Sacraments of Healing Anointing of the Sick
Sacrament of Healing & Strength Gives spiritual healing and strength to a person who is seriously ill Bestows special graces on the Christian experiencing the difficulties of serious illness or old age We encounter Christ – “I myself, will pasture my sheep…The lost I will search out, the strays I will bring back, the injured I will bind up, the sick I will heal…I will shepherd them in judgment”
What is Illness? A disruption of our everyday life – Weakness, physically and mentally – Vulnerable to fear, anxiety and despair A wake up call to the essentials of life – Stopped in our tracks – Forces evaluation – Leads to metanoia, conversion – We appreciate God’s gifts A turning point in our life – A new appreciation for life itself
Christ the Healer Christ heals our sin – During his ministry, Jesus healed people from their ailments and also forgave sin Christ heals our isolation – Christ healed those who were outcast because of their illness Lepers The hemorrhagic woman Christ may heal our physical ailments – Sometimes, if it is in God’s providence, our physical ailment will be healed What do we need to be healed? – Faith Roman soldier’s child – Healing touch
Suffering Christ’s suffering – By his suffering and death he redeemed the world – Align ourselves with Christ’s suffering – Participate in Jesus’ redemptive suffering Suffering and discipleship – Take up your cross and follow me – Offers discipleship for the sick and the healthy Unites us with Christ’ saving love for the sick Endurance – With patience – Share the sufferings of others
Scriptural & Historic Roots History of the Sacrament – Jesus invited the apostles to share in his healing ministry. – Attested to in the letter by St. James the Apostle Words used in the Anointing of the Sick – Since her beginning the Church has celebrated the sacramental anointing of the sick; later it was used only for the dying Extreme(last) Unction(anointing) Changed back with Vatican II
Over the Centuries Church has cared for the sick – During the plagues – Monastic guest houses became the first hospitals – Religious orders of healing brothers and sisters were founded – St. Damien of Molokai, served men and women suffering from leprosy – Mother Teresa took in those who were dying from the streets of Calcutta and cared for them – The sacrament is the culmination of the Church’s healing ministry and is usually offered at mass to a group or individual (usually preceded by the Sacrament of Penance)
Within the Mass Emphasizes the union of suffering with the self giving of Jesus Emphasizes the concern of the community Begins after the liturgy of the Word, Continues with the litany for the sacrament, in lieu of the Prayer of the faithful, The homily follows The sacrament begins. Continue with Liturgy of the Eucharist
Outside of Mass Greeting – Peace be with you Sprinkling with Holy Water – Reminder of Baptism Penitential Act – Similar to mass, omitted if penance was received Liturgy of the Word and homily – Gospel reading and explanation Liturgy of Anointing – Prayers, laying on of hands, anointing of forehead, hands, (body), – Particular prayer for the situation Lord’s Prayer Reception of Communion – Viaticum
The Rite of Anointing of the Sick Essential element – Prayer of faith The entire community prays for the sick – Anointing with the Oil of the Sick Oil is a sign of healing, strengthening and the presence of the Holy Spirit Ancient common remedy for wounds – **Laying on of hands Sign of blessing that signifies the coming of the Holy Spirit Recreates the actions of Jesus when the sick were brought to him ** not essential
Christ’s Healing Power Effects of Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick – The sick person is united to Jesus in suffering Suffering helps us to participate in Christ’s saving work – Strength, peace and courage to endure the suffering Grace renews our trust and faith in God – Forgiveness of sins If a person is not able to receive Reconciliation and is contrite, he is forgiven of sins – If it is God’s will, the restoration of health If it is for the good of his soul – Grace of union with the Body of Christ Intercessions of the saints – Prepared to pass over to eternal life We are prepared for the final struggle