Autumn Curriculum Presentation Year 1 Downe Manor Primary School
Teachers 1C Miss Carey 1K Miss Keane
Agenda Literacy Mathematics Science Curriculum Topic Areas Timetable Home Learning General Reminders MLE
Literacy Speaking and Listening Reading Writing
The Literacy Lesson Whole Class Phonics Shared Reading or Shared Writing Independent or Group Activity Plenary
Phonics Revisit and Review Teach new phoneme Practise Apply
Speaking and Listening Speaking -story telling, reading aloud Listening and responding -follow instructions, express views Group discussion -ask and answer questions Drama -role play
Reading Recognise words -high frequency words* Spelling -use phonics Understand texts -read for meaning, range of texts Respond to texts -discuss characters and events
Guided reading Sounding out Breaking up words Using pictures cues Reading the rest of the sentence Is it a tricky word? Strategies: minutes once a week Guided reading gives students the chance to apply the strategies they already know to a new text. Comprehension and whole group discussion referring directly to the book.
Writing Create text -plan, interesting words Organise text -group sentences Sentence structure and Punctuation -give meaning, capital letters, full stops *Handwriting -write letters correctly, use finger spaces
The Maths Lesson Whole Class Oral Mental Starter Independent or Group Activity Plenary
Mathematics There are 7 main areas in Year 1 1.Understanding shape To recognise both 2D and 3D shapes. To be able to make patterns To describe the shapes features.* 2. Measuring Estimate, measure, weigh and compare objects 3.Handling data To record information in the form of lists and tables. To be able to read graphs and charts and be able to answer questions on them. 4.Counting and understanding number 0-20 To read and write number from 0- 20* To know where these numbers go on a number line.* r_line/number_line_0_20/start.htm r_line/number_line_0_20/start.htm
5.Knowing and using number facts adding facts for Subtraction facts* To be able to count forwards and backwards to 100 To count in multiples of 2, 5, 10* 6.CalculatingTo use the correct vocabulary to describe addition and subtraction.* To be able to write a number sentence. * 7.Using and applying mathematics Solve problems involving counting and adding, subtracting, doubling and halving. p3 To answer questions by using the proper equipment and sorting information p3
Science Term 1Ourselves- our body Sorting and using materials Term 2Light and dark Growing plants Term 3Pushes and pulls Sound and Hearing
History/Geography Term 1Where we live* How to make our local area safer. Term 2 Victorian schools Where in the world is Barnaby Bear. Term 3 Victorian kitchens Famous people
Art/DT Term 1Self Portraits Moving Pictures Term 2Food Investigating Materials Term 3What is a sculpture Playground Structures
9:10-9:409:40- 10:4010:55-11:551:15 - 2:152:30 - 3:10 M Assembly PE LiteracyICTNumeracy T Guided Reading LiteracyNumeracyScience Handwriting W Assembly PPA LiteracyNumeracySciencePE Th Guided Reading Numeracy MusicLiteracyLibrary F Class Assembly /Reading LiteracyNumeracyHumanitiesArt/DT
Home Learning Literacy Listen to your child read every day key words to learn and write in sentences every week Maths Maths Sheets every week
General Reminders »Uniform and PE Kits »Water bottles »Reading folders
What is the MLE? MLE stands for Managed Learning Environment It is an online tool for the development of learning, teaching and communicating It is also referred to as a Learning Platform (Fronter) Virtual School – Rooms : year group, clubs It is a secure web-based service that children log on to in order to access activities and links to other sites The MLE can only be accessed by individuals who have been issued with a secure password Important - Only children from our school can see our MLE
Schools The Fronter Platform is used by students and teachers at hundreds of schools around the world. With almost 100 tools available, the platform can be customised according to the needs and vision of the school. Adjustments can be made to suit the school’s pedagogical methods and learner age group. Fronter for Primary Schools Children start experimenting with computers at a very early age. Some even learn to type before they learn how to write by hand. With the Fronter Platform, children from as young as 5 years old can now take part in a new generation of e-learning. The concept of 'learning together' can be slowly introduced within a multimedia environment, where pupils can work and express themselves as they discover a wide world filled with possibilities. The Fronter Platform is used by students and teachers at hundreds of schools around the world. With almost 100 tools available, the platform can be customised according to the needs and vision of the school. Children start experimenting with computers at a very early age. Some even learn to type before they learn how to write by hand. With the Fronter Platform, children from as young as 5 years old can now take part in a new generation of e-learning. The concept of 'learning together' can be slowly introduced within a multimedia environment, where pupils can work and express themselves as they discover a wide world filled with possibilities. Fronter – Learning Platform
Guidelines - Safety Pupils should never give out personal information, including passwords Pupils should be supervised wherever possible when using the MLE Pupils should be respectful when posting any personal responses to questions, forums and discussions Parents should ensure safe internet practices with children Parents should not use the MLE to contact teachers about specific issues Teachers will guide children towards appropriate use during school time Teachers will not use the MLE to contact parents about specific issues
What can you do with the MLE? Forums/Discussion Votes Tests Educational games Homework Educational videos Links to websites Pupils have their own online space and homepage
Benefits of the MLE Student voice Engaging and motivating pupils in their learning Extending teaching and learning beyond the school hours Covers a wide range of the curriculum Parental involvement and communication
USO Unified Sign On – (username and password) One USO allows access to the MLE and other LGFL tools including OR to access the lgfl
Access Pupils without access to the internet will be given opportunities to use the MLE within school hours
Goodbye and thank you for attending the evening! Please make sure that you have signed in on the correct class list.