime competitions – all the children can access this.Lunchtime competitions – all the children can access this. Inter house tournaments -Inter house tournaments - House captains – Increase pupil responsibility Select/promote teams – support etc.Select/promote teams – support etc. Count house pointsCount house points Greater responsibilityGreater responsibility Cross-curricularCross-curricular Cup presented with house colours Cup presented with house colours each half term Keen to earn house points inKeen to earn house points in the classroom for their team
Role Models Dru Spinks Shared his life story Taught children skills Came in on various occasions Blogged with the children As a reward, children went to see him play
Role Models Staff Rugby player Marathon runner Competing gymnast Footballer Sporting ethos
Role Models – Clubs Visiting coaches Employ staff according to talents Clubs are delivered within TA’s hours
The 4 year story Worst behaved Yr 3 group Sport intervention – skipping using energy… Extra PE and sport in Y6 Best SATS results the school has ever seen!
Foxdell Junior School Neal Banner – Kieron Leech –